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Discuss the eight bases of individual power - Essay Example

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Eight Bases of Individual Power Name of the of the Professor University Date Abstract The study has been prepared for understanding eight bases of power. Strategic planning is an important part in the achievement of success for every organization…
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Discuss the eight bases of individual power
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Power is very important within an organization as it helps the leaders in fulfilling their leadership responsibilities. It helps the employees within an organization in influencing others in the fulfillment of the organizational as well as the personal goals. The study discusses about eight bases of individual power. Finally the study will conclude with an insight into how the utilization of power would help in the maximization of the communication network which in turn would help in the accomplishment of the organizational goals and objectives.

Introduction Strategic planning is an important part in the achievement of success for every organization. It deals with the formulation of strategy (Poister, 2010). It is very important to determine the middle term future of the strategic planning from the perspective of a manager over next decade. It has been stated that the strategic planning will function more critically in the public and non-profit seeking corporations in future as compared to the present situation. Recognizing the importance of the public and other non-profit seeking organizations for the advancement of strategic planning is very essential.

The strategic planning requires facilitating the understanding of the forces or the driving issues within the organization. . Thus power is an important driving force within the organization. The study would deal with the exploration of how managers can utilize power within the organization. In the present days the organizations use their power in a different manner as compared to its usage in the past. The utilization of power has an impact on the uncertain environment and it focuses on the shifting to flatter team structures, hierarchies and employee empowerment.

The power of an individual depends upon the organizational sources. Power Power is one of the pervasive realities in life processes within all the modern organizations (Michelson, n. d.). It is very important for the leaders within the organization to achieve power in order to successfully achieve goals and strengthen their position. Every interaction or social relationship within the organization requires the utilization or exercise of power. Leadership comes from the concept of the utilization of power for obtaining interpersonal influence.

Every leader pursues power and views it as an important part of the work within the organization. The nature of the work that is performed in the complex world of today requires power in order to achieve high organizational effectiveness, good job performance and success of the individual members within the organization. In the present world the concept of utilization of power acts as the main source of the ‘influencing behavior’ for making the organization much more responsive, responsible and competitive.

Accomplishment of goals which positively impacts an organization needs effective leadership which should be linked to strong power bases and highly workable influence strategies. Power is

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