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The Worlds Largest University Library RIFD Implementation - Case Study Example

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From the paper "The Worlds Largest University Library RIFD Implementation" it is clear that all of the plans must be scheduled, and these schedules must be followed religiously as, according to the podcast above, “The consequences of a missed deadline are – can in some cases be – overwhelming.”…
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The Worlds Largest University Library RIFD Implementation
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The implementation of the RIFD must co-exist with the library's current issues, and it must match the library's current goals. They must make use of all the available resources in order to pull this off. According to “Special – Manager Tools – Horstman’s Law of Project Management” this may not be as difficult as it seems since “.Tools and accessibility are better today than they’ve ever been.”

The next issue to consider is regarding the cost of RIFD. According to the 4th paragraph of the 2nd page, the library has about 2,170,471 resources and Mr. Sidkoro must consider the cost of implementing and installing RIFD on all of those resources. That amount of cost would be quite an investment to the library due to the sheer amount of their resources. It is best planned on how they are to plot out the purchasing or implementation.

The next issue to consider is regarding how they are to implement the RIFD initiative going further. Being that many of their resources are being borrowed on a daily basis. They must have a solid plan on how they are to include all of their resources in the implementation. This must be well planned in order to cover the vast amount of resources they have, also considering that not all of them are present at a given time. Read More
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