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Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs - Assignment Example

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This paper tells that a need for studying is facilitated by the results and findings of community needs consideration. The program is considerably fresh and there is a need for the determination of means to enhance the program and strengthen it to assume a critically more efficient. …
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Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs
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Is the program reaching the correct persons and going to a population that is most vulnerable to diabetes and not the population that has low risks? The Monroe County Public Health Clinic is seeking to investigate the diabetes screening initiative to check if they are aiming at the correct population, the population likely to be exposed to higher chances of diabetes. The program seeks to ensure that the target population is correct without any errors instead of aiming at the populations that are less likely to be exposed to diabetes risk.

Among the factors to be prioritized entail the outreach in which there is the exceptional reaching of the targeted populations at the aimed locations where there is a perception of the maximum prevalence of diabetes risk. For instance the old, black as well as the Latino. Secondly, the evaluation seeks to assist in the examination on what patients are doing the knowledge and preferences provided to them by the clinic after the screening exercise? The course wants to ensure that patients that have the information that they are pre-diabetic are taking some precautions to avoid diabetes such escalating physical activities, eating and drinking healthy food and lose weight.

Since these are some of the proven safety measures against diabetes. The program recommends the patient join either the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program or IU Health Diabetes Clinic. This is because the clinic has associations with both. Third, The Monroe County Public Health Clinic wants us to perform a cost-effective analysis to come up with a specific amount of money that patients will safe when they find out they are pre-diabetic through the screening. It will be more expensive to treat a diabetic patient in the late phases.

Evaluation standardsUtility These results will be used by the clinical departments as well as the public. The nursing personnel would educate the public members on the means to avert diabetes. The program intends to consider people vulnerable to diabetes. The community partner intends to use the evaluation to determine the validity of the process in its objectives as well as its capability of achieving the stipulated goals. Feasibility The program is viable due to its precision in addressing matters pertaining to diabetes.

The evaluation provides a comprehensive aspect of the program and all the elements incorporated. Specifically, the means of preventing diabetes among the people vulnerable to diabetes has been exhausted comprehensively. The provisions of evaluation if used well would provide a valuable solution to the addressed problem of diabetes. Propriety The time taken to be outlaid for the process is also a consideration. The stakeholders, in this case, are the clinic personnel as well as the individuals considered vulnerable to diabetes.

This implies that the community and the general population is essential. The particular stakeholders for consultations have to be put in place for ethical examinations, for instance, the determination of both the negative as well as the positive facets of the program. Accuracy The evaluation is specific in addressing the specific issues in the prevention of diabetes amongst the vulnerable members of the community. The evaluation considers the program essence in the community and the objectives put in place to be achieved.

The outcomes of the program can then be evaluated through the specific activities involved. The outcomes of the program are critical for the aversion of diabetes and its effects. The resources, in this case, would entail the personnel executing the exercise as well as the consultants. Then the attributes of the success or failure are to be checked to ensure the maximum output of the program. However, trends have to be studied and the best practices adopted.Include evaluation sub-standard, explicit values (U4) and relevant information (U5) in your explanation The utility standards target the increment of the degree to which the program stakeholders find evaluation procedures and outcomes vital in attaining their objectives.

The explicit values (U4) evaluations need to elaborate and identify the personal and traditional values underpinning reasons, processes as well as judgments. The values addressed in this case are relevant to the causes of diabetes as well as their prevention in the community. U5 Relevant Information evaluation data should determine the recognized and developing necessities of the medical personnel and the individuals susceptible to diabetes.

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