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The Truth of Managing People - Essay Example

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This paper is a review of an article "The Truth of Managing People". Management of people is an important aspect of organizing and running of an organization. Organization performance depends on how employees are managed and motivated to work…
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Extract of sample "The Truth of Managing People"

The truth of managing peopleManagement of people is an important aspect in organizing and running of an organization. Organization performance depends on how employees are managed and motivated to work. The article does address the very needs that are required in an organization during selection and recruitment of employees in an organization. It provides the required insights on how to manage the employees selected in the organization. It also outlines the truth about communication within the organization and the truth about building teams within the organization and how the truth about managing conflicts in the organization.

The article outlines the essence in which individuals are made to hear and listen and in the process decides to choose the right communication channel within the organization. The need to allow informal groupings among the employees creates associations within the organization. It also established the need to have effective communication between male and female employees in the organization. Lastly it outlines the importance of actions in an organization. The article outlines the truth that exists when building teams and the factors that can be used to make teams within the organization to be able to work effectively.

The article also outlines why it is bad to have a spoilt individual who will influence the rest not to work or not to perform well. It also gives characteristics that make individuals to suit to particular group types. Lastly the article does outline why it is necessary to have different status with group dynamics. The third aspect is coming up with the truth of managing conflicts in the organization. It does outline an example of FOR conflicts, where it outlines how to tackle the conflicts that arise from the thinking of groups.

It also gives the various factors that can be used to reduce work life conflicts in an organization. It also outlines the importance of negotiation approaches used in the organization and tools for effective management of employees.

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