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International Trade and Business Communication - Coursework Example

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The author of the current paper "International Trade and Business Communication" discusses a self-motivated highly professional business professional who has the ability to work under supervision and without supervision to deliver the best of every task. …
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International Trade and Business Communication
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DPB Portfolio Task ADDRESS??? Personal Summary A self motivated highly professional business professional. Has the ability of working under supervision and without supervision to deliver the best of every task. Has the ability of being rational in stressful and challenging situations and open minded about learning new ideas. Education and qualifications University of Portsmouth BA (Hons) International trade and business communication Class 2:1 2003-2007 Main subjects studies English Language Grade 4, Multimedia Listening, Business Communication, Introduction to International Business and Trade, Studying at University, Developing Research Skills, English Language Grade 5, Business Communication 2, Corporate Analysis and Strategies in International Context, Project, English Language Grade 6, Business Communication 3, International Marketing and Export Trade, International Trade: Payments and Law St. Vincent College Gosport 2001-2004 A’ Level Classical Civilization B English Language B English Literature A Geography A Biology A AS Levels General Studies RSA CLAIT Stage one A Work Experience General Manger of TESCO Supermarkets 02/06/20012 Present Over 2 years proven expertise in International trade and business communication. Background in a wide range of industries, including construction, plant hire, pharmaceutical, hygiene services and industrial process control. Executive accountability for P&L, strategic planning, staffing, and sales development etc., for a $6m international technology business, in a $3m UK plc. International General Manager since (year). Management of change within the demanding and pressurised business environment. Implementation of modern management practices, concerning personnel, IT, reporting systems, and partnership customer-supplier relations, etc. Other Work Experiences My Good sales Advisor 8/97-05/99 The Gypsy Blues Barmaid 8/00-7/01 Interest and Hobbies My interest and Hobbies are • Team sports (baseball, basketball, football, etc) • Determination activities (running, swimming, cycling, climbing, etc) • Brain activities (chess, etc) Additional Information Course Representative in my class at the University of Portsmouth. Responsibilities tasked to me were presenting my class in inter-class competition among other activities. Employer references John Wick Tesco Bank Credit Card Operations PO Box 27028 Broadway One Glasgow G2 9FT Telephone: 09879468 Task 2 While studying BA (Hons) International trade and business communication at the University of Portsmouth, I describe the skills I learnt through the course as having given me a thorough grounding in various subjects I wished that I was interested in and wished to specializes or practice later in life. From, the first year I was introduced to the numerous problems or challenges faced by individuals in the business world. Moreover, the skills which were imparted through the course enabled me to develop an idea of how to solve the different challenges that came along the way. At the end of the course I was able to achieve a consolidation of my study through numerous aspects like personal studies and research. Moreover, the business skills which I learned also have opened other opportunities to study a wide range of subjects like those falling in the faculty of humanity and social sciences. I achieved the task of acquiring the skills I have today through am intense process of dedication and hard work in my studies. Being that the University of Portsmouth has entry levels, I studied heartily to pass my GSCE levels at Bay House School, Gosport with ten passes as between the grades A-B. After that I joined St. Vincent College for my A levels and passed with flying colors to be admitted at the university of Portsmouth which imparted me with the skills of accounting, marketing, business law, human resources, management dissertations, consumer led demand and other primary skills which has greatly played a significant role in my studies and career to date. At ST. Vincent College and in taking my BA (Hons) at Portsmouth University I reflect on various learning points which changed my views of what I would do when provided with another chance to pursue the same courses at the institutions. With flying colours at the college I passed with a distinction or A in classical civilization, English language, English literature and AS level general studies. However in geography ad biology I failed short to attain my targeted market as I achieved a grade B instead of an A. At the end of my taking the my course BA (Hons) International trade and business communication a class of 2.1 but would prefer to attain the highest possible class. With this said, if I am to be given another opportunity to study the various courses I did by the same or other institutions, I would look at the areas where I felt short and try to attain the highest possible marks (Schmidt & Cohen, 2014). Portsmouth University will be very crucial in looking for a career in the HR field. This is because I will be able to study the challenges of the real world. Moreover, I will be able to study real-life case studies as guest speakers and staff with experience wills provides me with the cutting edge knowledge and experience of the HR in practice. The implications for me in terms of career planning is that I will have diverse opportunities in HR and BA (Hons) International trade and business communication which will enable me secure employment opportunities in companies like IBM in both private and public sectors. Task 3 Activities based on my work experienced involved working in different stores under TESCO in the South East Hampshire area (Tse, 1985). My activities here were based on the HR field where I was tasked with all stalks present in the supermaket. Secondly, I engaged in organizations recruitment events to help the organization in achieving the staffing budget put across by the management. Thirdly, I engaged in training management team policy, performance coaching, and attendance policy amongst others. Fourthly, I engaged in training of the business involvement groups. Lastly, I participated in data work as I was to insert data with the help of various tools of a computer. In other work experiences, in New Look located at Gosport, Hampshire I was tasked with the responsibility of sales advisor therefore engaged in activities of sales advisor. At The Gypsy Queen I served as a barmaid and in the River Island Clothing Co I was engaged in the activities of a sale advisor. While working for TESCO as in the position of a graduate management trainee, human resources, hedge end I reflect on my day to day activities in the company and other areas I had worked in. As a barmaid, I did all services of a barman and spent a good time with the owners each day looking at the performance of the business and accounting for stalks. This was the same scenarios while working as advisor. What I loved most about the activities I did in the various companies was the challenging nature that came along which each specific task I was required to accomplish. For example, working as barmaid showed me a different world of frustrations and drug abuse as majority of the people whom I interacted with had either one problem of the other. At my current place of work, Marks and Spenser, I spend a lot of time with employees and supervisors and other individuals who are peer mentors hence I have gathered a lot of insight on how to manage, control and coordinate resources thus making me one of the top staff for the companies. As graduate a graduate management trainee, my turning points are those opportunities and challenges which make me feel passionate about my career in the organization. I also love the opportunity of working with different people since I support employees in the wider organization working directly in different departments or people experiencing various problems in their lives. However, I do not see myself working in the same position for long because I have dreams of being a CEO thus I am in involved management related areas. As CEO and with new opportunities coming my way, who knows whether I may decide to venture into politics or the likes? My turning point is that TESCO is a company interested in making profits rather than helping people (Miller & Milam-Perez, 2004). The learning experiences I acquired while working and still working is essential for my future because for example my experiences of a sales advisor will assist me to be able to multi-task in all challenging situations I may find myself. Secondly, I will be able to fit in the society because I the experiences gained have enabled me to be friendly person to all whom I interact with in one way or the other. Thirdly, through work related learning experiences, I have developed great organizing skills which are essential when working in any given organization or with a group as I will share the same sense of fashion as those within my work area. Moreover, in my future careers I will be able to inspire guide and help customers and employees in achieving their goals. In working a graduate management trainee for Marks and Spenser, the learning experiences I gained will be resourceful for my future careers as I will be able to showcase leadership potential for any position awarded by organizations. This wills give me an edge over fresh candidates who have no experiences. I will also be enthusiastic enough in my new career hence opening new and better avenues for me to be promoted above the ladder. The learning experiences gained will also be useful in giving the drive to accomplish the task and achieve set goals and objectives in my future career or organization. I will showcase good communication skills a courtesy of the accrued work learning experiences gained earlier making the most suitable candidate to select when for such positions like leadership. Lastly, l will posses the ability or willingness to learn new things in my future career or organization. Task 4 In my field of work (HR field) there are various learning needs which I am always forced to constantly get updated with. The first learning is the that of the changing role of the HR professional. There has been an increasing need in organization to adopt strategies which take their employees into considerations, attract new ideas or talents and contribute in the management process. However, I will avoid the challenges by ensuring that that the practices of HR in my organization are effective in order to create a competitive advantage of possessing an effective stakeholder. In addition, as an HR practitioner, I will have to expand my skills to meet the changing demands brought about due to globalization. An example is that in spite of being HR practitioner, I will try as much as I can to try and understand sales and sales perspectives. The second need is the war for talents. In an organization there are skills which are scarce therefore hard to by. Therefore, to go about this, I will work to seen and referred to as a first-tier employer who meets the demands of all potential employees. This wills assist me in attracting new and scarce talents for the employees possessing these attributes will prefer working with me or for me as they will be adequately rewarded. I will develop a new strategy that will quit essential in employment branding , recruiting, nurturing relationships of employees in different levels and rapid response and follow up on all issues brought to my attention (Stansfield & Connolly, 2009). The third learning need is of outsourcing of the HR functions. Due to the change in perception of most CEO towards their HR employees, I will outsource for skills and functions of HR in order to enable retain my job within an organization as I will be considered able to tackle rising strategic issues within an organization by my superiors. Moreover, I will go about this in order to help in cost reduction for the organization and allow me to focus on strategic concerns affecting my department (Information Resources Management Association. 2011). The fourth learning need is to be able to create diversity in the work place. This will involve managing the demographic and psychographic characteristics of a growing workforce. I will achieve this by availing learning opportunities for employees and accepting their contributions at the earliest stage in their career. I will also ensure that the organization behavior is in accordance with employees and society values so as to make them feel part and parcel of the running and management of the organization. Lastly, I will ensure that organization provides its employees with a balance between their personal and work life (Forster, 2005). The fifth learning need is the impact of technology. This wills force more strategic because the new trends in technology has the capacity of doing away with most jobs under HR field. I will go about this by looking for solutions which are capable of providing global compliance abilities that can be used in all local levels. Moreover, I will also accept the use of technology which protects the security and privacy of information related to HR data. My priority development areas will therefore include all the following Employment Promoting labour force participation and employment of women Increasing youth employment Promoting registered employment Improving public employment services Education Increasing the enrollment rates particularly for girls Increasing the quality of vocational education and training Increasing adaptability by promoting lifelong learning  Promoting Life Long Learning opportunities under a strategy Increasing the adaptability of employees and employers by investing more on human capital Social Inclusion Increasing the employment of disadvantaged people, facilitating their access into labour market and eliminating the barriers in accessing the labour market Improving the functioning and coordination of institutions and mechanisms in the field of labour market and social protection Technical assistance Providing consultancy and training support to the institutions in project preparation, development and implementation Task 5 The self reflective process and the focus on skills have greatly contributed in my personal development because it has benefitted me in getting more out my studies and work experiences in several ways. There are many times when I find myself overwhelmed with activities or task which requires my immediate attention. However, I have always ended up on the winning side because of my ability of figuring out how well to plan my time and makes most out of the study task. In addition, I am now able to find a way of tending all my commitments like work, family and friends despite in the beginning being a challenging task. Before starting a task, I always think and organize my time by reflecting on the why, how and when to make priorities. Through reflection and my skills, I gained self development because I was motivated to reflect on the different goals I wanted to achieve thus relating with them before even starting the monitoring process. I am now capable of defining immediate goals and coming up with strategies which are key to achieving them. My focus on skills and the reflective process has also assisted me in dealing with issues of procrastinations and anxiety. I am known for attending to things or issues in time and not putting them until the time that they absolutely have top be done. I create time and finish them before their time expires. Interestingly, this has always enabled me to beat deadline and stay ahead of the schedule or task in question thus increasing my confidence in everything that I am doing (Brockbank & MacGill, 2007). This started when I first drew the boundaries on when, where and why to procrastinate and the end results was that I was able to recognize the different challenges I faced hence making them normal daily routines. Lastly reflecting and focus on studies has enabled me to overcome various challenging obstacles I faced in life both in publicly and privately. Through reflection and focus on study, I rarely do make negative comments about my ability in accomplishing said task. Reflection on the all the available assumptions which sprouts into my head has enabled me to make and create changes which are considered positive in my self development. I have gained expertise in my focus to studies hence I am aware of the essential skills which are needed in different situations like during study, interviews or work area. However, the ideas I gain through reflections and focus on study are not always logical to apply in the real world in different situations. Therefore, I have top let go and come up with other ideas which I believe are critical to my self development when situations calls for it. This may include impulse show of action when performing my interest and hobbies (Schön, 1983). References Brockbank, A., & MacGill, I. (2007). Facilitating reflective learning in higher education. Buckingham [etc.: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press. Forster, N. (2005). Maximum performance: A practical guide to leading and managing people at work. Cheltenham, U.K: Edward Elgar. Information Resources Management Association. (2011). Virtual communities: Concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Miller, R., & Milam-Perez, L. A. (2004). HR how-to: Wage-Hour : everything you need to comply with Wage-Hour law, with revised white-collar rules. Chicago, IL: CCH KnowledgePoint. Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books. Stansfield, M., & Connolly, T. (2009). Institutional transformation through best practices in virtual campus development: Advancing E-learning policies. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Schmidt, E., & Cohen, J. (2014). The new digital age: Reshaping the future of people, nations and business. Tse, K. K. (1985). Marks & Spencer: Anatomy of Britains most efficiently managed company. Oxford u.a: Pergamon Pr. Read More
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