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Quality Management Six Sigma: DMAIC Project Plan Coca-Cola Quality Management Six Sigma: DMAIC Project Plan Coca-Cola Coca-Cola has been one of the leading companies in food and beverage industry. It has always been improving its services in order to serve their customers appropriately. Various quality issues have been raised concerning water use, power consumption and handling of customers’ queries. Coca-Cola chief executive officer has emphasized that customer queries have to be handled first before all other matters are addressed.
Members of the customer care department have proposed the use of Six Sigma Project plan to solve the problem because it is the best approach in quality management. For the solutions to be achieved, call centre operation need to be improved through the use of phrases which are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). The definition of the problem was based on customers’ complaints. Customers have been complaining about delay in responding to their questions when using various lines of customer care (BSI Group, n.d). Others have complained about lack of consistency of answers given to various customers asking related questions such as possible effects of drinks to toddlers.
Customer care department has authorized use of DMAIC project plan to get rid of delays in answering customers’ queries and make sure answers given for the related questions are consistent (BSI Group, n.d). The measure phase will include identifying the reasons behind delays reported. Various hotline numbers are to be inspected and various customer care department members quizzed (Williams, 2009). Machines in the department will also be examined to identify if they have any contribution towards delays reported.
Common questions asked by customers will also be listed for possible grouping so as to make sure that consistent answers are given (Williams, 2009).In the analyzing phase, data will have to be presented in possible mathematical model for easy interpretation. This will be made to examine why some hotline numbers perform better than others. It will also examine why delays in responding to questions occur and which elements in customer care department contribute to it (BSI Group, n.d). Inconsistency in the responses given to the customers will also be examined and analyzed so as to shed light on the possible mitigation measure.
Common questions will also need to be grouped for common answers to be developed (Williams, 2009).Improve phase will be focused on how various problem identified will be solved. Employees whose call numbers have performed well will be requested to guide those who performed poorly so as to make sure that all employees are at the same level (Williams, 2009). Employees will also be briefed on how to group questions to be able to give consistent answers to Coco-Cola customers. In case the delays are caused by shortage of employees in customer care department, then the management will be requested to employ more manpower to handle some hotline numbers.
Coca-Cola Company will be required to issue some good will massages to customers to clarify matters which customers ask more frequently (BSI Group, n.d). This will help the customer care call center to get rid of some of the questions that have been causing delays. Only uncommon queries will be left to be handled by customers and therefore system loading will be reduced.Control phase will work to ensure that the new standards reached are maintained. Customer care department will be required to submit weekly reports to Coca-Cola management to show the progress (Williams, 2009).
Control charts should also be pinned in strategic places to enable every stakeholder to know the progress.DMAIC project plan has worked in many institution and companies and definitely it will work with Coca-Cola Company. Once applied customers complaints will be reduced and workers will have small workload to handle.ReferencesBSI Group, Lean Six Sigma brings outstanding Customer Service to Coca-Cola Enterprises. BSI Case Study Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd Retrieved 10/6/2014 from: http://www.bsigroup.
com/Documents/training/case-studies/Coca-Cola%20Case%20Study_web.pdfWilliams, T. 2009. Call Center Software Issue: An iSixSigma Case Study. Retrieved 10/6/2014 from: alvaging-a-call-center’s-big-software-investment&Itemid=156
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