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How Southwest Airlines Soars - Case Study Example

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This paper tells that the leadership theories and concepts contributing to Kelleher’s success are varied and the first one is the situational theory, which proposes that leaders should desire the most excellent course of action based on the situation variables…
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How Southwest Airlines Soars
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: How Southwest Airlines Soars.1The leadership theories and concepts contributing to Kelleher’s success are varied and the first one is the situational theory, which proposes that leaders should desire the most excellent course of action based on the situation variables (Northouse, p19). When the cost of fuel rose, Kelleher wrote a memo to employees warning them of the threats they may face on profitability and urged every employee to uncover a way of saving $5 per day. Within weeks, the firm had cut on cost measures and saved more than $2 million (Case Study).

The second one is the participative theory, which suggests that leaders should encourage contributions and participation from members and make them feel relevant in the organization. During the Halloween, Kelleher, encouraged the employees to get loose by decorating gates, wearing wacky costumes and munching on treat snacks, by this, he encourage the employees to participate on keeping the airlines spirit alive.2Kelleher is both a manager and a leader. The view as a manager is portrayed by implementing tactical actions, when the airline set off in 1971; he put up measures of cutting cost by avoiding extra expenses.

When the fuel prices rose, he initiated cutting cost by asking each employee to find a way of saving $5 per day (Case Study). He is seen as a leader by inspiring, empowering and creating new opportunities. As the airline expands, he creates new job opportunities by personality testing and maintains the culture of the airway by choosing individuals who are able to make decisions, good communicators, optimistic and team oriented.3Southwest should look for a CEO who is a leader and can be able to keep alive the high spirits of the airlines with the main aim of keeping costs down, profits high and make flying fun.

Works Cited Case Study: How Southwest Airlines Soars.Northouse, Peter G. (2009) Leadership Theory and Practices. California: Sage publication

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