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Module 2 Aviation Trend/Issue Report - Essay Example

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The board has taken this step despite the fact that the airport has filed for a restraining order on the three restrictive laws…
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Module 2 Aviation Trend/Issue Report
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Airport Legislation The East Hampton Airport Lawsuit The Board of East Hampton Town has set a series of actions to taken against the Hampton Town Airport if it violates the court order barring its use. The board has taken this step despite the fact that the airport has filed for a restraining order on the three restrictive laws that have halted its operations. The board is also seeking to hire the services of an engineering firm to work on an obstruction along one of the runways in the airport.

The board adopts the new laws in an effort to get rid of the noise coming from the aircrafts in the airport. The implementation of the laws is to proceed unless a court judge in Central Islip passes a restraining order on the implementation. However, the hearings have been rescheduled. A group allied to the airport has filed a legal suit against the new laws. The town is to proceed with the posting of the penalties that the airport will face in case they violate the laws. All the penalties amount to a total of 15,000 dollars.

If an aircraft violates the regulations for the fourth consecutive time, its use may be banned for two years. A pilot at the airport, Slye Kathryn, bases her opposition to the new laws on the fact that the fines will adversely affect pilots. She makes a request for the exemption of pilots from the fines. Kathryn also adds that the closure of the airport will impact negatively on aircrafts in need of space for emergency landing. The town board has re-appointed Peter Kirsch to represent the town in the lawsuit. Mrs. Overby, the town’s Councilwoman is confident that the legal team representing the town is competent.

The fate of the airport is now pending the hearing and the judge’s final decision on the matter.ReferencePilgrim, Joanne. May 14, 2015. Penalties Set For Violations of Airport Rules. The East Hampton Star. Web. May 15, 2015. Accessed from

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