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How Effective Leaders, React to Kind of Information - Coursework Example

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This coursework "How Effective Leaders, React to Kind of Information" looks at various research methods and information gathered from the research activities, as well as how they impact leadership. This will be my cutting edge on what makes one an effective leader…
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Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Introduction Leadership according to Lussier and Achua (2008) is the ability to influence others to follow ones actions and do what they are told to do. Leadership can take many dimensions in life. A leader can be of any kind of institution ranging from a family, to business organizations as well as political leadership. According to Jago (1972), people have claimed that, leaders are not born but they are made. This argument is debatable, depending on the point of view of the individual. However, it is important to underscore the fact that indeed, leaders are very essential people in any setting. Without proper leadership, there will definitely be confusion. This is the reason why every institution that is existent, should strive to achieve good leadership. This will not only help facilitate effective operations of the business, but at the same time move the organization to high places. Business organizations just like any other institution require effective leadership in order to enhance the effectiveness in their transactions. The business owners are entitled with a duty of ensuring that the organization is equipped with well trained leaders who can effectively guide the organization to greater heights. Such leaders are at the same time required to maintain high standards of both ethics as well as character (Hirschei, 2009). These will not only enhance their management style but also ease their burden of leading the organization. Business leaders should be individuals with very distinct characteristics from any other member of the organization. This is because there influence in the organization, can be very beneficial but at the same time, destructive in a sense that they can build or destroy an organization. Bad leaders can incite other echelons to stagnate activities in the organization. This is the reason why such people need to be poses a very high degree of integrity (Hirschei, 2009). This paper seeks to answer the question of whether effective leaders need to be well informed of the impact of research on organizational change. They should therefore apply the same to the organization, but with respect to the ethical framework. The paper will therefore analyze some of the qualities of an effective leader, as well as look at some of the principles of leadership with regards to effective leadership. The leadership theories will come in handy, as they will be the guidelines to my discussion. The paper will look at various research methods and information gathered from the research activities, as well as how they impact on leadership. Finally, the paper will analyze, how effective leaders, react to such kind of information, but with strict adherence to the ethical framework. This will be my cutting edge on what makes one an effective leader. Leadership Roles The role of leaders, can take three dimensions, these are: Interpersonal roles, Informational roles and Decision making roles. Interpersonal roles involve the interaction activities between the various people in the organization. Leaders have the initiative to take precedence in enhancing interpersonal activities in the organization. This includes presiding over meetings, entertaining customers as well as signing the company official documents. Leaders are required to be at the forefront in facilitating the flow of information, in the organization. Information is a powerful tool in any setting. It can therefore, build or destroy the organization, depending on the context in which it is disseminated. In this case therefore, leaders, have to be cautious to ensure that employees are well informed on new developments, as well as any strategic changes (Lennick & Kiel, 2008). Leaders are in most cases decision makers in most organizations. They are therefore required to make informed decisions, regarding the stand points of the company’s management (Lennick & Kiel, 2008). The decisions made should be fair, and ethical. Such decisions should be in line with the company policies and regulations. Timely decision making is very important to an organization and to employees in general. This is because it helps to eliminate fear among employees on the effect of such actions. If indeed employees develop a sense of fear on certain decisions to be made by the leadership there are more likely to perform poorly. This might stagnate, the company’s performance in due course of time (Hirschey, 2009). Leaders are not machines, but indeed human beings. They are therefore bound to make some decisions, which might not go well with all the members of the organization. It is important therefore that they follow the principles of leadership, which will be their guiding tool in this endeavor. Such principles help leaders to make informed decisions which will not only get approval from the employees but will also enhance the performance of the business (Goldsmith, 2005). Principles of Leadership These are the guiding tools which enable the leader to maintain focus while making decisions. 1. Knowing yourself and seek self improvement This principle requires that leaders conduct a self check on their conduct as well as their personal traits. Leaders need to identify the points of weakness and try as much as possible to improve on their weakness and at the same time capitalize on their strengths to increase their effectiveness. 2. Being Technically proficient Leaders should be technically equipped with relevant skills in the area of technology. This is for reasons that globalization has taken a centre stage in most business operations. To be an effective leader, one must be all rounded in technological matters. Most organizations are adopting online business transactions. Such advancements require that leaders be at the forefront in implementing the changes (Hirschey, 2009). 3. Taking responsibility of individual actions This is one challenging aspect in leadership however if appreciated, it helps to bring out the best of any leader. This is because as leaders, individuals are not expected to engage in blame games, especially whenever a problem arises. Taking responsibility spares on from being seen as a coward. It also, brings out some level of boldness and charisma in a leader. 4. Leading by example Effective leaders need to set precedence in everything that the organization plans to do. This is a very important, because most employees wait for the directions of the leadership before they take particular actions. This should not be mistaken to bureaucracy, but rather a sign of leadership. If leaders set good examples, the organization is expected to perform well. However if leaders take wrong standpoints, the organization is headed to failure (Goldsmith, 2005). 5. Keep workers well informed As already stated, information is a powerful tool which sets people free from unnecessary anticipations. If information is made available in good time, the employees will not engage in too much grapevine. Lack of timely information is one major cause of grapevine in any organization. It is essential for effective leaders to keep the workforce informed at all times. 6. Make sure that duties and tasks are well set out, for each individual It is important for leaders, to set up tasks for the workforce. This should be followed by a process of ensuring that such tasks are well understood, and therefore executed according to what is expected. If the leadership does not issue clear instructions to the employees, they are bound to carry out sub-standard jobs. This will definitely have an impact on the performance of the organization. In order to avoid such confusion, leaders should ensure that they issue out instructions in a well understandable language (Hirschey, 2009). The principles outlined above are very important to any leader who wishes to be effective in carrying out the leadership duties, because it will put the company at a greater advantage to its competitors. Impact of Research information on Leadership Research is what helps in most decision making activities in any organization. The effectiveness of the leadership does not emanate out of mere here-say. It has to come from a solid foundation which is a result of research activities. I will therefore first look at the various research methods, which can affect the leadership decisions (Goldsmith, 2005). Research methods There are a number of research methods which can be employed by the leadership, in order to facilitate the acquisition of current information, which is a basis through which the management makes informed decisions. This information is then blended with historical information, in order to enable sound and informed decision making (Hirschey, 2009). The research methods commonly used include: (i) Qualitative research methods (ii) Quantitative research methods The above methods are useful in research, because they help to collect information as well as to analyze the relevant information. The information gotten from the research process is very essential to management in a number of ways (Hirschey, 2009). First, research information can bring about an overhaul of the entire system of operation. This is mostly in cases where, technology advancements are involved. The best example of such a decision is when the firm wants to automate its system. Research is conducted on the various information systems that can be of help to the organization. Once the various types are analyzed, the leadership is then entrusted with the responsibility of enacting change (Hirschey, 2009). Secondly research information, can bring about a change in routine procedures. If for instance, employees’ performance can be increased with the introduction of certain policy guidelines such as incentives, then a change in routine procedure will be very essential. On such example is the introduction of overtime payments, to employees who are willing to work extra hours. The leadership can enact this decision, by allowing employees to switch to this routine (Goldsmith, 2005). Thirdly, research about new products in the market can entice the leadership to consider, new product development. If indeed, there are new trends in the market, the leadership, will make use of such research information to manufacture new products into the market (Lennick & Kiel, 2008). In summary therefore, it is paramount for the leadership to engage the research and development department in a number of research activities. Such activities will really help the organization to improve its performance (Hirschey, 2009). It is worth mentioning, the fact that information gathered from the research activities, is very instrumental in the decisions made by the leaders (Goldsmith, 2005). Such information does not only help the organization understand it position in the market, but it also enables the introduction of new methods of solving problems as well as bringing change to the working environment (Hirschey, 2009) Role of Effective leaders in Implementing Change Effective leaders, have a role to play in regards to the implementation of change in the organization. They are at the fore front in the organization and therefore, it is there duty to spearhead such change. There are certain ways in which the leader can employ policies in order to effectively implement the necessary change (Hirschey, 2009). Manipulation This is the process of analyzing the information gathered in order to enable it suit the organizational needs. Each organization has got special needs, which needs to be addressed. This therefore means that the information gathered need to be tailored to suit such king of special needs. The process of tailoring the information to perfectly fit onto the demands of the organization has to be initiated by the leaders. They are therefore charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the process is carried out with due diligence in order to avoid any future complications (Goldsmith, 2005). This is process is very complex and sensitive in a way because, most people tend to think that the leadership will change the content of the requirements set up by the research information (Mayle,2002). Persuasion The process of persuasion is mainly concerned with ensuring that the new changes that have been recommended by the research team are well accepted by the employees. The fact that change has been brought into the organization, does not guarantee that a substantial majority of the employees will just accept it (Hirschey, 2009). Some people will need to be convinced of the reasons as well as the rationale used in arriving at certain decisions (Lussier & Achua, 2008). It is therefore the duty of the leader to ensure that he or she has persuasively convinced the organization’s staff of the benefits that come with the change process that is instigated. Lobbying sometimes is called for, especially with regards to the other stakeholders. The process of lobbying has been criticized by many proponents of ethics. However, there are some instances which need some level of lobbying in the organizational change (Mayle,2002). Facilitation This is the process of providing the relevant resource in order to implement the change process. This process requires a lot of commitment and planning. The leader is entrusted with the sole responsibility of gathering enough resources in order to ensure that change is implemented in a manner that bests suits the environment. The leader has to ensure that the employees properly understand the new changes before they are implemented (Michel et. al 2000). This is necessary because if the employees are not well versed with the content of the information they are bound to resist change (Mayle,2002). The acquisition of new equipments as well as the relevant tools that will be needed to implement changes in the organization is also the duty of the leader. It is mandatory for the leaders to ensure that enough finances are available to see this process through (Mayle,2002). Implementation The final process of implementation is also the sole duty of the leader, with the help of other employees of the organization (Carteret et al 2005). The leader is entrusted with a duty of ensuring that the change that has been recommended by the research and development department is effected. The leader takes the responsibility of ensuring that the changes are effected properly in order to bring about transformation in the structure of the organization. Implementation is a process that takes time because it cannot be done at once. It might be implemented in stages or it can be implemented parallel to the current structure. This is depended on the management decisions (Goldsmith, 2005). Ethical Considerations The organization is obliged to maintain ethicalness in its transactions at all times. This is because of the changing trends in the market. In the current world consumers are well informed on what is not ethical, as well as what is not ethical. They will therefore give preference to companies which practice ethics in their business transactions. It is therefore important that leaders maintain ethics in all areas of the company. An effective leader has to ensure that as the company appreciates new ideas, it maintains ethicalness at all times (Bass, 1998). An effective leader has to be at the fore front in propagating as well as preaching ethicalness. If a leader for example, engages in an unethical behavior then the effectiveness in his leadership is put into jeopardy. An effective leader should not at any time, tolerate any unethical behavior from many member of the organization (Daft, 2007). Conclusion The success of any business depends not only on how well the product is doing in the market, but largely on the commitment of its employees. The leadership in this case orchestrates the good performance of such organization. It is therefore important for the organization to have an effective leadership team if indeed it aims at making an impact into the market. In order to be an effective leader, one need has to be very trustworthy. Trust is an important aspect of leadership. In fact employees like leaders who can be trusted (Ann, Marianne, 2002). Effective communication is another aspect of leadership, which makes individuals effective leaders. It is therefore necessary for the leadership to offer employees with timely information at all times (Maryanne, 2002). In summary therefore, I totally agree to the fact that an effective leader is indeed one who keeps up with the pace of new market information, and implements necessary changes in an ethical framework. Reference  Ann R. J., Marianne, B. C., (2002). Methods in educational leadership and management. CL: SAGE Bass, B. M., (1998). Transformational leadership: industrial, military, and educational impact. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Carter L.,Ulrich. D.,Goldsmith. M., (2005). Best practices in leadership development and organization change: how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership. CA: ohn Wiley and Sons. Daft, R. L. (2007). The leadership experience. OH: Cengage Learning Douglas A. Smock, R. A. (2007). On-demand supply management: world class strategies, practices, and technology. WA: J. Ross Publishing. Goldsmith, L. C. (2005). Best practices in leadership development and organization change: how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership. CA: John Wiley and Sons. Hirschey, M. (2009). Fundamentals of Managerial Economics. OH: Cengage Learning.  Lennick, D., Kiel, F.(2008) Moral Intelligence: Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership Success. NJ: Warton School Publishers Lussier R.N., Achua, C.F., (2008) Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development. OH: Cengage Publishers Mayle, J. H. (2002). Managing innovation and change. CL: SAGE. Michel Wedel, Wagner Antonio Kamakura.(2000) Market Segmentation: conceptual and Methodological Foundations Kluwer academic publishers. Massachusettes. Read More
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