The paper "The Effects of Job Evaluation Systems on the Performance of Personnel" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Job evaluation is an issue that is very vital for human resource professionals. There are numerous jobs inside an organization and they are graded in terms of their comparative importance. Job evaluation ranks jobs according to their content and not the individuals holding them. The main objective of job evaluation is finding the net value or worth of different jobs within the organization with the aim of finding wages and salary differentials. Management of every company usually endeavors to make the wages and salaries associated with jobs attractive in order to be able to compete with other organizations in attracting better talent. The process of job evaluation determines the relative value of every job through the establishment of a hierarchy of jobs within a company and is the key to the establishment of an equitable and fair pay structure.
Job evaluation is a systematic procedure that enhances the design and establishment of human resource improvement processes and fair reward schemes. Job evaluation is concerned with the assessment of a value system that sums up the significance of parameters that reflect the global duties and responsibilities of a job. Job evaluation doesn’t concern holders of jobs but is a concern with how responsible these jobs are and their share in the production of desired results. Job evaluation can also be defined as a systematic procedure for defining the relative size or value of jobs within a company in order to determine internal relatives and offer the basis for the establishment of equitable job grades and pay structures. The aim of job evaluation is to offer a consistent and systematic approach to defining the comparative value of jobs within a workplace, multiple-site or single plant organization. Job evaluation methods are either qualitative, quantitative or a combination of both. Job evaluation enables human resource professionals to grade jobs according to their relative worth to the organization and consequently develop wage structures.
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