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Morisset Road Upgrade and Extension-Environmental Impact Statement - Case Study Example

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The paper "Morisset Road Upgrade and Extension-Environmental Impact Statement" is a good example of a case study on management. The purpose of this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to respond to the proposed upgrade and extension of Morisset Road…
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MORISSET ROAD UPGRADE AND EXTENSION- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) By (Name) Institution Instructor Class/Course City Date Table of Content Page Executive Summary………………………………………………………………….3 Description of the project……………………………………………………………4 Goals EIS and how these broad goals are met (criteria) ……………………………5 Specific criteria………………………………………………………………………7 Analysis of the EIS Report…………………………………………………………8 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..10 References…………………………………………………………………………..12 Executive Summary The purpose of this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to respond to the proposed upgrade and extension of the Morisset Road (Kenny, Northern Canberra) that is expected to extend from the Sandford Street through Flemington road towards Federal Highway. In order to optimize development and connectivity potential of this project, this EIS has prioritize the possibilities of this upgrade and extension of the road as a positive direction in impacting the environmental, social, and economic attributes of the region. The size of the proposed development and the potential impacts of the road thus create the need for the environmental impact analysis. The social-economic impacts of the project ranges from agricultural to industrial levels considering that the extension will pass through pastoral, agricultural, and industrial portions of the area, activities that are very sensitive to the community. The scoping analysis that provides the details, such as proponents, legal land description, contact details, nature of the development, plans, as well as background studies describe the stages by which this EIS passes through to become legitimate. He potential impacts were assessed in terms of traffic and transport, noise and vibration, aboriginal and non-aboriginal heritage, hydrology, lighting, terrestrial ecology, bushfire, contaminations, land use impacts and others (Jimmie & Jacqueline, p. 163). This EIS uses certain criteria in order to come up with a complete review of the impacts of the Morisset Road upgrade and extension. The purpose of this EIS report is to explain the proposed road upgrade and extension as well as its benefits, to evaluate the potential environmental impacts, and finally to describe the mitigation measures to be implemented in order to minimize these environmental impacts of the project based on the said criteria. Description of proposed development The analysis of the environmental impact assessment requires that the project, basing on the extension and upgrade of the Morisset road, that an EIS is prepared in order to make the planning and development act of 2007 very relevant. The Proposed extension is identified as a major road, with the final design comprising two carriageways with four lanes, and being more than 1 km long. In addition, the construction impacts (e.g. noise, vibration, traffic movement etc) and long term impacts after construction (e.g. traffic, visual intrusion, ecological, and hydrological impacts) have potentially significant impacts (Australian Bushfire Protection Planners, 2010). In this case, this EIS has been prepared taking into account feedback obtained through a public consultation process undertaken as part of the EIS. As part of the plan to complement the Southern carriageway, the proposed upgraded Morisset Road is forecasted to function as a two directional carriage way for future transportation network in Canberra. More importantly, it will form a strategic road network linkage that will automatically yield some positive developmental outcomes. Apart from providing important transport infrastructure as well as access to the suburbs of Kenny, the road is expected to improve the heavy vehicles connections thereby creating an access to the industrial sections of the territory (Landim, & Sánchez, p. 218-20). The road is also expected to open up the access of the Bimberi youth centre and other various recreational and social facilities within the region. Since the existing traffic and transport system has reached its capacity level, some delays at various intersections have been observed, thereby creating the need to not only upgrade the Morisset road, but also to extend it. Goals EIS and how these broad goals are met (criteria) The environmental impact analysis is one of the environmental tools for predicting the effects, early enough that a project, plan, policy, or a program has on the environment before its implementation. Based on Morisset Road upgrade and extension project, the primary goal of the project was to provide alternative transport network as the Southern road construction is still on considering that as demands on the road increase, and funds become available. The goals of this environmental impact assessment are based on the expected benefits and significant effects of the proposed Morisset Road upgrade and extension. Through the analysis of the proposal, the criteria of meeting the goals of the assessment clearly shades more light on the goals as well as the importance of the assessment. In accordance to the major focus of the Territory plan, the Morisset Road upgrade and extension is objected to improve the heavy vehicle linkage and access to the industrial suburb of Mitchell from the Federal Highway, provide public access to the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, and also to provide the essential transport infrastructure and access to the future suburb of Kenny. The risk analysis of the proposal argued upon certain potential environmental impacts that would occur as this project takes on. Some of the mentioned risks included traffic and transport system, noise and vibration, lighting, hydrology among others. The EIS achieve the goals mentioned above by clearly describing and analyzing these expected impacts of the project. The description are based on the existing environment whereby the current environment are analyzed in order to enable a comparison and observational impacts, the potential impacts on the existing environment from the operations of the project, and the mitigation measures that are practicably recommended to counter the impacts of the existing environment. Finally, the EIS will analyze the residual risk that is perceived to remain to the existing environment after the impacts have been mitigated by the measures appropriately. As argued by Lewyn (p. 16-24), development of key social and economic projects requires serious consultations since it provides the prospect of knowing and responding to the critical issues of interest at the local level. The public forum has been given a chance from the preparation stages of the project. The community (public) also is provided with the opportunity to put their concern on their expectation of what the project would affect in their environment. The information retrieved from the public through consultation process is regarded as part of the environmental impact assessment and used to define the scope, understanding of the existing environment, as well as the possibility and effect of the potential impacts. Through numerous public consultations and the use of specialists’ studies, informed proceedings and comments were made concerning the proposal. The upgrade and extension of infrastructure is an important developmental project with many benefits attached to it. Different perspectives are provided in order to give the framework within which decision-makers can consider the environmental aspects of the proposal in parallel with social, economic, technical and other factors. Environment has a direct link to the resources that should be managed efficiently and effectively to satisfy human wants. More importantly, it is a fact that decision makers should consider since any issue affecting environment directly affect the social, economic, technical, and other factors of the society. The other gal of EIS is facilitate environmentally sound proposals by minimizing adverse effects and maximizing benefits to the environment - including through mitigating adverse impacts, and ongoing monitoring and management (Lewyn, p. 45). Within the context of sound mitigation of the environmental effects, the sole aim is to maximize the benefits of the project through involving mitigation measures to the environmental impacts of the project. Basically, by the mitigation measures in order to control these adverse effects, certain sustainable policies that deal with the environmental risks, integration of environmental, social and economic goals in activities as well as ensuring equal opportunity and community participation are involved. In addition, certain facilities such as bus facilities, pedestrian facilities, and cycling facilities are mentioned in the proposed project as part of the sustainable facts that would maximize benefits of the project. Specific criteria Basically, the EIS comply with the requirement of the scoping document that have the relevant information in terms of the expected impacts on the environment by the project activities as described earlier on. The scoping document analyzed the potential major risks, impacts, consequences, possible mitigation mechanisms that are in line with the environmental impact assessment. The possibility of these measures sustaining the impacts of the project activities, and the effects of the project visa-a-vie the benefits of the whole project is basically the aim of the environmental impact statement all about. In this case therefore, it is true that the EIS to some extent must comply with the requirements in the scoping document. Project management requires efficient and effective information that well drive the processes as planned. More importantly, the project, such as the Morisset Road upgrade and extension project requires accurate information in order to avoid the negative effects of the environmental issues. In this case therefore, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must rely on sufficient information in order to make informed decisions as far as the project is concerned. More than that, the positivity of the progress depends on the weighed pros and cons of the project effects. As argued earlier, one of the major goals of this EIS is to facilitate environmentally sound proposals by minimizing adverse effects and maximizing benefits to the environment - including through mitigating adverse impacts, and ongoing monitoring and management. Such kind of sound facilitation depends on sufficient information that is effective for assessment and to adequately inform decision making. The information in the Environmental Impact Statement is backed by information based study that is comprehensively and chronologically arranged in order to deliver the goals of the assessment. Considering the analysis of the potential traffic impacts associated with the potential road upgrade and extension the ACT Government’s Strategic Transport Model that was utilized for projections, it is logical to assert that the information in the EIS correct and technically as well as scientifically sound. This model that is to be adopted included the increased traffic volumes as projected of the population/commuter growth over the next 20 years from both existing and planned future suburbs such as Kenny. They also included planned major road network upgrades such as the Well Station Drive and Majura parkway upgrades. Drawing some analysis of the proposed Morisset Road upgrade and extension project, the road is expected to utilize the projected traffic volumes as generated by the model. The potential impacts on the road network performance are to be examined I terms of the changes in volume of the vehicles that utilize the road through volume ratio analysis, the performance of the intersections by queue analysis and delays. Based on these facts, the Environmental Impact Statement report on the proposed Morisset Road upgrade and extension project has technically and theoretically sound and efficient information. The environmental impact statement has relevant environmental values such as potential risks and impacts that the extension and upgrade of the road may have. Some of these impacts as described above included impacts on the traffic and transport network for the time, effects on hydrology, lighting system, aboriginal and non-aboriginal heritage, noise and vibration, contamination, terrestrial ecology, and land use effects. The resources, as stated by Lewyn (p. 24-7) defines the core values of the environment, and thus their optimization in the process of unleashing full benefit of the positive environmental impacts remained the goal of the project. The main vision of the project remains positive future development that will ease transport system in the region and link the transport network to the industrial and agricultural sectors. The other objective of the proposal, that is subject to the assessment in terms of the environmental impact, involves Improvement of the heavy vehicle connections and access to the industrial suburb of Mitchell from the Federal Highway, provision of essential transport infrastructure and access to the future suburb of Kenny, and provision of the public transport access to the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre. In this case therefore, it is logical to argue that the EIS identifies the relevant environmental values, and also does identify the likely or known impacts of the development on these environmental values. More than that, the Environ metal Impact Statement (EIS) does examine the social and economic benefits and/ or impacts of the development. Considering the opportunity that the EIS gives the consultative involvement with the relevant stakeholders such as the community and the specialists, it is true to argue that the EIS has taken into account the public comments, particularly those of affected parties. More than that, considering the analysis of the critical benefits and cost impacts that are expected out of the project, it is true to assert that the EIS contains a complete and satisfactory statement of key findings; e.g. significant impacts, proposed mitigation measures (e.g. management, offsets). One of the key reasons for environmental impact assessment statement is to make judgmental appeals to the policy makers of the said project based on the theories and practical facts on the ground (Jimmie & Jacqueline, p. 163). Such statements are deemed necessary in order to avoid any negative impacts to the surrounding environment and resources at an early stage of the project. Based on the initial objectives and goals of the EIS as described earlier, it is true to agree that the information in the EIS clear and understandable by decision makers and the public. Therefore, the EIS also contain sufficient information for decision making as well as recommendations. With the summary of the EIS being available, it is identifiable that the EIS has comprehensive recommendations to the policy makers and the management of the project of extending as well as upgrading the Morisset Road. However, due to other inefficiencies expected in the environmental monitory loopholes, some plans may not be executed as planned and may result in some deficiencies in the EIS. Conclusion Finally, it is proper to propel and inject resources on the projects that yield positive development to the community. The proposed Morisset Road upgrade and extensions one of the positive projects that is expected to provide a significant number of social and economic benefits, primarily through improved access to recreational areas, businesses, and future residential areas. From the analysis of the feedbacks from the public, as well as those of the specialists, in combination with the environmental impact assessment, this report has positive examination and agreement with the project proposal. More importantly, the detailed studies undertaken to assess the primary areas of environmental concern (Traffic and Transport, Noise and Vibration, Hydrology, Terrestrial Ecology) indicate that both the construction and operational impacts associated with the project, will not lead to significant negative nvironmental impacts providing that appropriate mitigation measures are applied. 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