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International Environment Management and Sustainability - Report Example

The paper "International Environment Management and Sustainability" is a wonderful example of a report on management. Diagnosis Over the last few decades, the notion of household energy conservation has gained phenomenal momentum. Households use energy for different activities that have a significant effect on energy footprint…
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International Environment Management and Sustainability Table of Contents 0 Diagnosis 4 a. Carbon Footprint 4 b. Video- Analysis 6 c. Eco- Mapping 7 d. Analysis 8 2.0 Environmental Management Programme 9 a. Mission 9 b. Objectives (SMART) 9 c. Actions 9 d. Indicators 10 e. Monitoring Tools 10 3.0 Communication Campaign 11 a. Audience 11 b. Communication Campaign 11 c. Strategy 12 d. Evaluation 13 4.0 Synthesis, Reflection and Conclusions 14 References 16 Bibliography 19 Appendices 20 a. Eco-Mapping and Pictures 20 b. Video (CD) 21 c. Energy Consumption Log 23 1.0 Diagnosis Over the last few decades, the notion of household energy conservation has gained phenomenal momentum. Households use energy for different activities that have significant effect on energy footprint. Indoor activities such as home heating, lighting and the use of household appliances have been identified to contribute towards increasing carbon footprint influencing the environment to a large extent. It has therefore created a greater requirement for making judicious use of energy for ensuring energy conservation while at the same time reducing the carbon footprint (Druckman & Jackson, 2008; Poortinga & et. al., 2003). a. Carbon Footprint In order to acquire knowledge regarding the areas contributing to my carbon footprint that could be reduced, I have made use of carbon calculator from Fig 1 Carbon Footprint Overview Source: Adapted from graphics on carbon footprint ( The result (14.42 tonnes per year) obtained from the carbon calculator in the above presented graphic reveals that my carbon footprint is higher than the UK average (10.17 tonnes per year). The primary reason behind the high score of my carbon footprint over the national average is that I dwell in a flat where I use different gadgets and low efficient light bulbs. A few of the bad habit towards the use of certain appliances are the major causes behind my increased carbon footprint. It would be worth mentioning that the one of the prime reasons or the stimulating factor behind the development of an environmental management programme is associated with the significant differences in my carbon footprint over the national average. b. Video- Analysis In order to postulate my routine and habits regarding the energy use I have prepared a video that depicts my actions towards energy use prior to going to bed. Foremost thing I do before going to bed is that I make sure that my laptop is turned off. It is vital to turn off laptop or any other appliances for reducing carbon footprint and conserving energy. I also make sure that curtains of my room are closed in order to keep my room warm. It is also vital to switch off the power outlet for ensuring wastage of energy. Thus, after I turn off my laptop, I make sure that power outlet connected to my lap top is also switched off. Similarly, after closing the curtains, I make sure that the heating device of my living room is turned off. Before leaving the living room, I make sure that bulbs of the room are turned off. I turn off the four bulbs lighting the living room before I leave the living room. After turning off the four bulbs of living room and in order to ensure the efficient use of energy, I turn on only one light in the passage for moving to washroom. I turn off the passage light and switch on the light in the washroom. While moving out from the wash room, I turn of the light of washroom and turn on the light of passage while moving to my bedroom. As I enter to my bedroom, I turn on the bedroom light and I make sure that the light of the passage is turned off. Again, I close the curtains of my bed room in order to keep the room warm and turn off the heating devices. I switch on the power outlet for charging my mobile phone. I turn off the bedroom light before I go to bed. From the above description of my routine action, it can be comprehended that I make best possible use of energy to conserve energy and reduce any redundant or unnecessary energy. The measures or my daily routine actions affect my energy consumption and facilitate in saving energy and reduce the carbon footprint. I find that behavioural measures are crucial for conserving household energy. c. Eco- Mapping In order to get the broader picture regarding the use of energy, I have drawn eco-map which is illustrated below: Fig 2: Eco-Mapping The above presented eco-mapping represents the second floor of my house. We are five people living together; we have five bedrooms and two toilets. We also have one living room and one kitchen. The above presented eco-mapping shows the windows, lightings, heating and water we use along with the power outlet. It can be viewed that the use of water is mainly associated with a kitchen and two toilets. Moreover, the maximum use of water can be seen in the kitchen where three sources of water are present. It would be vital that use of water in the kitchen is minimised by eliminating one of the source. At the same time, each of the five bedrooms contains a lighting and heating source. Thus, during the day time, it would be vital to switch off the lighting and heating and open curtains so that rays from the sun enter into the room for meeting the lighting requirements. While, during the night, curtains should be closed in order to keep the room warm. Meanwhile, it can be seen that there are four lightings in the living room and two windows. It would be wise to open curtains and turn off all the light during the day time and during the night; it would be wise to light two bulbs. Concerning passage, it can be viewed that there are two lights, thus it would be judicious to turn on one light while moving across the passage. Every room excluding toilets and kitchen encompass two power outlets. It is crucial to make sure that these power outlets are switched off when they are not in use. These measures will facilitate in reducing carbon-footprint and seeking energy conservation. d. Analysis It has been identified that energy consumption from the household sector (excluding transport) was 43,153 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe) in 2012, which is ascertained to be 11 per cent higher than consumption in 2011 (38,893 ktoe). Moreover, it was observed that temperature was the major factor that had resulted in increasing the consumption of energy. It has been further ascertained that the average unadjusted electricity consumption per household during the year 2012 was 4,227 kilowatt hours (kWh). Once, a temperature factor has been applied to the data, it causes an adjustment of nearly about 4,226 kWh of energy (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2013; Nationalgrid, 2013). It has been further identified that families, students and young people are proactively engaged in promoting sustainable environment. They are identified to be rigidly complying with the standards for hot-water boilers, refrigerators and florescent lighting (OECD, 2008). 2.0 Environmental Management Programme The plan is to ensure judicious use of hot water, heating, lighting, kitchen, entertainment, study, and travel ways for achieving energy saving while reducing the carbon footprint at the same time. The plan will stimulate positive behaviour among the housemates towards energy saving. With this plan, I will encourage my housemates to develop certain behaviours that will have favourable impact on the environment management. a. Mission My mission is to ensure that people across the world develop a behaviour that facilitates in conservation of energy through judicious use of energy. In order to ensure this, I will start with reducing my own energy consumption. b. Objectives (SMART) To reduce my consumption of energy by 25 per cent after week ten To keep control on my consumption of energy To encourage housemates, friends and neighbours to practice judicious use of energy c. Actions In order to ensure that the above stated objectives are accomplished I will ensure certain imperative activities which are illustrated below: No light bulbs are left switched on during the day time Laptop and other electronic devices are switched off when they are not in use Change bulbs to LED or energy saving bulbs Establish routines and change behaviours of housemates on energy use Discuss the benefits of judicious use of energy with housemates, neighbours and friends Develop a communication campaign Create posters and paste them on walls close to power outlets to encourage ideas d. Indicators Observe that any electronic devices and laptop are not turned on when they are not in use Observe that energy saving bulbs/LEDs have been installed Feedback and discussion with housemates e. Monitoring Tools In order to monitor the progress, record of different activities performed towards energy saving will be kept. The record will entail certain information such as the number of bulbs that was left on as well as the use of appliances will be measured on a weekly basis. 3.0 Communication Campaign a. Audience In order to ensure the effectiveness of the communication campaign, it is vital to select target audiences (Coffman, 2002). The objective of the campaign is to generate awareness regarding the energy saving in order to reduce energy footprint and energy consumption. In order to achieve the broad objectives of this environmental management programme, the audiences will primarily comprise my housemates. Other target audiences will include student, neighbours and friends. The target audiences involving my housemates, friends, student, friends and neighbours are under the age group of 20-65 years. Besides, the target audiences are economically strong and share strong culture amid them. At the same time, the target audiences are also well educated and are ascertained to have knowledge regarding global warming and its consequences. Concerning their likes and dislikes, it can be comprehended that not every individual is similar but is unique and possesses different preferences and perspectives. Nonetheless, as stated earlier, the target audiences are well educated which will enable the effective understanding regarding the objectives of the communication campaign. b. Communication Campaign It is extremely important to select appropriate tools for communication campaign. The proper selection of communication tools determines the degree of success of the communication campaign. The use of sophisticated tools often reduces the effectiveness of the messages to be communicated to audiences (Kyung-Hee, 2007).It is not feasible to use radio and television for this communication campaign as the use of these tools is quite expensive. Correspondingly, the posters will be used to disseminate the information regarding energy conservation. The posters reflecting the slogan and right behaviour for energy savings will be used (Vecchio-Sadus, 2007). Calling and texting messages as a medium of communication will be used. Social networking sites such as Facebook will also be used as a communication tool (Wendling & et. al., 2013). The mentioned media for communicating the messages has been selected after determining the pros and cons associated with various other media. It is worth mentioning that cost factor was also considered for making appropriate selection of the communication tools to be applied in this communication campaign (Thompson & et. al., 2013). c. Strategy The primary objective of the communication campaign will be to provide practical information and support to the target audiences. Once, the channel for communicating the messages is determined the subsequent focus will be provide on determining strategies to communicate the information. More importantly, calling and texting messages for informing friends and neighbours will be used to encourage their behaviour towards energy conservation. We will sit together with friends, family members as well as neighbours to discuss the progress made by them towards energy savings as well as to inform them about the benefits of energy savings along with the various environmental aspects and issues such as global warming and carbon footprint (Gombiner, 2011). At the same time, feedback will be obtained from them to evaluate the changes in their behaviour. The discussion along with feedback seeking will be conducted every day for maximum of three hours. The extensive use of social networking sites will also be undertaken in order to provide well informed information to friends relating to rational use of energy. In this regard, a social group will be created over the social networking sites and everyday information relating to the rational use of energy will be posted (Evans, 2008). The messages will be conveyed through the use of posters which will contain motivating slogan. The posters will be pasted near the kitchen and on the walls near the power outlets. Besides, the slogan “Less is more” which will represent that consumption of less energy will benefit in terms of reduced energy costs will be used as a communication tool (Snyder, 2007). d. Evaluation It is possible that several issues may emerge during the communication campaign that might reduce the effectiveness of the communication campaign and deprive it from the achievement of stipulated objectives. Correspondingly, one of the most influencing factors can be associated with the resistance of audiences to demonstrate their active involvement (Atkin, 2001). In order to eliminate this challenge, strong focus was accorded on informing the target audiences with real benefits associated with this campaign. In order to evaluate records pertaining to energy consumed by the audiences, it will be compared with the records accumulated after the completion of the campaign (National & Community Service, 2014). It will assist in measuring the progress before and after the campaign as well as assess the effectiveness of the communication campaign. 4.0 Synthesis, Reflection and Conclusions The purpose of this project was to develop a plan for environmental management programme focused on energy saving. I observed that my carbon footprint is well above the UK average. Thus, I had determined to reduce my consumption of energy as well as others. This module has facilitated in increasing my knowledge base as well as my perceptions and behaviours towards the consumption of energy. Prior to the commencement of this module, I had very little knowledge regarding how household consumption of energy can influence the level of carbon footprint and how change in household behaviour can contribute towards reducing the energy footprint. However, after the completion of this module, I recognised the degree of threat imposed to environment because of our activities and sluggish behaviour. I learnt that it is the responsibility of every individual to ensure clean and healthy environment. This module facilitated in changing my perception and accountability towards environment in which we live to a great extent. The module encouraged me to demonstrate eco-friendly behaviour and communicate the benefits of reduction in energy consumption to my housemates, friends and neighbours as well. I analysed my own routine that I followed every day. After analysing my behaviour, I noticed that it is essential from every individual to turn off lap top and other electronic devices when they are not in use. Prior to the inception of this module, I was less concerned about such things but after this module I have developed a behaviour that would make sure that wastage of energy at any level is eliminated. I also changed the use of bulbs with LED in order to reduce the level of energy consumption. In a nutshell, it can be firmly admitted that overall this module stimulated environmentally accountable behaviour in me. The knowledge gained from this module will definitely help me in my near future in shaping my career. However, certain barriers such as financial constraints and changing lifestyle have the propensity to restrict the energy saving behaviour in the business settings. At the same time, it can be firmly argued that individual differences can have a favourable impact on energy conservation. References Atkin, C., 2001. Impact of Public Service Advertising: Research Evidence and Effective Strategies. Michigan State University, pp. 1-47. Coffman, J., 2002. Public Communication Campaign Evaluation. Harvard Family Research Project, pp. 2-35. Druckman, A. & T. Jackson, 2008. Household Energy Consumption in the UK: A Highly Geographically and Socio-Economically Disaggregated Model. Energy Policy, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 3167– 3182. Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2013. Energy Consumption in the UK (2013). Domestic Energy Consumption in the UK between 1970 and 2012, pp. 1-10. Evans, W. D., 2008. Social Marketing Campaigns and Children’s Media Use. The Future Of Children, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 181-203. Gombiner, J., 2011. Carbon Footprinting the Internet. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 119-124. Kyung-Hee, K., 2007. Overview on Public Benefit Campaigns to Promote Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, pp. 1-22. National & Community Service, 2014. Evaluation and Record Keeping. Seniors for Schools Effective Practices Guidebook [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 12, 2014]. Nationalgrid, 2013. UK Future Energy Scenarios. Consumer. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 12, 2014]. OECD, 2008. Promoting Sustainable Consumption. Good Practices in OECD Countries, pp. 1-59. Poortinga, W. & et. al., 2003. Household Preferences for Energy-Saving Measures: A Conjoint Analysis. Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 24, pp. 49-64. Snyder, L. B., 2007. Health Communication Campaigns and Their Impact on Behaviour. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Vol. 39, No. 2S, pp. S33-S40. Thompson, J. & et. al., 2013. Climate Change Communication Campaign Planning: Using Audience Research to Inform Design. The George Wright Forum, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 182–189. Vecchio-Sadus, 2007. Enhancing Safety Culture through Effective communication. Safety Science, Iss. 3, pp. 1-10. Wendling, C & et. al., 2013. The Use of Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication. OECD Working Papers on Public Governance No. 25. Bibliography Goswami, D. Y. & Kreith, F., 2007. Energy Management and Conservation Handbook. CRC Press. Littler, J. & Thomas, R., 1984. Design with Energy: The Conservation and Use of Energy in Buildings. Cambridge University Press. Maibach, E., 1993. Social Marketing for the Environment: Using Information Campaigns to Promote Environmental Awareness and Behaviour Change. Health Promot. Int., Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 209-224. Parker, L. J., No Date. Communication Campaign Advocating Sustainable Development. Journalism of Mass Communication, Vol. II, pp. 1-8. Santin, O. G., 2010. Actual Energy Consumption in Dwellings: The Effect of Energy Performance Regulations and Occupant Behaviour. IOS Press. Appendices a. Eco-Mapping and Pictures b. Video (CD) c. Energy Consumption Log Read More

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