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Leadership and Culture Theory - Coursework Example

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Leadership in any organization is essential to its success. The paper 'Leadership and Culture Theory' will focus on leadership theories and their importance in society. Leadership skills determine the nature in which an organization plans and executive essential policies…
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Leadership and Culture Theory
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Leadership theory and Culture theory Leadership theory and Culture theory Introduction Leadership in any organization is essential to its success. Leaders determine the nature in which a given organization develops. They are tasked with the duty of ensuring an institution achieves its target. Skills posses by each leader would determine the nature in which the organization attains its objectives. The essay will focus on leadership theories and the importance in society. Leadership skills determine the nature in which an organization plans and executive essential policies (Northouse, 2010).These would include mentoring and motivating junior members of the organization. These roles may come with challenges. The manner in which leaders overcome these challenges would depend majorly on major traits and philosophies within a given leader. Trait theory The major concepts of this theory are the personal composition of leader based on their physical appearance and cultural background. These cultures mould a leader and aid him or her in matters decision making and management of a given organization. Leaders aligned to this theory tend to focus more on their intellectual ability to manage a given situation. The most important aspect in this theory is the cognitive ability leader in determining what is essential at any particular period (Northouse, 2010). The leader is guide by principles within a given organization and she or he utilizes them to attain specific goals. A leader under this theory may create his own environment to influence his or her skill or modify existing environments and enable him manage a given organization. There are two major roles of a leader within a given organization. These roles include conflict resolution where the leader is required to guide an organization through challenges (Northouse, 2010). The second role entail mentorship where a leader is required to mentor individuals based on their personality and use their traits to ensure the process is a success. The two roles determine a leader through the trait theory. The theory outlines how leaders are separated through specific characteristics. Behavioural theory The theory outlines the nature in which a leader succeeds of a given leader is determine by his or her behaviours. These behaviours are essential in a given organization. The theory organizes leaders into three major categories. The first category identify leaders that aim at gaining control over a given group and that the concrete on an entire organization and uses its structure to plan. The second set of leaders under this theory is those who are interested in the wellbeing of the organization and its staff. They tend to focus on the requirements of other individuals within an organization (Doyle & Smith, 2001).They mentor individuals based on their behaviours. These leaders tend to train and mentor people to follow a specific path. This path is essential in ensuring a successful organization. Comparing trait and behavioural theory The two traits are vital while determining the impact leader may have towards a given organization. The leadership trait theory focuses on those personal attributes hence believes on the natural existence of leaders. The behavioural theory focus on the displays a leader portrays while handling different situations. The theory is open to the idea of teaching non-leaders good behaviour and models them to become good leaders. The two share a common aspect within an organizational setting. The goals of a given organization are supreme thus; leaders would focus in maintaining specific standards (Derue, 2011) Situational leadership Theory The theory highlights the nature in which leaders adapt to various situations this means that leaders are flexible and could easily adapt to any given environment. For a leader to exhibit these types of leadership, they should be able to combine various concepts to manage his or her style of leadership. These leaders may also create their own environments to enhance their leadership. This is similar to the behavioural leadership theory where environments are adjusted to accommodate a leader’s philosophy. Various leaders may choose different approaches to create suitable organization. Situations may imply the availability of resources including labour. The quality of labour would prompt a leader to work effectively with the available labour supply. In an event the labour force is inexperience and lack the required qualities them a leader under this theory could formulate models that will enhance a learning process that enable the staff and followers attain a specific goal (Blanchard & Hersey, 2000). Differences between the behavioural theory and the situational theory In situational theory, the environment is motivated by behaviours within an organization, motivational factors existing within an organisation, and the attitude of individuals within a specific environment (Blanchard & Hersey, 2000). These are the parameters set for this type of leaders to excel. Behavioural theory acts more on the existing situation and that a leader may adjust their means to ensure they adapt to a specific environment (Bolden, 2003). Leaders are expected to motivate the environment to suite their specification but situational theory requires leaders to adjust to enable them adapt to the environment. The major concern of the two theories is on the overall performance of a given leader. Role of culture in an organization An organization is guided by ethics and other cultural requirements. These cultures distinguish between roles to be performed by leader or a follower. Culture shapes the manner in which individuals communicated to each other. Communication is important to any organization as it helps leaders manage the followers and enables effective conflict resolution. Culture united members of a given organization and defines their positions within the organization. The manner in which leaders and other members of the organizations interact with the external environment depends on the organization’s culture (Banish & Nawaz, 2003).The code of ethical conduct is an essential part in determining the culture of a given organization. An organization appoints a leader based on these cultures. Leaders are expected to advocate for these cultures while at the same time preserve them for future use (Banish & Nawaz, 2003) Conclusion It is important to identify the role of a leader within a specific organization. Leaders may defer in philosophy but their main aim is to ensure the goals of an organization are attained. Culture identifies the role of each individual within an organization. Culture creates an environment in which a given leader may practice his or her skills. Reference Northouse, P.2010.Leadership theory and practice. London: Sage Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P. 2003. A review of leadership theory and competency framework. [online]. Accessed at: [5 December 2014] Derue, S., Nahrgang, J., Wellman, N., Humphrey, S. 2011.Trait and Behavioral Theories of Leadership: An Integration and Meta-Analytic Test of Their Relative Validity. Personal psychology, 64, pp7.52 Blanchard, K & Hersey, p. 2000.The Situational Leadership Model. Accessed at: [ 5 Dec. 2014] Doyle, M. E. & Smith, M. K. 2001.Classical leadership. the encyclopedia of informal education. [Online]. Accessed at: [5 Dec. 2014] Banish, B & Nawaz, M. 2003.The role of culture in organisational change. [Online]. Accessed at: <>[5 December 2014] Read More
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