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Organizational Security and Management Research - Essay Example

The paper "Organizational Security and Management Research" presents an article that is related to the privatization of the protection and security operations in relation to the process of the maintenance of security within the organizational system. …
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Organizational Security and Management Research
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Running Head: Organizational Security and Management Research An Article Review on Organizational Security and Management Research In APA Style University Introduction The different methods for organizational management are one of the critical issues related to the operation of any company, infrastructure and organization. The main objective of the study undertaken is to be able to present and article that is related to the privatization of the protection and security operations in relation to the process of the maintenance of security within the organizational system. In addition, upon the presentation of the said study, an analysis and review is ultimately undertaken. Privatization of Security in Poland The article analyzed is a case study on the privatization of security in Poland. Basically, the main view of the article is the totality of the said sector and the effects on the said process in relation to the crime, marketing, surveillance and other issues that related to the private security sector. There are two sides related to the said issue. One is the improvement of the capability of the government and state to be able to increase the protection to the people if private groups are used to extend the reach of the military and security groups of the state. Although that is the case, the main essence of a privatized security operation is the employment of private groups and individuals, for example to protect persons and organizations in different types of activities (Los par. 1). The issue that is needed to be analyzed in the study undertaken is the relationship to public justice agency functions. The said issue had been observed since the main operations of such private security organizations and groups are commonly targeted for the good of the groups and individuals that they are protecting for that matter, if such groups are armed for example, the activities can have problems and conflicts in relation to the public laws and rule specifically to the safety of the population as a whole. The main focus of the study in Poland is related to the rule of communism in the country that resulted in power play that involved not only the government but different groups and private individuals that can be considered to belong in the influential group in the society. These groups and individuals are considered powerful both in the corporate, social and political arena. For that matter, the privatized form of security had been well known and applied (par. 1-3). One of the main examples is the police state privatization in the Poland that succeeded the period of communism. The activity can be quoted as “largely covert, organized and well coordinated.” It cannot be considered as a segregated event or even isolated cases to the point that it is even recognized even as an industry at some point. Such issues even extend to the point of capturing essential roles in the economy as well as agendas in politics. This was recognized on the basis of the fact that the police and state elites became the main supporter of the said activity (par. 1-3). The emancipation of the secret services in the 1980s can be considered as the stage wherein the activities of the private security groups increased due to the need for increased protection within the different sectors on the basis of the increasing power of the mass opposition Solidarity. Such even can be considered needed since military, civilian intelligence and other forces were not effective in counteracting the actions undertaken by the said group. Basically, to be able to maintain the power that the people in the ruling class have, they surround themselves with private security groups that can protect their position more than the military and intelligence sectors. The power of the state then was shifted to different individuals and private groups (par.5-8). The said occurrence can be compared to the process of privatization in the trade industry wherein, the different organizations and infrastructures aside from the support that can be achieved from the state and national security establishes groups and sectors within the organizational structure to be able to protect the operation. This can be attributed to the fact that the said security operation can specifically target the needs within the system. In the present society wherein there are increasing elements and factors that can be considered as risks, the said department for the maintenance of security in different aspects is important. There are different factors that can be considered such as physical, operational, economic and even informational security systems. Such processes can be considered to ensure that the disruptions to the operations can be lessened. In the article, there is a recognized threat of private security groups to the public on the basis of the different crimes and activities that are done against the laws and rules. Based on the government, although the said cases are also undertaken within the government, private individuals’ access to such resources and power can destabilize the power of the state and the police. Although there can be questions on the real ground of such view specifically when the political and economic power play can be observed, the observation of the organized crime undertakings can be considered as a real issue. The different crimes that can also be undertaken through the use of private security operations can also be considered as inevitable specifically when the view of the drown for such access of power which is common human nature can be perceived (par.39-45). One of the reasons that there is commonly the perpetration of crimes is due to the fact that there are often conflict between the goals of the company and individual as that of the state or population. Due to the fact that private security systems are focused on the safety and welfare of the organization or private individuals, the state laws and functions are neglected and not considered as the top priority. This is the main essence and also the greatest risk of the process of privatization of security. The said risk became the main weapon of the state and governing body in Poland to alter the activity of such private organizations. Although these groups are considered to have roles and functions in the distinct field such as economy, production, and other sectors, the main weapon used to alter the growth and development of the power and influence that the private security sector holds is through the needs and the good of the public. The main issue highlighted that can lead to the possible execution of crimes is the abuse of trust (par.39-45). Conclusion Through the study of the scenario and data presented in the article by Los, the main dangers and negative effects of the employment of the private security organization and services has been perceived. There is an obvious evidence of the possibility of the abuse of crime. In addition, the extent of such abuse had been observed to be related to the case wherein the ruling power is military is administration and communism in principles. That situation can be considered as the extreme case of power abuse. Although this is the case, it is also important to consider other scenarios that can be related to the benefits that can be achieved specifically in terms of the maintenance of the functions, and organized operations of companies and institutions specifically within the economic and industrial sectors. Works Cited: Los, Maria. "Reshaping of Elites and the Privatization of Security: The Case of Poland.” The Journal of Power Institutions In Post-Soviet Societies 2 (2005). 27 November 2008 Read More

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