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Besides the existence of an effective code of ethical conduct, the management employs numerous strategies in motivating its employees.
The management adopted a consultative approach in…
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Management and organization Up until this point in your life, what is the best organization that you have worked for?Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. is the best company I have ever worked for, besides the prestigious ambiance, the employees were friendly and the work environment competitive. 2. What has made them stand apart from other organizations?The hotel has a unique structure, one that appreciates the value of the employees. Besides the existence of an effective code of ethical conduct, the management employs numerous strategies in motivating its employees. 3. What did management do specifically to make you feel as a key member of the organization?

The management adopted a consultative approach in formulating and implementing its policies. In doing this, the management sought opinions from the employees thereby adopting a populist approach. i therefore felt appreciated when the management sought my ideas and in cases the ideas proved appropriate the management would seek my clarification in board meetings. Besides the recognitions, the organization accorded me an appropriate remuneration a feature that enhanced the morale of the other employees as well. 4. What suggestions would you have to improve?

In order to improve the profitability of the hotel, the management must approach appropriate management theories. Bureaucracies are always appropriate since some of the employees require effective supervision. Theory X and theory Y for example provide an effective understanding of employees and can therefore help the management employ appropriate strategies in enhancing the profitability of the organization. 5. Would you ever consider working for that organization full time after graduation? Why or why not?

I would work for the company again. With the legacy I left while working there and with the hotel’s spirit of appreciating merit, I will serve at a higher level thereby earn an opportunity to develop a career in the hospitality industry. Work citedBurrow, Jim, and Jim Bosiljevac. Marketing. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

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MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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