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Leadership as Special Kind of Human Behaviour - Coursework Example

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Leadership is a certain behavioural characteristic that some of the individuals posses within them and they prove to be good team leaders. However, the research says that there are…
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Leadership as Special Kind of Human Behaviour
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Leadership of the of the Executive Summary The study has been carried out on the leadership approaches practised in various organizations. Leadership is a certain behavioural characteristic that some of the individuals posses within them and they prove to be good team leaders. However, the research says that there are some individuals who are leaders by birth and they have the leadership skills that are necessary to run a team, whereas, there are some individuals who develop the leadership qualities through training. The organizations select their team leaders based on the personality of an individual. The behavioural characteristics of an individual determine whether the person would prove to be a good team leader or not. However, there are two types of leadership approaches followed by the managers within the organization. The transformational approach comprises of the leaders who motivate the team members with moral values and prefer to incorporate new ideas in order to run the projects. On the contrary, the transactional leadership strategy uses the already existing ideas and these leaders motivate the employees by rewarding them for their good performance. This is because; the performance of the team members contributes to the success of the organization as a whole. The study also indicates the self reflection of the researcher’s future plans to work as a team leader in an organization and adopt various strategies to manage the teamwork. Table of Contents 1.Part I 4 1.1 Introduction to Leadership 4 1.1.1 Trait Theory 4 1.1.2 Behavioural Theory 5 1.1.3 Contingency Theory 6 2.Part II 9 2.1 Self reflection as a student 9 3.Part III 12 3.1 Action Plan 12 References 14 Appendix 15 1. Part I 1.1 Introduction to Leadership Leadership is considered to be a special kind of human behaviour present in the individuals that helps in running an organization. There is no particular way to be a leader and according to the researcher, there are several leadership models and approaches (DeRue, et al., 2011). A leader within an organization should be such that the person has the capability to set goals for the organization and have the potentiality to manage the teams. The goals that are set for the organization and the team management skills are the main components of the leadership theory (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). Leader within an organization can contribute to the success and failure of the company. The leaders are meant to carry out the process of leadership through the knowledge and skills that the person has (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). A fundamental characteristic that a good leader should have is that of the leader should understand the needs and desires of the team members of a team. The team leader is expected to motivate the employees within an organization so that they can perform well under pressure. There are various theories of leadership followed in different organizations in order to maintain a healthy work culture within an organization. 1.1.1 Trait Theory The theory mainly considers the value and beliefs, confidence, personality, mental, physical and emotional attributes of the leader in an organization. The theory also suggests that people are born with specific traits and these traits are important to develop the leadership skills. Study says that the people with right traits can prove to be good leaders of the organization (Nupponen, 2006). The trait theory actually determines the individual’s ability to become potential leaders. The trait theory provides the concept that the leaders are born but not made. However, there is a disadvantage of the trait theory that it fails to consider the other factors that determine the leadership quality in a person. There are organizations that use the personality assessment as an important part for selecting a manager or a team leader (Burnette, Pollack & Hoyt, 2010). The organization considers it to be an important responsibility to select a good team leader because a team leader is responsible for running the projects successfully in team and thus they can contribute to the organization’s success. The personality of an individual gives an idea about the behavioural characteristics of an individual and whether the person is suitable to be a team leader or not. 1.1.2 Behavioural Theory The behavioural characteristics of an individual make a judgement about personality of the individual. According to the researcher, the behaviours are considered as observable actions which help to measure the human personality traits. However, the assumptions of the behavioural theory are different from trait theory. According to the Behavioural theory, an individual can learn to be a good leader. It depends on the learning capacity of the individuals that can make him a good leader (Gibson & McDaniel, 2010). After carrying out a detailed analysis, the researcher explained two categories. A leadership style which considers the leaders are generally trusted and respected by the followers and secondly the leader defines the tasks that the team members are supposed to perform in the organization (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). The leadership considers two styles of behaviour involving the concern for people as well as the concern for production. This implies that the theory includes both behaviour towards individuals and the behaviour towards task. 1.1.3 Contingency Theory The theory deals with the concept of applied leadership which is not included in the traits and behavioural theories. The leader considers various styles of leadership based on the personality of the individuals and the styles are based on the current situation. There is another theory that can be considered in this context which is known as the path-goal theory (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). The theory states that an efficient leader guides the team members to help them achieve the goals of the organization. The choice of the leadership styles depends on the personal goals of the individuals and there are four kinds of leadership styles that are directive, participative, supportive and result oriented (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). There is a model known as the Vroom and Yetton’s decision making model that focuses on the decision making process of the organization (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). It provides the leaders to choose the best decision making process in an organization that contributes to the success of the organization as a whole (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber, 2009). The leader collects information from the followers that contributes to the decision making process of the managers (DeRue, 2011). The leadership qualities also involve the fact that the leaders should consider the views of the employees as well as resolve in case any conflicts arise among the team members. Transformational leadership and the transactional leadership are the two types of leadership strategies followed by managers of the companies (Yukl, 2009). According to the transformational leadership, there is an assumption that people will follow the leader who inspires as well as motivates them (Nupponen, 2006). The leader spends a lot of time in forming a team and gaining the trust of the team members’ because this trust is essential for the business to run successfully and the leader also represents a high level of personal integrity. The ultimate goal of this kind of leadership is to transform the team members’ efforts into a successful project (Avolio, 2007). Figure 1: Chart showing the different Leadership Theories (Source: Avolio, 2007) Another leadership model that is followed in the organization is that of the transactional leadership model that states that the people within the organization can be motivated if they are offered with high rewards and incentives (Nupponen, 2006). These leaders highly concentrate on their tasks in order to make the projects run successfully. The employee motivation in an organization plays a key role in the employee performance that if the employees are motivated they prefer to work for longer hours and serve the company for a long period of time. Further, in order to maintain discipline in the organization the employees can be punished if their performance is not up to the mark (Burnette, Pollack & Hoyt, 2010). The exchange of information between the leader and the follower takes place in order to achieve the performance goals of the company. However, the transactional leadership procedure does not make any effort to improve the work process followed by the team as well as incorporate new ideas to facilitate the growth of the organization. The researcher says that this kind of leadership can work well where the conflicts within the organization are well-defined (Stanley, 2008). The transactional leaders are efficient in decision making process which deals with the cost- cutting techniques and improves the productivity of the employees by offering them rewards for their extra-ordinary performance (Burnette, Pollack & Hoyt, 2010). Transactional and transformational leadership strategies followed by managers differs in various ways. The transactional leadership strategy deals with the organizational culture and the transformational leadership tries to incorporate the new ideas within the organization so that the performance of the employees can be improved (Gibson & McDaniel, 2010). The motivational skills of both types of leaders are different that is the transformational leaders motivates the employees through moral values, whereas, the transactional leaders offers rewards to the employees for their performance (MacDonald, Sulsky & Brown, 2008). However, the researcher says that the transactional leadership is insufficient in case of developing the maximum leadership potential as they do not engage themselves in planning out new strategies for the betterment of the organization (Gibson & McDaniel, 2010). Transformational leadership strategy is beneficial for an organization as it incorporates new ideas of running a successful business and setting up a reputation in the international markets. My study over various leadership strategies has provided me a lot of knowledge regarding the various policies used in the organizations to motivate the employees. In case I am appointed as a leader to carry out a research, I would try to be a great team leader by understanding the needs and desires of my team mates and the set strategies to conduct the research successfully. I would motivate my team members to contribute innovative ideas for running the project efficiently. I would also try to cooperate with my team mates so that no conflicts arise in my team. As a team leader, I need to understand the ability of my team members and allocate work accordingly so that it does not pressurise them. I would try to maintain a good relationship with the team mates as it is an essential characteristic of a good team building. Further, if I work in an organization and I am appointed as a team leader I follow the various leadership policies that I have learnt while conducting the analysis. In case of an organization, it is essential to evaluate the behavioural traits of my team mates that would reflect their personality and their dedication towards work. I need to understand the needs of my team mates and communicate with in them in order to win their trust. As a team leader, I need to deal with the client and to understand their demands in order to convey them to the teammates such that the business can be carried out according to the desires of the client. I would try to be a transformational leader and incorporate new ideas for the betterment of the company. 2. Part II 2.1 Self reflection as a student The first year of my university education proved to be a very difficult task for me. Being a mediocre, I faced many challenges in coping up with the studies and the subjects that I had chosen. The syllabus is completely new to me and I faced difficulty in following the lectures delivered in my institution. Moreover, the students in my university where above average and they already had some knowledge regarding the subjects. Hence, there was a huge competition among the students and this pressurised me to perform well and I could not approach the professors for clearing my doubts. I also had difficulty in understanding the modules and the coursework that is followed in my university. Hence, I did not find any interest in my studies and therefore missed some of the lectures due to my laziness. This further created problem in following the module and I could not cope up with the syllabus. I failed to submit my assignments on time and had a poor academic performance. My poor attendance was also another reason for my failure as I could not follow the lectures that were delivered in the classes. Due to my failure to attend classes, I did not gain enough knowledge to pursue my further studies regarding the subject. My poor performance in the final exams gave an impression to the professors that I am not eligible to be promoted to the second year and they suggested me to repeat the first year so that I can cope up with the studies well. Further, it would be helpful for me in gaining the relevant knowledge if I follow the lectures regularly and my basic knowledge would help me to pursue my higher studies related to the subject I have chosen. Although the subject was of my choice, but it proved to be very challenging for me as I needed time to get accustomed to the new subject. As I had no knowledge regarding the methods to carry out an extensive research analysis about the topics offered to us, I failed to develop the analysing skills that would help me in my future career growth path. Hence, repeating my first year was the only option left with me. On repeating my first year in the university, I could gain a lot of knowledge regarding the coursework and the modules that are followed by my professors. I had to finish my assignments on time and for carrying out the projects assigned to me, I had to work in teams. I developed communication skills as I had to converse with my team members. I also worked as a leader for the team and developed the leadership skills as well. According to me a team leader plays a key role in managing a team’s performance and hence, this is a very important skill that I could develop through my course work. On repeating my first year, I could understand the subject well and it would help me to pursue higher studies based on the subject. With the skills that I have developed during my coursework, I plan to join a research firm where I can conduct detailed analysis on topics related to the subject that I have studied. My subject offers me a scope to conduct study on various organizations and the leadership strategies that they follow. I would prefer to work in team and carry out survey on different companies by interviewing the managers of those companies. I plan to lead the team and distribute the tasks among the team members according to their capability. Being an efficient team leader is the most difficult task, but my experience would help me to overcome the challenges of handling the team members. According to me, a team leader must motivate the team members so that they perform well because their performance would have a great impact on the research that is being carried out in the organization. So, I would try to maintain a good relationship with the team members so that no conflict arises in my team. My experience as a team leader would also help me in my career in case if I am appointed as the manger of the organization. One of the most important tasks that the managers have to undertake is that of the decision making within an organization. I am sure that my experience would help me to take appropriate decisions on behalf of the organization where I would join. 3. Part III 3.1 Action Plan At present, I am a university student and I am pursuing my studies. During my coursework, I had to carry a lot of analysis on different topics related to my subject. I have also worked in teams and developed a lot of skills that would help me in setting up my carrier growth path. I have developed the communication skills as well as the leadership skills while working in a team. According to me, both the skills are very essential in conducting a team work. I am in my final year and I am about to finish my studies and by June next year I plan to join a research firm where I would like to carry out extensive analysis on the issues that I have studied in my university. My experience as a team leader would help me to lead the team if I am chosen as a team leader. During my coursework I have studied the different types of leadership strategies that are followed by the managers in an organization and I would try to incorporate those strategies if I am chosen as a team leader. The first step that I would undertake as a team leader is that of team building. I would try to communicate with my team members and try to understand their potentiality. My next step would be that I need to communicate with the client and understand the requirement and schedule the teamwork accordingly. I would distribute the work among my team members and discuss the various ways in which the project can be handled. The main obstacles that I may face are the controversies among the team members regarding an issue that is being discussed. So, in order to tackle such situations, I need to consider the views of each individual and take decision regarding the best way to run the project successfully. However, there are other problems that may arise in the organizations such as the changing demands of the clients and I need to deal with the client as well to satisfy him regarding the process followed by the team. In case if there is any organizational change there might be problem for the team leaders to make the team members accustomed to the changes. It would be a challenge for me to make my team efficient to perform well under pressure. However, I would motivate my team members so that they are dedicated to their work and they promise to serve the organization for a long period of time. References Avolio, B. J., (2007). Promoting more integrative strategies for leadership theory-building. American Psychologist, 62(1), 25. Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O. & Weber, T. J., (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual review of psychology, 60, 421-449. Burnette, J. L., Pollack, J. M. & Hoyt, C. L., (2010). Individual differences in implicit theories of leadership ability and self‐efficacy: Predicting responses to stereotype threat. Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(4), 46-56. DeRue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N. E. D. & Humphrey, S. E., (2011). Trait and behavioral theories of leadership: An integration and meta‐analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 7-52. DeRue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N. E. D. & Humphrey, S. E., (2011). Trait and behavioral theories of leadership: An integration and meta‐analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 7-52. Gibson, C. B. & McDaniel, D. M., (2010). Moving beyond conventional wisdom advancements in cross-cultural theories of leadership, conflict, and teams.Perspectives on Psychological science, 5(4), 450-462. MacDonald, H. A., Sulsky, L. M. & Brown, D. J., (2008). Leadership and perceiver cognition: Examining the role of self-identity in implicit leadership theories. Human Performance, 21(4), 333-353. Nupponen, H., (2006). Leadership Concepts and Theories: Reflections for Practice for Early Childhood Directors. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 31(1), 43-50. Stanley, D., (2008). Congruent leadership: values in action. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(5), 519-524. Yukl, G., (2009). Leading organizational learning: Reflections on theory and research. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(1), 49-53. Appendix Percentage of Leaders considering themselves as highly efficient in different tasks Communication and interacting with others 74% Building Consensus and commitment 67% Coaching and developing others 63% Managing and successfully introducing change 62% Developing strong networks 61% Identifying and developing future talent 61% Inspiring others towards challenging future vision 58% Fostering employee creativity and innovation 56% Integrating oneself with foreign environment 45% Intercultural Communication 39% Leading across countries and cultures 34% (Source: Avolio, 2007) Read More
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