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The Dynamics of Culture Across International Markets - Research Proposal Example

The paper "The Dynamics of Culture Across International Markets' is a great example of a research proposal on management. Visual communication will increase the value of a product and service by differentiating them from the competition. Nowadays, a business will strive to bridge a lasting relationship with its consumers…
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Title Your name: Admission No:   Institution Name: Year: Word Count:       Abstract A visual communication will increase the value of a product and service by differentiating them from the competition. Nowadays, a business will strive to bridge a lasting relationship with its consumers. The current research is investigating Western and Middle Eastern cultures that different visual communication can communicate to achieve a favorable customer perception. This paper will first investigate the dynamics of culture across international markets. Following the review of different methodology, the visual communication culture in the literature review has been analyzed. The current account has shown certain key limitations and contributions in the researched topics of visual communication. A spotlight on the respective research context and methodology is also presented. Content 1. Introduction pg.4 2. Research Methodology pg.5 3. Literature Review pg.8 4. Research Timetable pg.10 5. Expected Outcome pg.10 6. Reference List pg.11 1. Introduction The “westernization” of the Western and Middle Eastern cultures is a topic that has been under study, capable of simultaneously launching a consumer revolution and inciting war (Lallemand, 2013). After many years of civil unrest in this region has been rooted in the clash between ancient and modern culture and the growing influence of arts, new technologies and entertainment. Meanwhile, as the consumer base in this region continues to get bigger and is attracting a growing number of regional and international brands (Lallemand, 2013). As the international community has started to take note of this once closed region as a new destination for consumer opportunity, both international and regional brands have got serious about advertising their brands in this region (Gannon, 2004). Despite this rapid growth in this sector, the Western and Middle Eastern cultures present a number of unique challenges for visual communication (Lee, 2009). Culture has been found to have a role on how people behave (Hofstede, 1991). A study on cultural influence on consumer behavior has increased exponentially over the years. Instinctively, the present interconnectedness between markets and cultures advances affording unprecedented variety, and the anti-corporate universal sentiments, amongst other problems, requires company’s brands to closely understand consumers who are in communicating with their different cultures has been suggested to be strategy (Samovar et al 2010). There is a school of thought which argues that customers are followers to market communications (Hofstede, 1991). When consumers have started to express their needs and wants, behavioural theories have emerged that maintain the relationship between consumers and marketers. Given that cultural value is an important part of a client’s self, the need to study how different culture contributes brand assessment by consumers is needed (Hofstede, 1991). Given that cultural values are part and parcel of a consumer self, studying how culture affects consumer assessment about a brand is called for. Any brand whether local or international need to communicate to the customers culture-fit message so that the brand can be accepted. Marketing researchers urged to test western-based communication theories in different markets to achieve a global statue (Hofstede, 1991). The global variations between people are proved to be correlated to people’s cultures. For example, language and religion has been noted to be a stable source of differences (Lee, 2009). Therefore, this paper attempts to open up new insight from under researched market in Western and Middle Eastern cultures (Nydell, 2006). It is anticipated that Western and Middle Eastern consumers (represented by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and U.A.E) would have culture-specific needs that are not well highlighted by the existing visual communication (Lee, 2009). Therefore, the research question is: If branding is strategic element of cooperate strategy (Nydell, 2006), how does the company like do their adverts in Western and Middle Eastern cultures? It is believed the current study will achieve the following goals or objectives: (1) developing a visual communication that will aligned with values of Western and Middle Eastern cultures; (2) coming up with research findings that will enhance our understandings of visual communication message in Western and Middle Eastern cultures; and (3) how international companies can develop a successful visual communication strategies in this region. 2. Research Methodology A hybrid system for inquiry that combines both quantitative and qualitative technique will be adapted in this research. This will reflect the post-positivist research approach. This technique is considered to be the best for the research objectives and questions given the virginity level of visual communication research in Western and Middle Eastern countries. The first phase of this research will explore the underlying perceptions Western and Middle Eastern consumers form about visual communication concept. In addition, this phase will also involve data gathering using netnographic analysis from online sources such as YouTube, Facebook and consumer commentary sites. Based on the findings and evaluation the data, survey questionnaires will be developed and then distributed to real customers from the Western and Middle Eastern market with consideration to research methods sample size, sample representativeness, procedures, and other elements. To conceptualize, intellectualize, and facilitating the respective operation of the research constructs, the exact body of material used in this paper should be critically be surveyed. The systematic review approach that has been used in this research will help the paper to bring the research on specific topic together (Lee, 2009). It prevents the biased selection and missing significant contributions of referent literature. Systematic protocol that was followed has enabled the paper to provide an audit of trail of search algorithm and justifications for excluding/including articles that was used in this paper. The research started with an initial pool of 50 articles. These articles were extracted and then exported to RefWorks database. The articles were then filtered, and 18 articles comprise the (A) directly relevant information passed the filtration process. Due to the length constraint of this forum, only articles browsed from top rank journals are included in this paper analysis (McCracken, 2005). The table below summaries two major characteristics for the Western and Middle Eastern culture brand articles evaluated at this stage, research context and visual communication theme. Authors, Primary Periodical Full Publication Year Brand Theme Involved contexts Aaker & Keller International Journal of Research in Marketing 2000 Brand extension N/A Cayla & Arnould Journal of International Maketing 2008 Cultural branding N/A Sung & Tinkham Journal of Consumer Psychology 2005 Brand personality USA and Korea. O’Reilly Journal of Marketing Management 2005 Cultural branding UK Jun & Lee International Marketing Review 2007 Corporate identity USA and Korea. Abou, Aish et al Journal of Marketing Management 2003 Service brands Egypt and UK Koçak et al. Journal of Marketing Management 2007 Brand equity Turkey Krueger & Nandan Marketing Management Journal 2008 Brand management China and India Souiden et el European Journal of Marketing 2006 Corporate branding USA and Japan Monga & John Journal of Consumer Research 2007 Brand extension USA and India Mikhailitchenko et al. Journal of Business Research 2009 Brand communication USA and Russia Journal of Business Research 2009 Brand communication USA and Russia Brand communication USA and Russia Park & Rabolt Psychology & Marketing 2009 Brand image USA and Korea Aaker et al Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 2001 Brand personality Japan and Spain Tsai International Journal of Research in Marketing 2005 Brand purchase value N/A Sung & Tinkhan Journal of Consumer Psychology 2005 Brand personality USA and Korea Roth Journal of Marketing 2004 Brand image Argentina, Belgium, China. Koncak et al Journal of Marketing Management 2007 Brand equity Turkey Alden et al. Journal of Marketing 2004 Brand Positioning India, Thailand,and Korea, Table 1: Studies dealing with culture across brand management. Key points: A lot of previous studies have been published on customer perception of visual communication personality and brand extension (McCracken, 2005). Most studies have been carried out in transitional or developed markets and usually taking the position of comparing Western and Middle Eastern vs. West (Sojka & Tansuhaj, 2005). Gaps in the literature: Insufficient representativeness of Western and Middle East nations (Sojka & Tansuhaj, 2005). The relative paucity of studies published on visual communication across cultures (McCracken, 2005). 3. Literature Review Current Literature Localizations vs. Standardization Advertisement Strategy: International companies are consistently challenging with the question of whether they should use standard strategies or they should form their brand strategies or adapt another strategy that is based on geographical and local values (Rice, 2002). When it comes to visual communication in Western and Middle Eastern, there are also some oddities that are unique to these regions in general. It can be argued that visual culture in Western and Middle Eastern is being shaped by how much is allowed by law and that which is considered to be insensitive to social norms or un-Islamic. For example, in outdoor advertising, showing the faces of models within the advert is an issue because of its link to aniconism and the fear of idolatry. Gannon (2004) has stated that current methods and laws of handling visual communication in Western and Middle Eastern regions is something that is changing, just as the social norms and people are changing (Sojka & Tansuhaj, 2005). Ten years ago, the average Saudi was somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. Everything from education to the media and information was completely controlled by religious institution and the government (Rice, 2002). The current generation Y is more informed of what is going around the globe by means of the satellite television, internet and the pursuit of higher education in places such as the U.S and the U.K. According to Samovar et al (2010), the laws and boundaries of visual communication were constructed by previous generation (also Generation X) of conservatives who were in control of the ministries of information and communications, as in the case of Saudi Arabia. That the previous generation X is currently being replaced by a new generation Y of visually savvy (Hofstede, 1991), globally informed people especially the youth who are drawing new ideas across the globe and reinterpreting them for their own society and culture (Hofstede, 1991). There are many researches that discuss globalization vs. regionalization in brand name strategies in visual communication (Fastoso, 2010). In addition, there are serious debates in Western and Middle Eastern countries between renowned experts in visual communication on whether multinational media houses must localize or standardize their activities in these regions (Moon, 2002). Rice (2002) argued that there are not enough studies to certify the validity of visual communication concept in Western and Middle Eastern countries. For more than a decade, international corporations particularly Americans and Europeans companies want to stand on the top export companies across the globe. These companies export a lot of products, which promoted as a representative of their individualism, culture, progressive ideals and freedom (Hsiu, 2009). There is a lot of evidence in international marketing that shows visual communication strategies may work in one country but may fail in other countries regardless of cultural discrepancy in each of them (Fastoso, 2010). The finding of recent research reveals that companies get aware of importance in shifting their strategies from standardized to regional (Hsiu, 2009). Localized or localized methodology mentioned that each regional market across the globe needs its own branding strategy that is based on local or regional market condition (Rice, 2002). Thus, lack of knowledge about a foreign culture can lead to brand strategy failure (Fastoso, 2010). Further reading: Brand extension is an important strategy for well-known companies to exploit current positive perception of their brand. Brand personality has been interpreted differently by western cultures. Two questions that need to be asked, are whether visual communication research has significantly contributed to the principal brand building activity and, second, whether customers from collectivist cultures trigger a divergent concept of self personality than consumers from individualistic contexts. There is an insufficient representativeness of large customer base such like Western and Middle Eastern alongside lacking in visual communication research across cultures. These weaknesses that are there in the previous researches has indeed ignite the interest of this research to bring forth new insight of visual communications in distinct cultural profile that is found in Western and Middle Eastern countries. The current market conditions in Western and Middle Eastern are also on the visual communication strategy. Some factors must be highlighted: An increase in cross-platform visual communication Both the central government and local municipalities have started putting barriers on misrepresentation in visual communications and have started to put consumer protection measures. Dramatic investments and budgets surpluses in infrastructure project are also creating new job, especially for the advertisement industry. However, not all people particularly the old aged citizens speak well for the visual communications sector in these regions. The biggest challenge that visual communication may face is that some people in these regions still fear global economic conditions. 4. Research Timetable Activity Estimated Timeframe Develop or adapt research objectives Week 1 Design research protocol Week 2 & 3 Design or adapt instruments Week 4 Recruit interviewers Week 5 Collect data Week 6 to Week 10 Preliminary analysis in field Week 11 to Week 15 Prepare for presentation Week 16 Present preliminary results to communities Week 17 to Week 21 Complete analysis Week 22 to Week 26 Prepare report Week 26 to Week 33 5 Expected Outcome The study also presents the importance of regional culture in visual communication in western and middle eastern countries. The paper outcome is to to assist multi-national corporations to develop their business among Middle East countries. 5. Reference List Fastoso, F. W 2010, ‘Regionalization vs. globalization in advertising research: Insights from five decades of academic study’, Journal of International Management, 16, 32-42. Gannon, M. J 2004, Understanding Global Culture: Metaphorical Journeys Through 28 Nations, 3rd Edition, Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks. Hofstede, G 1991, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. London: McGraw-Hill. Hsiu, L 2009, ‘Effects of country variables on young generation’s attitude towards American products: a multi-attribute perspective’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(3), 143-154. Lallemand, J 2013, ‘Branding in the Middle East: how to seize opportunity amidst conflict’, Intellectual Asset Management Retrived from < http://www.iam-> Lee, R 2009, ‘Social capital and business and management: Setting a research agenda’, International Journal of Management Reviews , 11 (3), 247-273. McCracken, G 2005, Culture and Consumption II : Markets, Meaning, and Brand Management. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Moon, B. J 2002, ‘Consumer processing of foreign advertisements: roles of country-of-origin perceptions, consumer ethnocentrism, and country attitude’, International business review, 11, 117-138. Nydell, M 2006, Understanding Arabs: A Guide for Modern Times, 4th Ed., Intercultural Press, Boston. Rice, G. A. M 2002, ‘Assessing long-term promotional influence on market structure; the implication of Islam for advertising messages’, Journal of euro marketing, 11(3), 1-16. Samovar, L. A., et al 2010, Communication Between Cultures, 7th Ed, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston. Sojka, J. Z., & Tansuhaj, P. S 2005, ‘Cross-cultural Consumer Research: A Twenty-Year Review’, Advances in Consumer Research , 22, 461-474. Read More

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