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Managerial Decision Making - Assignment Example

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This paper seeks to delineate the impact of good decision making upon growth and well being of corporate organizations in this country. At a higher level, it evaluates the keen thought processes and perspicacity of use of effective accounting package resources like the SAP…
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Managerial Decision Making
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Managerial Decision MakingIntroductory note: This paper seeks to delineate impact of good decision making upon growth and well being of corporate organizations in this country. At a higher level, it evaluates the keen thought processes involved in crucial decision making especially when the result of the project is dependent upon business acumen and perspicacity of use of effective accounting package resources like SAP. ” That’s why SAP offers a portfolio of integrated business management solutions tailored to the diverse needs of a company like yours.

” (Try our best-fit solution adviser tool today, n.d, para.1). 1.1. Defining the problem: The problems arouse due to the negative flows of cash flow. Sometimes inflows were delayed which created liquidity problems in the short run, since vendors needed to be paid on time. To solve these issues, dependence was sought on spreadsheets and accounting statements that exasperated the problem beyond the scope of any possible solution. Use of manual and computer software that were not suited to handle such voluminous data often led to IT disruptions that could not be readily solved.

It would become necessary to seek professional help of people “with recourse with practical experience with SAP system administration.” (ADM 110- installation SAP ECC 6.0, n.d).1.2. Identifying the criteria: The main criteria that needed to be developed and installed was in terms of creating such modern, state-of- the- art technology that could create “Automate receivables, invoicing, and cash reconciliation processes to shorten order-to-cash cycles.” (Grow your company and get out of no-man’s land, n.d, para.1).

It was necessary to process verbose, large, discrete financial and accounting information into precise, succinct and understandable language. 1.3. Weighing the criteria:The criteria needed to be seen from the following angles:1. It should not create more problems than what is currently in vogue. Rather, it should be able to resolve problems and usher in effectiveness and streamlined processing of business inputs.2. It needs to be cost effective and easy to maintain, without much hassle.3. Whether the prevailing system needs to be fully scrapped or used in conformity and co-ordination with this system needs to be considered.

Scrapping the earlier system would lead the management with no bail out or exit plan in the event SAP encountered Problems that would define the solutions. 4. Whether its cost benefit plans would be positive and yield results from Day One. 1.4.

Generating alternatives: When outside consultant could not deliver a viable SAP solution to accounting problems, it would become necessary to start “an in-house SAP resource without rival and, ultimately, a business system beyond their expectations” (White, 2004, para.1) or it could also be possible to seek out other suites or packages sold by SAP’s rivals like “Microsoft or Oracle.” (Greenbaum, 2006, para.5). 1.5. Choosing the best alternative: The best solution for ERP induced SAP accounting would be simple and easy to install and operate, amenable for further development and upgrades if and when necessary with the capability of handling the voluminous traffic with relative ease.

“Through the SAP system it will be easy to organize and simplify tracking methods and recording financial transactions.” (Abayomi, 2010, para.5). Conclusion: The best alternatives must be considered from both the cost and performance perspective of our company and it is necessary that the personnel who operate SAP need to be fully trained and are conversant with every aspect of its usage. Best Regards,Patrick Fitzgerald Systems ConsultantReference List Abayomi, J. (2010). Affordable alternative in SAP training: What is SAP? Squidoo. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from 110- installation SAP ECC 6.0. (n.d). SAP.

Retrieved June 10, 2010, from Greenbaum, J. (2006). SAP and the competition: End of the free ride. Datamation. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from Grow your company and get out of no-man’s land. (n.d.). SAP. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from

epx Try our best-fit solution adviser tool today. (n.d.). SAP. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from White, G. (2004). SAP software/management news: SAC-an SAP case study. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from,289142,sid21_gci954858,00.html

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