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The paper "The Diversity of Thought Is Crucial to Fuel up an Organization’s Performance" states that the company is in the phase of freezing, whereby it should account for various aspects such as diversity of thought and operational alterations to justify the need for continuous improvement…
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Diversity of Thought Introduction The diversity of thought is crucial to fuel up an organization’s performance to success. Diversity of thought may be tangible through innovation, which requires annihilating the regularity of the nature of products. This may lead to query an organizations’ dominant logic, whereby questions arise because of the profitability issues in the course of such implementations (“Diversity of Thought” 7).
This paper depicts the performance of General Electric Corporation (GE), enabling information to be presented in three principal patterns: (1) the (GE) organizational performance pertaining to the innovative plans undertaken by constraining the irregularities, (2) the firm’s discouragement to some contingencies that may proliferate the profitability of the business, and (3) the implications to correct such situation.
2. Innovation Through Stifling The Rebels
GE’s priority is to expand its business, but prefers to operate principally in the shadow of the United States of America territory. The company has stipulated that in order to grow, they must penetrate foreign markets, and should not allow outsourcing on the business operations. These expansions from international territories have proliferated employment rate from the US, which means that, although overseas expansion is held by the company, still they promote job opportunities in the US region. As a result, they have indeed annihilated the contingency of outsourcing. The company has adopted two principal innovations: (1) human, and (3) technical. Long ago, the company’s operations were outsourced, and joint ventures were one of the schemes of the entity to compete in the foreign markets. The operations become smooth, and many businesses could sustain profitability without outsourcing or merging schemes due to the current developments in the logistics, processes, and various alternatives. Moreover, the company has decided to employ American based citizens to sustain balance of cost (Immelt 43-44).
Furthermore, the company’s current methods do not seem to create competitive advantage. The company should be able to detect that human resource innovation and technical processes are just a constituent of the so-called products. Sethi, Smith, and Park note that there should be developments in the concept of product innovation in the world today (73). The people and the technological matters associated in the making of the products fail if the product itself fails. That is why innovations must be first seen in the products before adopting schemes to improve the processes aligned with it (Sethi, Smith, and Park 73). The innovativeness of the company is well-coordinated with its network plan, whereby expanding into overseas markets is aligned with consistency of human resource. The right thing is that it considers innovation as a positive aspect, but the company does it in a wrong way that might trigger business failure.
3. Challenges To An Organization’s Dominant Logic
Jeffrey R. Immelt, the CEO of the company, delineates that he wants to alter GE’s operations to just pursuing and continuing what has been started rather than dealing with certain fluctuations. His erstwhile boss, Jack Welch, had focused on the continuous improvements of the company through reducing cost, implementing efficient operations, and deal-making (Brady 64).
As it is probably manifested by how these two CEOs depicted the dominant logic of the company, it clearly states that each one has varied notion regarding the business. While the first notion states continuous improvement, the other one promotes consistency of operations. In depth understanding, the company refuses to diverse, and it wishes to remain just on track with the status quo. The greatest challenge here is on leadership, as the CEO has set transformation into the company for many years, but achieved nothing but meeting the regularity of fluctuation. He has noted this as leadership cowardice, wherein the top management becomes coward to every decision they take; thus, making the company defines consistent operation for stability (Brady 64).
The top managers are busy on innovating human resource but are consistent on expansion with limited human resource. The company thinks that participating in the international arena means proliferating investments. They have even mentioned that synergy is part of the dominant logic (“American Powerhouse”), but the majority of their employment record sets Americans on top. They have also said that electricity is one factor for urbanization, thereby choosing to expand on overseas nations wherein urbanization takes place (“American Powerhouse”).
4. Implications To Correct The Situation
The proliferating amount of employment rate that a company can offer to the community as its stakeholders is inadequate to the real service definition. Companies should not view the increasing employment rate as positive to the internal facets of the business. First, increasing the employment rate does not mean delivering the significant service requirement in the economy (Jackson and Alvarez 1). The company may seem to utilize the concept of centralization, which may affect the international operations of the business. In order for the company to enhance the opportunistic aspect, they should design a system that can further answer the need to the efficient operation. Two of the many opportunity systems that can be used by the company are: decentralization of (1) privilege and (2) power (“Opportunity Enhancement Systems” 10). When the company chooses to decentralize their operations, they will have a smooth and efficient production.
The issue of cultural diversity must be understood that an international entity must operate internationally. That is, having an apportioned number of employees that are rendering service to a large number of various customers, and the company with international partners and competitors (“Cultural Diversity” 6). It should be fathomed that outsourcing is particularly influential today. One international cannot just take with them the domiciled employees into a foreign land whereby culture is so much different, aligned with the contingency of unfavorable concurrences in handling customer objections. The company should outsource some of its internal processes so that the employees present in the operation can adjust to every customer.
5. Conclusion
The business should consider a diversity of thought when it comes to managing the overall organization. There are so many interest that management should consider for depth learning. One of these aspects is the cultural diversity of every nation. When an international company penetrates an overseas market, it should outsource human resource to meet the needs of the market. The business may have been stable, but this does not mean success or profitability. The company is in the phase of freezing, whereby it should account various aspects such as diversity of thought and operational alterations to justify the need of continuous improvement.
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18 Pages(4500 words)Term Paper
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