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Operation management - Essay Example

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This is due to the many factors that an organization has to put in place first before the conclusion is made. For a technology leader, the…
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Operation management
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Technology Leader and Technology Laggard Choosing to be either a technology leader or a technology laggard is one of the most challenging decision that an organization has to make. This is due to the many factors that an organization has to put in place first before the conclusion is made. For a technology leader, the organization has to consider:Technology concerns associated with the organization’s goal (McKenzie, 2006).Challenges involved in being an early adopter (Larson, Miller & Mike, 2009).

The reliable technology citizens who will buy into the idea and implement all the leadership will provide (Larson, Miller & Mike, 2009).The available technical supporters and experts (Larson, Miller & Mike, 2009).The cost to be incurred to become a technology leader in adoption of the new process technologyThere are some success stories explained by being a technology leader. For example, a software development organization that adapts to new software development processes that meet customer needs through iterations is placed at a good position of business growth than ones that stick to traditional methods.

However, it is not always that a technology leader will gain business advantage; at times, a technology leader is prone to fail if the new process technology is not well implemented. The technology laggard has to consider: The cost implications in relation to asset size in case the adoption of the new process fails (Hay & Ward, 2012).The amount of time required to implement a new process verses the business advantage lost in the cause of trials.In the case of laggards, majority of them wait for someone else to adopt a new process first to see what happens (Hay & Ward, 2012).

They learn from the success factors of other organizations. The danger involved in that is that the laggards seem to forget that different organizations need different technological needs. The result is that the organization ends up losing clients who demand for the services facilitated by the new process. However, this approach is more successful especially when one is uncertain of the outcomes of the adoption. It saves the organization major losses that could be made out of the adoption only.

ReferencesHay, F.H., & Ward, S. G. (2012). Technology Leaders vs. Laggards, Evidence From the Credit Union Inductry. Journal of Technology Research, pp.1-13.Larson, L., Miller, T., Ribble, M. (2009). 5 Considerations for Digital Age Leaders. Retrieved from: .McKenzie, W. (2006). A Dozed Practical Considerations for Today’s Technology Leaders. Massachusetts Computer Using Educators. Retrieved from: .

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