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New ways of communication - Coursework Example

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Aided with the increasing effects of globalization and continuous advancements in technology innovations, better communication process are developed today, with the prime objective to facilitate members in sharing essential business information. …
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3 Assignments (1st Assignment) Aided with the increasing effects of globalization and continuous advancements in technology innovations, better communication process are developed today, with the prime objective to facilitate members in sharing essential business information. Such progresses have not only abolished the geographical and economic barriers that used to obstruct the conventional mode of distant communication, but have also made the process much time efficient, error free and effective.

Moreover, unconventional leadership styles and functions have also been witnessed to play an imperative role for the organizations to obtain competitive success, making greater use of advanced technology and the available resources. One such example can be observed in the dimension of internet communication processes. Emphasizing the aforesaid aspect, this paper aimed at empirically identifying the benefits and drawbacks of communicating with co-workers over internet medium in the 1st assignment.

1st Assignment The method of face-to-face communication has been providing adequate support to the business since the ancient trade periods. Eventually, the integration of advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the modern day communication process, has been viewed to play a major role for the co-workers in terms of sharing different ideas, thoughts and business information using the internet facilities. However, the process can also impose negative impacts upon the organizations while the co-workers seek to communicate through internet medium.

It is in this context that Patterson (2011) emphasizes various dynamic features concerning the importance of developing face-to-face communication amid the co-workers. Correspondingly, Patterson conferred that nonverbal communication channels, such as internet, is often considered to play an essential function for the co-workers as compared to the traditional face-to-face communication method (Patterson, 2011). Few of the major benefits and drawbacks or problems of communication through internet among the co-workers have been briefly discussed in the following section.

Advantages of Communicating with Co-Workers over the Internet Time and Cost Efficiency. Minimizing time and cost can be regarded as major benefits of communicating with co-workers over internet medium. In this similar context, communicating through e-mail, online chat, text messages, social network and company websites among others significantly reduces time and costs associated with the communication process among the co-workers (Patterson, 2011). Convenience. Conducting communication processes over the internet medium also facilitates the co-workers to communicate essential business information from different locations throughout the globe in a convenient manner, eradicating the barriers persisting in terms of geographic divergences (Patterson, 2011).

Managing Privacy. The involvement of internet in the communication process also enables the co-workers to maintain adequate privacy of different business related information and hence, contribute to organizational interests with greater efficiency (Patterson, 2011). Disadvantages of Communicating with Co-Workers over the Internet Reduces Interpersonal Relationship. The continuous integration of internet in the communication procedure can impose severe negative impacts on building interpersonal affiliations among the co-workers, wherein the dissatisfactory perceptions of one member can easily get channelized among others with the benefit of groupism (Hampton, 2010).

Appropriateness. Conducting communication through internet medium can also create issues on the circulation of appropriate information among the co-workers, increasing the risks of message distortion that can negatively impact on the organizational interests at large (Hampton, 2010). However, the problems raised in the communication process of the co-workers over internet can be addressed and mitigated through the use of advanced technological features and effective leadership styles. For instance, the involvement of video conference facilities in the communication process among the co-workers can enable the development of responsible interpersonal relationship amid them.

Additionally, the ‘attachment’ facility in the communication process can also enable the co-workers to appropriately share business reports informing the participants regarding the fundamental aim in a transparent manner to ignite a responsible behavior among them (Hampton, 2010). References Hampton, K. N. (2010). Internet use and the concentration of disadvantage: Globalization and the urban underclass. American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1-37. Patterson, M. L. (2011). More than words: The power of nonverbal communication.

Seville: ARESTA. Abstract (2nd Assignment) To gain a better understanding of the leadership styles in modern day context, an interview has been conducted with the supervisor of the Social Security office, Mr. John Lanham. The interview findings have been briefed in the 2nd assignment. 2nd Assignment The Leadership Experience of the Person Interviewed The interview conducted with the Office Supervisor, Mr. John Lanham revealed a set of unconventional leadership styles and functions that can be quite useful in managing such small organizations rendering significant contributions to the classic transformational change in the office (Schroeder, 2012).

In this regard, the leadership value of Mr. John Lanham clearly defines certain effective and most essential elements that have acted as vital components in the overall transformation of the organization (Hoffman, n.d.). A few of the major leadership values of Mr. John Lanham include channelising a clear vision regarding the organizational goals and motives, fostering teamwork, formulating effective communication amid the members working under his supervision and building cooperative environment amid the employees to steer them in the accomplishment of desired business goals.

These leadership values have been described hereunder, as critical to such a small organization. Defining Clear and Achievable Vision. In relation to the observed leadership traits of Mr. John Lanham, it was clearly identifiable that the leader was quite capable of defining a clear and most viable vision within the team in accordance with the organizations objective to serve its clients in the most sustainable and convenient way, which reflected upon the individuals’ commitment towards the accomplishment of organizational targets.

In this context, the behavioral attitude and the gesture of the interviewee i.e. of Mr. John Lanham confirmed to educate each individual staff member to maintain collaborative and innovative efforts in the execution of the organizational process. This in turn was observed to be encouraging and promoting creativity within the organization, as per the views of Mr. John Lanham (Kaipa & Kriger, 2010). Fostering Teamwork. As mentioned above, fostering teamwork amid the employees was also viewed to be a major leadership trait of Mr.

John Lanham. In this regard, this particular leadership value of the interviewee significantly reflects building of collaborative environment, where each staff member performing under his supervision was able to mutually share and generate innovative ideas for achieving the common organizational goals (Kaipa & Kriger, 2010). In this regard, the interviewee was asked about the ways through which he develops and promotes effective teamwork within his workplace and manages the diverse team. In response, Mr.

John Lanham stated that the ideas along with the viewpoints of the employees are broadly taken into concern and utmost value is provided in supporting their decisions resulting in developing greater teamwork amid the team including various age-groups, cultural clusters and operational experiences. Formulating Effective Communication among the Employees. From the interview conducted, it was also revealed that widening communication process ensures better attainment of the determined organizational goals, which has been a significant facet of Mr.

John Lanham’s leadership quality and behavioral attitude (Kaipa & Kriger, 2010). In this context, the interviewee was asked about the strategies applied by him and their inherent motivations, to build an effective communication amid the personnel. The leader affirmed that it is the interaction, which is made periodically with the employees that eventually resulted in generating better communication within the team. The behavior and the gesture of the interviewee reflected a much formal attitude while discussing about this particular subject matter.

Building Cooperative Environment. The formation of cooperative environment amid the team members has also been identified as one of the significant leadership values of Mr. John Lanham, from the interview conducted. In relation to the behavioral attitudes and gestures of the interviewee, it has been proactively observed that his motivational capacity provides adequate insights to the members and enables them to cooperatively act towards the organizational goals (Hoffman, n.d.). From the above analysis, it can therefore be affirmed that Mr.

John Lanham possessed various sorts of leadership qualities that proved to be quiet beneficial for the Social Security office in performing the intended operational functions effectively. In this regard, Mr. John Lanham plays a pivotal role as the Office Supervisor of the Social Security being capable of ensuring better radical transformation in the organizational strategies, enabling organizational efficiency in the industrial context (Levy & Merry, 1986). References Hoffman, B. G. (n.d.). Nine things I learned from Alan Mulally.

American Icon 93.01. Kaipa, P., & Kriger, M. (2010). Empowerment, vision, and positive leadership: an interview with Alan Mulally, former CEO, Boeing commercial—current CEO, Ford Motor Company. Journal of Management Inquiry, 19(2), 110-115. Levy, A., & Merry, U. (1986). Organizational transformation: approaches, strategies, theories. United States: Greenwood Publishing Group. Schroeder, C. (2012). Leadership and management - a closer look on differences and managerial roles. Munich: GRIN Verlag.

Abstract (3rd Assignment) The 3rd assignment, focused on summarizing the outcomes obtained from the 1st and the 2nd assignments, applying a mode of reflective journal entries. 3rd Assignment Scholarly Reflection: Analysis of the Leadership Qualities of the Person Interviewed The term ‘leadership’ is often described as the notion of competencies that influence an individual or a group towards fulfilling organizational goals in an effective manner. An effective practice of leadership approaches within the organizational process is often viewed to play a decisive role in enabling the leaders to control, operate along with manage overall functions to be performed by organizations (Bolden & Gosling, 2006).

In relation to the overall interview process, it has been clearly observed that the leadership functions and styles adopted by Mr. John Lanham remarkably supported the Social Security Office in encouraging a broader employee participation particularly on maintaining a collaborative workplace environment and maintaining a coherence between the organizational objectives and the individuals’ interests. According to the empirical study of different researches, the concept of leadership defines adequate competency of an individual to improve each business activity that are performed by a particular organization.

Therefore, the leaders in the present business environment are widely observed to comply with different leadership theories and obtain better control and sustainability in the competitive business world (Fairholm, 2009). Leadership theories focused in the earliest days were mostly based upon determining individual traits that are needed to maintain by the leaders and the followers towards the attainment of organizational targets. However, due to the rapid pace of the international business environment, it is often recognized that the entrepreneurs seek to adopt advanced leadership approaches influencing the performance of the organizations at large (Bolden, Gosling, Martuano, & Denison, 2003).

Illustratively, the leadership approaches of Mr. John Lanham have been examined as highly focused on developing transformative skills of the team that facilitated the conduct of various operational functions effectively in the office. This particular leadership style has proactively supported him to restore the dominant along with sustainable position in the organizational hierarchy level to deal with various complexities or challenges. Business communication has long been regarded as one of the highly essential parts to successfully manage and control business functions.

The transformation of ICT has also been observed to have radically developed the communication process among the co-workers. The business co-workers are generally focused on conveying their business messages through the help of various technologies such as video conferencing. It can be contextually observed that the present trend in the communication process of the co-workers has broadly replaced the method of face-to-face communication by a certain degree. The interview conducted with Mr. John Lanham further revealed a valuable insight concerning the transformation of organizational processes to achieve competitive position (Hernez-Broome & Hughes, 2004).

The leadership approaches and the behavioral attitudes along with the gestures of Mr. John Lanham can be identified to reflect a set of skills and competences possessed by a leader, which enabled his followers to put their ultimate effort to the respective goals or objectives of the organization. References Bolden, R., & Gosling, J. (2006). Leadership competencies: time to Change the tune? SAGE Publications, 2(2), 147-163. Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Martuano, A., & Denison, P. (2003). A review of leadership theory and competency frameworks.

Centre for Leadership Studies, 1-44. Fairholm, M. R. (2009). Leadership and organizational strategy. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 14(1), 1-16. Hernez-Broome, G., & Hughes, R. L. (2004). Leadership development: past, present, and future. Human Resource Planning, 24-32.

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