Team Leader Example | Topics and Free Essays - 3.
Team Leader Example | Topics and Free Essays - 3.
So instead of brainstorming with what is supposed to be mapped out in our project, we ended up discussing irrelevant things until the class ended and let our leader decide as to what our project would be, stressing out that we will definitely work with whatever she will have in mind. The next day, our group leader handed out the action plan for the project and it didn’t go smoothly as expected. Two of our group mates cannot accomplish the task assigned to them because it turned out that it was in conflict with their schedules in other classes.
I, on the other hand, thought that the project was unrealistic and impossible to complete on time given the fact that two of my other group mates refused to deliver the task assigned to them. It turned out into a heated discussion, the group leader quite upset that we had to go over with the planning again. But the good thing was, at the end of the day, although there was time constraint already, we were able to agree on something that is workable for the rest of the group.It is with heated discussions that ideas are critically evaluated, analyzed, and polished.
Provided it is not taken personally, an exchange of ideas can definitely promote a good sense of learning and in turn, can help deliver the best decision that will surely work.
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