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Management as an Activity of Coordinating Functions within an Organization - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Management as an Activity of Coordinating Functions within an Organization" will begin with the statement that one of his\her employees arrived three hours late today, and the author kept wondering whether he knew how to manage time. …
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Management as an Activity of Coordinating Functions within an Organization
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Management journal September 2 One of my employees arrived three hours late today, and I kept wondering whether he knew how to manage time. I asked Kelvin why he was late, and he argued that his watch got lost yesterday so he did not know the time. I told Kelvin that time is a limited resource that all companies enjoy equally. The equation of time means that the success of an organization depends on the valuable management of the resource. I asked him whether he knew that the company blames managers when it fails to realize its goals. Kelvin said that he was not aware because he was a new employee at the company. I told him to always ensure that he plan his time effectively to ensure that he perform significant tasks before others. I advised the employee because I knew that effective management of time leads to the success of the business (Koontz and Weihrich 67). I also talked to the employee because I knew that it was my role as the manager of the company. September 3 2013 Management is a challenging task because it involves balancing work and family functions and time. I thought about this statement when I discovered that today was the twentieth anniversary of the company, and at the same time, it was my first born’s birthday. I was stressed while thinking of how I would ensure that I attend the two functions and satisfy the company and my family. I had to think of an effective plan that would help me manage the day’s time efficiently, although it was a bit challenging. I thought of a plan where I would attend the company’s function in the day as my family prepares for an evening party for my son. The plan was successful, and both teams were satisfied with my attendance. I played the role of a father and manager at the same time. Before I was promoted to be a manager, I had heard supervisors talking about how they had difficulties balancing time and work. Today I followed their advice, and I found out that balancing work and family increases satisfaction, and it reduces stress (Koontz and Weihrich 195). September 4 2013 Today, I had a conference with all employees, and the aim of the meeting was to remind them the goals of the company. I have always known that communication is vital in the management because it informs workers about the goals to pursue, the tasks to undertake, and the techniques to utilize (Koontz and Weihrich 199). I have also read numerous books that argue that managers must possess effective communication skills so that they can lead others in the right direction. This was my first day to talk to the employees as a manager, and I had to ensure that I pass the company’s message clearly. Before attending the meeting, I read a book that pointed out various forms of communication. The book argued that communications between managers and employees takes place through bottom-up or top-down approaches. Top-down involves supervisors passing information to employees at lower levels; company objectives may be communicated using this approach. Bottom-up technique is one where employees speak to managers often when giving feedback (Koontz and Weihrich 100). The readings gave me confidence, and I attended the conference and passed the information to workers clearly. The day was successful, and my confidence increased when other managers said that I had excellent communication skills. September 5 2013 Today, one of my employees approached me and said that she had a problem coping with her workmate who was uncooperative. The two perform their tasks in one office where they file company documents. Mary, the employee who approached me said that Annette spent most of her time on the phone instead of working. This increases Mary’s workload, and she leaves the office late every day. I confirmed this from other workers, and I also checked the register and found out that Mary leaves the office three hours after the closing time. I knew this was a problem, and I had to solve it intelligently to ensure that the two get satisfied with the solution (Koontz and Weihrich 175). Solving this case effectively would prove that I have problem-solving skills that are essential in management. I asked the two parties to explain their cases in turns. After that, I asked Annette, whether she knew the consequences of her actions after asking her if she reads the company rules. Annette pleaded for mercy when she discovered that the company rules required employees to use the phone only when it is necessary. I let Annette free after uniting her with Mary. I asked some other workers whether they were aware of the company rules. When I found out that the code of conduct was not widely known among the workers, I called for a meeting with other managers. We discussed the issue and formulated a method of ensuring that workers read the code as soon as they are recruited to the organization. September 6 2013 The company was recruiting new salespersons today, and my colleague was in command during the process, although I had to oversee the process. The recruitment involved giving tests and interviewing the candidates who had been selected on qualification basis. The selection was completed one month ago. The interview panel consisted of some members of the board of governors and outside professionals. The professionals from outside the company were involved to ensure that the board does not recruit unfairly (Koontz and Weihrich 182). I watched the whole process taking place and found out that it was unbiased and based on skills and qualifications. I reminded the sales manager to provide the recruits with the code of conduct of the company. September 7 2013 Today I read a management book written by Harold and Heinz. The book describes the vital characteristics that managers should possess. I read a topic that discusses about a safe working environment. According to the book, the management of a firm is required to provide employees with a safe working environment. A safe working environment is one where employees have the right tools to perform their duties, and it is conducive to enhance productivity. Management provides such an environment by providing working tools that may not cause harm to employees. An example of these tools would be helmets in a welding factory. The environment also involves friendly rules that respect the personal lives of employees. The rules should be general and applicable to all workers equally. I learnt that the regulations of a firm should motivate employees so that they can increase their productivity levels (Koontz and Weihrich 185). An example of a rule would be one that requires workers to report to the management whenever they experience difficulties. A safe working environment increases employee’s productivity. I promised myself that from today onwards, I shall ensure that the working environment is conducive for all workers. My experience has taught me that management is an activity of coordinating other functions within an organization. There are ups and downs in management, but a manager should not give up; instead, leaders should be motivated by the challenges that they come across. Management also involves learning new things, for example; a manager learns new techniques of solving problems almost every day. It is cool to be a manager and appreciate every challenge because it gives one an opportunity to learn a new technique of solving the problem. Work Cited Koontz, Harold, and Heinz Weihrich. Essentials of Management. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. Read More
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