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Ethical Use of Power in Management - Article Example

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The author of the paper "Ethical Use of Power in Management" is of the view that power in the management context can be defined as the possession of command and control. It is defined as having authority over others who have low ranks and positions. …
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Ethical Use of Power in Management
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There is no clear-cut line that distinguishes between ethical and unethical behavior. One uses their own discretion to determine what counts as ethical and what does not.  Ethics and its application in management are determined by the conditions in the immediate environment, state of mind, timing, and the current state of affairs.

The ultimate goal of the attribution theory is to help a person, and in this case, a manager, comprehend the reason behind certain human behavior. This is based on the fact that people need to link causes to behaviors as opposed to assuming that these behaviors are random. This theory fronts that supervisors should react in ways that bring out the positive attitudes of the subordinates (Martinko, 2006).

 Managers can mitigate the negative outcomes of political behavior by steering clear of taking political sides. Since he is the manager and the overall in charge, he should exercise restraint from leaning towards any political affiliation and should instead act as an authoritative father figure who unites all who are under him (Martinko, 2006).

The people in the work environment are often less empowered because the managers exercise all the powers and decision-making. This state can be improved by delegating duties to the various subordinates thereby instilling a sense of belonging, empowerment, and responsibility in them (Martinko, 2006).

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