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Challenges Faced by the Manager in Trying Satisfy the Employees - Coursework Example

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Challenges Faced by the Manager in Trying Satisfy the Employees
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This section to be completed by the you can type into this form SEEMA DHAWAJ number: ……………………… Course code: HE20504 Subject/code: LEADERSHIP AND THEORY Semester/Year: SEMESTER 1, 2015 Teacher’s name: GERRY LEE Assessment Title: RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY Number of words: 2500 WORDS Submission Due Date: ……………………….. Declaration I declare this work to be my original ideas, and I acknowledge the words or ideas of writers in different fields that enabled me to come up with a comprehensive work. Moreover, the assignment has not been submitted anywhere for any other subject at any other Institution for the award of marks. I, therefore, confirm that the work will be provided as indicated in the date below. Student signature: SDHAWAJ This section to be completed by teacher Mark/grade awarded: ……………………………… Teacher signature: ……………………………. LELSP101A -ASSESSMENT #1 RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY Introduction A leader is an individual who can influence the thoughts and actions of a segment of people. The leader can do so basing on their dominant ways of doing things as well as strong ideologies that these people adore. Moreover, they use the influence that they have in the society to spearhead operations and to govern how operations are carried out. They also boost themselves in having leverage over their followers and control all the decision-making process. Also, they aid in instilling a sense of innovations and actions amongst their people. Leaders are given more consideration in any undertaking by their followers as well as those they govern. However, this research is going to base on the leadership styles exercised by the general manager of an aged health care facility. However, the leader in this organization employed the following leadership development tools in the operation of the health center. First, the leader ensured that there are proper customer relations in the health center. Good customer relations in the health care facility are meant to attract and retain more clients into the health center. The increase of clients in the health center will lead to a rise in the profitability of the health care facility. Moreover, the manager at the health center ensured that there is proper time management in the health center to ensure that they attend their client without many delays. Another leadership development tool employed in the health center is teamwork. Under the teamwork, the organization provides that all employees in an organization share the same goal. Moreover, the management of the health center stipulates that it develops the skills of its employees to enable them be efficient in their duties. In addition, the management of the health center that it employs the leadership tool of strategic planning in its undertakings. Among the merits that the health center gets from practicing the above leadership development tools include the following: with proper teamwork, the health center can attain its set goals without incurring extra expenditure. Moreover, collaboration will help build proper motivation among the employees in an organization. Also, good communication within an organization helps the team to understand the needs of its customers effectively. Moreover, effective communication enables the management of the health center to have good employer-employee relations. Furthermore, critical thinking that is employed by the health center helps the organization to come up with new ideas that will enable it to meet its customers’ needs at any particular time. However, the leadership management tools employed by the directorate of the aged health center have some shortcomings. For instance, strategic planning is a lengthy process that is costly and time consuming. Time management has a leadership development tool has its shortcoming as well. For example, it is the mandate of the health center manager to ensure that the subordinates keep time in their daily operations. Therefore, there will be a coalisition between the two in case the set time is not considered. Customer relations in an organization also have some downfall. That is the management of the health center as well as its employees will have to ensure that they handle their clients they want to be treated. That will compromise with the professionalism of the health center officials. The management of the health center has some theories that enhance the leadership styles in the health center. For instance, the management of the health center believed in the situational leadership theory. The management believes that the way an employee behaves in the health center is a way that he will be able to enhance his leadership styles. Moreover, the management of the health care encourages participative leadership style. The participative leadership styles are supported by the management of the health care because it gives room to junior staff to make decisions. However, this leadership style has its downfall. For instance, it might be discouraging to some of the employees if their opinion is not taken into consideration. Moreover, the method might take long to reach into consideration. Besides, the management of the aged health center ensured that it practices moralistic leadership theories. In this case, they made sure that their leadership style is for the well being of both the employees of the health center as well as to its clients. Challenges faced by the manager in trying satisfy the employees Employee satisfaction is one of the key elements that will contribute to employee motivation. However, for one to motivate the employees, there will extra expenditures incurred. For instance, the manager will have to offer incentives in terms of monetary terms. Therefore, the management of the aged health care facility will have to spend more to satisfy its employees. Moreover, employee satisfaction is also through various factors like adequate salaries as well as good working conditions. Therefore, the management of the aged health care facility will have to compensate its employees well to retain them in the health care facility. Moreover, they will have to conduct proper job placement to satisfy the employees. However, all this is time-consuming and costly to the management. Traits of a Good Leader However, Leaders across the world are governed by specific characteristics that determine their leadership skills and style of leadership. Having the consideration of leadership style, this leadership is the force behind many decisions guiding a bigger fraction of people. Therefore, a good leader has to be emotionally upright to be able to make wise decisions as well as straight rulings. Having been downed the responsibility of ruling many people with different thoughts, perceptions, and ideologies; a good leader has to be able to put up with all their people. Moreover, he should be able to welcome views, suggestions, as well as ideas from all irrespective of their status in the society. The decision of the leader should, therefore, be concealing and a reflection of their thoughts in the public domain. Leadership comes with feelings of mixed reactions and is bound to face criticism as well as opposition from various quarters. Therefore, a leader should be able to welcome critics and positively dissolve views from those in opposition. Despite the fact that a leader rules over different aspects of people, a leader ought to be a strong and firm. Be a person who strongly stands their grounds (Ciancolo, 2004). The severe nature is of the essence in that; followers do not take their leader for granted; instead they respect and acknowledge their authority. Characteristics of a Good Leader Ideal features of a good leader are immense and not limited to any situation. A good leader should be able to the upbeat of all his operations. Moreover, he should be able to state of affairs of the people they lead. Besides, they should be practical and be able to keep afloat in all situations. That will enable them to counter impending situations before they arise. By keeping tabs on all affairs both within and without, a leader can effectively govern and rule over their people effectively. Moreover, understanding issues affecting both their inner circles and those from their neighbors will enhance the credibility of their leadership around the globe. A good leader should also be quick-witted and able to adapt to new practical strategies to govern his operations (Daft &lane, 2005). With the intent on keeping afloat with current as well as global affairs, a good leader should be in a position to be well acquitted with first-hand information. Also, a good leader should ensure that the hands-on skills in all manner of operations. A good leader needs to be a whole round person who can integrate all aspects of their leadership wisely. That is; a good leader needs to be able to balance on all administration affairs and maintain stability and cohesion hence a smooth flow of operations. A good leader should also be supple and in a position to adopt as well as wisely hand lean situation that comes their way. In the spirit of expressing reliability and efficiency, a good leader should be able to adapt to any given situation. That is; a good acquire this through having a positive attitude towards new strategies and mechanisms that will enable him to handle different situations. Excellent interpersonal, as well as communication skills, are essential to any leadership. However, leadership communication is the determining factor of one’s ability to influence. A good leader, therefore, should be able to communicate effectively not only with his followers but with other leaders as well. Therefore, the leader will be able to manage operations within their jurisdiction effectively. With excellent communication capabilities, a good leader can open room for deals with the international community. Besides, a good leader can effectively analyze and synthesize different states of affair therefore making all operations to be efficient. Because knowledge is vital in any form of leadership, a perfect leader ought to be knowledgeable enough. Moreover, good leaders should possess the art of entrustment that will facilitate effective delegation of tasks to their cabinets. Theories of Leadership Some methods determine leadership but not all of the gives clear explanation pertaining good leadership. However, there are four that I will major on in explain leadership. They include; the trait theory, behavioral, situational as well as integrative theories. The trait theory of leadership tries to argue on what type of person makes a good leader. Under this theory, a good leader is determined by the personality of an individual. It analyzes an individual’s personal traits, their cognition, perception and rational abilities (Goethals et al., 2004). Moreover, it examines the collective skills that differentiate a leader from the rest of the people. The trait theory of leadership also overlooks physical attributes of a person depending on individual characteristics. That is; it explains that different people have varying perceptions on physical attributes and associate various physical characteristics with different ways of thinking and judgment. According to the trait theory, a leader is not analyzed basing on their perceptions, proactive or being skills rather than what they present themselves. A leader’s individual characteristics are thus essential in determining and choosing an ideal leader. Therefore, the emphasis is laid on the outward analysis of a person and not what they possess the inward self. Examples of traits sought by the trait theory are such as ambitious individuals who are confident, assuring, knowledgeable, intelligence and objective. However, trait theory of leadership faces criticism from various angles. However, the critics argue that there are no overall characteristics that predict perfect management skills at all times. The critique indicates that there is no perfect trait that can tell or determine how leaders behave. Moreover, it explains that there is no clear substantiation of how an individual’s presentation of personal characteristics influences their thoughts and actions. Therefore, it cannot eventually determine how they rule over people. The trait theory is also evidently biased in that it clearly portray how a leader ought to look like but rather does not give the difference between good and bad leader basing on their thinking ability. On the other hand, behavioral theories argue that leadership bases on how a leader performs their duties and how they relate to their junior staff. According to this theory, a leader is determined by who he is and not what they do. A leader is thus analyzed by what one does and how they behave. Basing arguments of leadership from this theory, it is easy to point out good leaders and bad leaders basing on their actions and performances. The behavior of a leader is clearly affected by their performance that forms the basis of the argument for their analysis basing on behavioral theory. Moreover, the approach requires three sub categories to enhance its comprehension. They include; autocratic leadership, democratic and laissez-faire forms of leadership. Authoritarian leaders are more of dictators as they pass on leadership basing on their personal decisions and judgments. Such leaders do not consult with their followers or team of leadership in making decisions instead they make decisions basing on opinion and wishes. It is most applicable when hasty decisions need to be sought and out into place or when an individual move is outright. However, it can be a risky affair in an event that public inclusion is essential. In this case, the leader can proceed to pass judgment without putting public interests at heart, therefore, can lead to industrial unrest. On the other hand, Democratic leaders value the contribution of their team as well as followers hence considers their opinion in judgment. Democratic leaders seek public views and opinions before deciding anything thus making everybody part of their leadership. Depending on situations and circumstance at hand, a leader can choose to include their team and followers in the entire decision-making process. The theory is useful in that by including one’s group and the public at large; a leader can gain public trust and loyalty as well as strengthen the bonds between themselves and those they govern. It also increases cohesion and boosts in a leader’s relationship with their people. However, democracy in leadership can be a risky affair in that fully dissolving each idea can be tough. The public, one’s team as well as an opposing team might all have varying ideas, which they all feel the need to be included in leadership. The difference in opinion will make it difficult for a leader to dissolve fully all of their views and make them all satisfied (Hahesy, 2002). In this scenario, biases, as well as enormity, can be experienced by the parties that feel that they are sidelined. It will make these followers be rebellious and blame the leaders for not diffusing their issues into their operations. It is, therefore, important that leaders who choose this form of leadership to be prudent so as to avoid cases of biases. Therefore, they will be able to build trust with some people hence ensuring that their efficiency in their leadership. Liaises fair leadership theory is contrary to the former forms of leadership theories. For leader allow their people to make decisions while they only act in passing decisions made. Such leaders are immensely loved upon as they give their team all the freedom to be their selves (Hiebert & Klatt, 2001). It is also relieving to such leaders in that they do not have to work much instead the junior staff will carry on their activities as usual. The leaders are freed when their team is coming in; they are relieved and saved of a lot of hustles as they do not have much work. Nevertheless, it can also be risky in an event that a leader’s team is less motivated or tends to work towards achieving their selfish interests. Under such circumstances, the organization can choose to make biased decisions that will degrade the leader. Cases of blood between a leader and members of his team can also arise leading to vengeance that in the end contributing to cold relationships between the two parties. It is, therefore, advisable that a leader trades while involving other people in helping them make decisions lest defamation arises. On the other hand, the contingency theory does not have an explicit basis of the argument. Rather, it tends to analyze how a given situation determines a given form of leadership. Leaders are thereby determined by how they relate to any given circumstance that affects them as well as their operations. According to this theory, the analysis is made on the basis of the mode of style a leader. That is; the traits that he uses in his leadership process, analyzing the situation at hand and explaining how the leader best fits his leadership style under an individual case. Critics argue that key among all in leadership is determining the leadership styles practiced by an individual. It helps in analyzing a leader and giving a proper synopsis of who they are if given leadership position. By so doing, people can clearly tell the kind of leaders that given authority to lead. While analyzing the situation that exists between the leader and their members, respect, confidence, and trust are paramount. In any given set of individual, people follow their leaders based on their levels of respect and confidence in them. Confident leaders also portray high levels of trust making their follower have faith in them. The manner in which a leader carries out their duties as well as designating tasks to their members is also essential. That is; dutifully and confidently carrying out tasks, they build on their followers’ loyalty. A leader’s capability in adequately expressing their powers determines how well they relate to their team (Meindl & Schyns 2005). Good cohesions are sought through real relationships that are created by offering incentives and bonuses, as well as frequent hiring and promotions of the current employees. On the other hand, in an event of booking, all parties ought to have fair inclusion, and it only becomes an option available for choice in worse scenarios alone. Based on the analysis above, a leader is matched with a given situation and their analysis is made basing on their results gotten. The effectiveness and reliability of a leader can be realized by either bending the head to dissolve best in an individual situation or bending the case to fit according to the standards of the leader. By so doing cohesion, there is a guarantee of perfect relationships between the leader and their people. The integrative theory tends to argue basing on analysis of the combination of various individual traits, behavior, and situational operations. All this are merged to determine an individual’s relationship with their people. About this theory, a leader is defined on their transformational as well as transactional skills (Winkler, 2010). Under the transformational leadership, a leader is characterized by accepting the need to do things differently, set and perform explicit strategies for guiding the transformation. Moreover, he will convince other team members into the expected change. Through transformational leadership, a leader also adopts motivating factors so as to boost the morale of their followers. He will do so by offering incentives, bonuses as well as improving their living standards. Through this theory therefore, both the leaders and their followers can upgrade each other hence building on levels of enthuse as man decency. Through it, there is a harmonious relationship between the two parties in the organization. Teamwork is encouraged with the intent of heartening each other so as to work towards achieving a common goal. Through teamwork, both the leader and the followers will attain the set aims and objectives without difficulties. A real transformational leader works towards motivating their team by building strong, trustworthy bonds so as to strengthen their relationships, as well as build strong networks (Ulrich et al., 1999). They also help in rousing on the future of their people by effectively being relied upon to meet to set visions. On the other hand, transactional leadership is propagated in a hierarchical manner that is well strategized and emphasizes on command, association and teamwork. Through it, team members are motivated by incentives, rewards and recognition. Members who fail to dissolve in the leadership process also receive discipline with the intent of avoiding instances of defaming the leader and their work. In transactional leadership, operations are best laid out when visions are clear so as to outline clearly everybody’s tasks. Motivation is also paramount so as to enhance the morale of team members. For real relation, command of authority is fully felt, and the leader has to be tough-minded so as to gain respect from their followers. (Maxwell, 2002) The comparison of both transactional and transformational leadership, it clearly shows immense discrepancies in how operations are carried out. Transactional leaders work under hierarchical structures while transformational leaders bring in aboard new thoughts so as to change the face of their leadership. Motivating factors such as rewards and incentives are a must in transactional leadership. Transformational leadership motivation is by enhancing organization’s operation to lure employees. Transactional leadership is aimed at bringing a clear picture of team members so as to suit their selfish gains while with transformational leadership; the overall interests of both leaders and team members are put into consideration. The research paper is focused on analyzing a case study of an influential leader in the history of Australia; Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister. Tony is faced with all manner of critics with many opposing his leadership abilities. According to Tim (Dunlop, 2015) the dissatisfaction is evident a trend reflected in the numerous polls. He is an enemy within his party, and there are attempts to relieve him off his duties and send him packing. The entire government seems dissatisfied in his leadership, as public opinions have repeatedly reflected distrust in him and his leadership style. Accusations of incompetence and mishandling the public resources take center stage in his flaws. Besides, many accuse him of carrying out decisions without including members of government. He is also accused of using the transformational leadership theory by changing previous trends to sway in his wishes and desires. Reshuffling members of his cabinet is also a flaw that has seen to his dissatisfaction in that he does not emphasize on motivating his team. According to (Kenny, 2015), Abbott’s beleaguered; leadership has entered the phase where even baseless rumors tend to have a locomotive force. The jeopardy of his leadership is evident and risks political instability in the country. Recommendation From the study of leadership style in the aged health center, I recommend that the management of the health center should ensure that it opens channels of communication in the health center. With open channels of communication, the management will able timely identify and meet its customers demands. Moreover, I do recommend that the management of the health center should offer training opportunities to its employees to boost the leadership styles. Also, I suggest that the management should encourage participative leadership in order generate a greater pool of ideas from its employees. Furthermore, the management of the healthcare facility should ensure that it properly motivates its employees to win their corporation and loyalty. Finally, the management of the health center should ensure that all customer-employee relations are enhanced by employing good public relations in the health center. Conclusion In summary, effective leadership in the health care facility needs to put into consideration the leadership development tools. That is; for efficient operation, it has to manage its time properly, carry out strategic planning, effective communication skills and teamwork. Therefore, every leader ought to adopt effective leadership strategies and styles that will enable him to win the loyalty of their team while enhancing on good relations. Moreover, it is essential to note that for a perfect leadership, the leader has to be in good relations with his team and should encourage teamwork. References Antonakis, J., Cianciolo, A. and Sternberg, R. (2004). The nature of leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Daft, R. and Lane, P. (2005). The leadership experience. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Goethals, G., Sorenson, G. and Burns, J. (2004). Encyclopedia of leadership. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Hahesy, M. (2002). Transformational leadership theories, attribution beliefs, and self-efficacy. Hiebert, M. and Klatt, B. (2001). The encyclopedia of leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maxwell, J. (2002). Leadership 101. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Miller,P.&Dalglish, C. (2011). The Leader In You. Developing your Leadership Potential. Tilde University Press: Prahran VIC. Schyns, B. and Meindl, J. (2005). Implicit leadership theories. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub. Ulrich, D., Zenger, J. and Smallwood, W. (1999). Results-based leadership. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Winkler, I. (2010).Contemporary leadership theories. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Read More
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