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Fire Risks Management at Ewood Park - Case Study Example

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The paper "Fire Risks Management at Ewood Park" is a perfect example of a case study on management. According to Ewood Park (2008), Ewood Park is a football stadium for the Blackburn Rovers Football club located in Lancashire. It has four stands whose names are protected by naming rights namely Darwen’s end, Blackburn ends, Jack Walker stand, and riverside stand…
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Table of contents Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Legislative controls at Ewood Park 3 Access of the Blackburn Park 4 Access of Blackburn Park by car 4 Access of the Blackburn Park by bus 4 Ewood park crisis plan 4 Expected conduct of fans inside Ewood Park 5 Prohibited things into the Ewood park stadium 5 Ewood park risk and potential hazards 6 Fire risks management at Ewood Park 6 Ewood park activation of fire alarms 7 Crisis management of a bomb threat and suspected bomb packages 8 Ewood park 24 hour bomb assessment prior to match 8 The Blackburn match commander 9 Evacuation and search methods at Ewood Park 9 Ewood park building services towards crisis management 9 Installed components that are tested 24 hours before match commences 10 Decontamination procedures at Ewood Park 10 Video recording at the Ewood park stadium 11 Forbidden acts that may distort safety at Ewood Park 11 Consequences of breaching Ewood park safety regulations 12 Level of emergency at Ewood Park 12 Conclusion 12 Recommendations 13 Bibliography 14 Introduction According to Ewood Park (2008), Ewood Park is a football stadium1 for the Blackburn Rovers Football club located in Lancashire. It has a seating capacity of 31,367. It has four stands whose names are protected by naming rights2 namely Darwen’s end, Blackburn end, Jack Walker stand and riverside stand. Jack Walker stand3 has a seating capacity of 11,000 and houses dressing rooms, media and conferencing functions. Blackburn end4 has a seating capacity of 8,000. Riverside stand5 has a seating capacity of 5,000 while Darwen’s end has a seating capacity of 8,000 and accommodates a car park. Ewood Park is primarily used for football matches. Other secondary activities include ground hopping, music concerts and shows. Ewood public visits are scheduled from first may to thirtieth September between 1130hours to 1430hours. The seats in the two tiers6 of every stand are retractable. Administration and training facilities at Ewood Park are open on weekdays and football matches are usually scheduled for Saturday afternoon. When a match is slotted for a Saturday evening, no concerts or shows are slotted for Thursday or Friday because the grass is given period to recover. Legislative controls at Ewood Park Humphrey (2002) argues that Safety of users of Ewood Park is enforced through partnership protocols and Ewood park stadium meets legislative controls outlined by the regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005, the safety of sports grounds Act 1975 (amended), the building regulation act and the licensing Act 2003. Risk assessments are routinely carried out before a match and relevant data shared between relevant agencies and safety officials who also include Blackburn match commander and Blackburn club safety officer. Geraint, Sheard and Vickery (2007) suggest that the legislative guidelines state clearly that Ewood Park should be used for the purpose in which safety certificate covers. Serby (1930) proposes that legislations ensure the management of Ewood park stadium complies with laid down procedures and safety standards7. Ewood Park is therefore supposed to get a go-ahead for event hosting from the fire authority before signing a contract to host it. This is in line with requirements of regulatory reform order 2005 and safety of sports ground Act 1975. According to Gustin (2007) Ewood management cannot therefore make any alteration to the premise and if any alterations are made, they should be certified through issue of amendment of special safety certification. This is depended on recommendations of building control service after carrying out risk assessment. Access of the Blackburn Park Access of Blackburn Park by car Those who need to access Blackburn Ewood Park by car, if driving along M6 should turn at junction 29 and join M65 and then drive east to Blackburn. A signpost of Ewood Park is visible along M65 and should use A666 and head towards Blackburn. Access of the Blackburn Park by bus Those who want to access Blackburn rovers Ewood Park by bus should use bus lines 3, 3a, 3b, 46 and 346 from the station in the Blackburn city centre. Ewood park crisis plan Every event that takes place at Ewood Park is subject to different crisis management plans. Entry into Ewood park stadium is authorized upon a user or football fan producing a valid match or event ticket which is presented Ewood Park designated officials and inside the park upon request by the safety personnel, event stewards or police officers otherwise access is denied or fan is ejected from the event. Driving and parking of vehicles is governed by procedures. The vehicle is parked after it has been cleared by the stewards or police officers. This is after it has been determined it is not a threat to the security and safety of users. Stewards and police officers manning entry points examine if fans to an event are possible security threats depending on whether they are drug or not or if they are in possession of weapons or fatal combustible substances either physically or chemically. A cloth search is carried out on suspected fans. Expected conduct of fans inside Ewood Park Gustin (2007) argues that all participants in an event hosted at the Ewood Park are required to adhere to procedures that foster security of occupants by abiding by guidelines that are given by event organizers, safety personnel, stewards, police officers, fire brigade officials in case of emergency exit, incident rescue service officials or Ewood Park stadium announcer. Haddow and Bullock (2007) have indicated that users are not supposed to engage in activities that could lead into harm or endanger, or obstruct or annoy other users. The fans are supposed to use seats designated to them by their match tickets and should access their seats and stands through the appropriate access routes. During the progression of the event, all entrances, exits, emergency routes, escape channels and routes and rescue routes should be clear to facilitate safe movement of users of Ewood Park to safe grounds in the case of an incident that requires evacuation. Heath (1998) agrees that directions of exit or entrance given by safety personnel, match commander, police officers at different points should be followed strictly in order to help in eliminating opportunities of danger to life, health and destruction of property. Prohibited things into the Ewood park stadium a. The following things are not supposed to accompany fans or users into Ewood park b. Weapons of any kind c. Anything that can harm or cause pain or even kill8 d. Fireworks, smoke powder, smoke bombs e. Stimulants9 f. Animals10 g. Gas spray cans corrosive and combustible substances. Ewood park risk and potential hazards With a capacity of 31,367, Ewood Park has a great potential of crowd disorder and this could lead into crushing of people as they rush out of the park. There is likelihood of overcrowding and pitch invasion and any of the scenarios presents an opportunity for injury or death and need for evacuation. Fire risks management at Ewood Park Moore and Lakha (2002) suggested that every member of staff at Ewood Park is responsible for safety. If a member of staff detects a scenario that has potential of developing into fire, he or she should immediately activate the nearest fire alarm11. Blackburn F.C. safety officer and the match commander are supposed to take immediate appropriate steps according to procedures of outbreak of fire incident. This involves immediately implementing evacuation of users using recommended routes12. If the fire incident is confined in the ground level, safety measures should identify the stand in question. Respective stewards should ensure all exit routes are clear of obstruction to avoid crushing of users as they escape from the scene. According to Fire Safety inspectorate (2002), this should be carried out during pre-match briefing as directed by the Blackburn safety officer or any head steward supervisor in command. The stewards should be conversant with the site of incident and have appropriate skills regarding safe handling of the fire fighting equipment. The head steward at the stand of incident should be sure the relevant stewards under his or her command have relevant information on handling the fire, have clear procedures for tackling the incident through dynamic analysis and assessment and adequate training on the same. Ewood park activation of fire alarms The main fire alarm is located at the main stand and has break parts located throughout the stadium. Fire Service inspectorate (2002) argues that when the fire alarm is activated, an audible alarm is heard and activation shows itself on the control panel in the Blackburn’s entrance foyer. Once the fire alarm is activated, it simultaneously notifies fire and rescue service via an emergency call. The next step involves a manual telephone call to Blackburn’s safety officer and personnel responsible for fire and rescue service. This is implemented by dialing 999. All staff then prepare for evacuation of the respective stand without delay. Crisis management of a bomb threat and suspected bomb packages According to Fire Service inspectorate (2002) any member of Blackburn’s staff who receives information on any bomb threat or is made aware of available suspected bomb package should immediately inform Blackburn’s safety officer, the Blackburn’s match secretary who should make efforts to make the match commander aware of the same immediately. Ewood park 24 hour bomb assessment prior to match Moore and Lakha (2002) argue that according to legislation, there should be a report on the state of Ewood Park for the match and public attendance before the match commences. Bomb risk assessment is carried by the head of stewards or Blackburn safety officer who make arrangements for every part of the stadium including stand beds to be inspected thoroughly for any suspected package. Moore and Lakha (2002) and Fire Service inspectorate (2002) both agree that if any package is suspected the head of stewards or any designated supervisor should notify the Blackburn’s safety officer and police immediately. Police officers carry out investigations with help of bomb experts and immediately inform Blackburn’s match commander of the outcome. The suspected package is not disturbed13. Only visual examination is recommended according to legislation. The police and other designated investigators follow bomb threat assessment procedures. Safety measures that should be implemented include abstinence from making radio or cell phone telephone calls within 25 metres from the suspected package14. The Blackburn match commander The Blackburn match commander consults with Blackburn safety officer and makes vital decisions on necessary actions to take and incorporates fire and rescue services. If the match is in progress, the stand is fully evacuated. Evacuation and search methods at Ewood Park According to Fire Service inspectorate (2002) the Blackburn management is supposed to make decision on evacuation and search mechanisms. Police officers are summoned to offer required assistance in order to minimize users’ panic and possible obstruction. Evacuation should be implemented via the shortest and safest exit route. Elevators should be avoided as much as possible unless informed otherwise by the safety officer. Alternate escape routes should be used in case the expected escape route is suspected to be a safety threat. Ewood park building services towards crisis management Geraint, Sheard and Vickery (2007) indicated that the Blackburn management ensures there is 24 hour surveillance and that safety of users and public is well taken care of. This is managed by ensuring fire alarms; smoke automatic detectors and all installations made to manage security and safety are functioning optimally. These are tested by a certified personnel and outcome of assessment reported to the safety officer and match commander. Fire brigade officials then implement reinforcement procedures as laid down under section two and section twelve of fire safety Act 1947. Installed components that are tested 24 hours before match commences a. Automatic fire detectors b. Fire warning systems including automatic smoke detectors and fore alarms c. Repeater panels d. Steward radio systems e. Emergency telephones f. Closed circuit television g. Emergency lighting systems h. Temporary television camera platforms and media installation In the event the installed components in any given stand are not functional. No risks are taken and the stand is closed for public use. A letter containing detailed results is then handed over to the Blackburn safety officer and Blackburn match commander. Decontamination procedures at Ewood Park Baldwin (1994:pp.16-23) points out that in the event of chemical powder sprays on the users of the Ewood Park, decontamination exercises are implemented. Ewood management have forklift trucks that help to deliver decontaminant facilities and personal protective equipment to members of public in the affected areas who are not able to move due to possible spread of the chemical through the wind. Smith (2003) argues that this is carried out immediately in order to reduce the period of time that the victim is exposed to risk of the chemical. Ewood Park has designated tents that have showering facilities. The showers are fed with warm water and any other solution that could detoxify the chemical and render it harmless. Water is used to dilute the chemical contaminant. After warm shower, the victims are given special cloths to put on before medical treatment and first aid are administered. This is followed by briefing on management of the chemical burns according to handling instructions of the chemical upon forensic analysis and identification of the active ingredient in the chemical. Physiological and physiological counseling is then implemented to help victims to cope with the impact of the chemical. Video recording at the Ewood park stadium There is no authorized recording or dissemination of images or video clips for commercial purposes to media houses or via the internet. There is no authorized dissemination of photographs taken during event or photographs of the building for any commercial value. Forbidden acts that may distort safety at Ewood Park a. No selling of goods, tickets distribution of printed materials or promotional activities b. No throwing objects or liquids to other users in the stadium c. No starting fires or launching fireworks, smoke powders or smoke bombs d. No standing on seats is authorized Consequences of breaching Ewood park safety regulations a. The offender is expelled from the stadium and handed to police b. Offender is subject to ban from football matches c. Ewood Park institutes legal proceedings for intrusion and creating disorder d. Penalties are imposed to cover administration costs Level of emergency at Ewood Park The emergency plan for Ewood Park covers minor incidents as well as major incidents. The crisis management plan covers all types of incidents that may result in the stadium. The only incidents that are not addressed by the Ewood park emergency plans include biological weapons with regard to fatal gases that affect respiratory systems. Conclusion Ewood Park satisfies legislations on safety and is prepared to deal with emergency cases ranging from minor to major emergency plans through community partnership. Ewood park management team works closely with other agencies in order to ensure safety of users is optimized. Fire safety regulations at Ewood park are in line with safety of sports ground Act 1975 that was agreed upon between city’s council licensing service, building control service and fire and rescue service, Blackburn rovers football club and local authorities ground safety advisory group. Recommendations Ewood park crisis management team should improve on their modalities for managing creation of disaster and recovery plans that prioritize recovery of Ewood park businesses processes. This should be done in order to achieve optimal resource allocation that should result into revenue maximization and reduction of operating costs. Incidents lead into interruption of business cycle and therefore Ewood Park should improve on her measures for managing risk planning through risk assessment and mitigation and secondly through crisis assessment and management planning that should be realized through process-controlled-incident resolution. Ewood Park should improve on her recovery services, incident analysis and investigation and tame chances of incident occurrences. Ewood Park should improve strategies for identifying risks and increasing surveillance for both internal and external risks. The risks should be categorized in terms of probability namely low probability risks and high probability risks. This should be followed by assigning a tolerance factor against every probable risks identified. This should then be followed by identification of possible potential impact of the risk in terms of Ewood park business and corporate image. Bibliography Damian, S. (2003, February 18). To be Ready to decontaminate people, the fire service is getting an initial 53 Million GBP. Retrieved January 6, 2009, from Ewood park. (2008.). ewood park: the stadium guide. Retrieved January 5, 2009, from the stadium guide: Fire Service inspectorate. (2002). Fire Service operation: Incident command (fire serviuce manual 2. London: Stationery office books. Geraint, J., Sheard, R. and Vickery, B. (2007). Stadia: A Design and Development guide (4th ed. ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier/Architectural press. Gustin, J. (2007). Disaster and Recovery planning: A Guide For Facility Managers. Liburn (Georgia): FairMont Press Inc. Haddow, G.D. and Bullock, J.. (2007). Introduction to Emergency Management (4th ed. ed.). London: Butterworth Heinemann. Heath, R. (1998). Crisis management for managers and executives. Financial times . Humphrey, W. S.(2002). Winning with Software: An Executive Strategy. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Moore, T. and Lakha, R. (2002). Tolly's Handbook of disaster and emergency management: Principles and Practice (3rd ed. ed.). London: Butterworth Heinemann. Richard, B. (1994). Training for the Management of Major Emergencies. Disaster Prevention and Management , Vol. 3 (Issue no. 1), pp.16-23. Serby, M. W. (1930). The Stadium: A treatise on the design of stadiums and their equipment. New York, Cleveland: American institute of steel, Inc. Read More
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