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Pluto Telecommunication- Organisational Behaviour (People Management & Organisation - Assignment Example

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Pluto Telecommunication- Organisational Behaviour (People Management & Organisation) Summarising the Case Pluto Telecommunications has been viewed to be an emerging company especially in the communication sector. It can be apparently observed that the company is confronted with several challenges in boosting its sales along with enhancing profits…
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Pluto Telecommunication- Organisational Behaviour (People Management & Organisation
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The main concern in this context can be recognised to be shortage of proper coordination amid the leaders of top level management and lack of proper planning that could help the company in conducting proper marketing and selling of its products. Thus, with this concern, this particular report is about analysing the problems confronting Pluto and offering valuable suggestions for the resolution of the problems to the company (Martin, 1994). Problem Identification According to the case study, Pluto is being facing crucial problems over a few preceding years.

In this regard, one of the problems can be viewed as poor communication. There does not lay any sort of effective communication between the three functional departments of the company which ultimately hampered the performance of the company at large. The overall performance of Pluto got hampered in terms of losing number of orders and also increasing in the complaints of its products by the customers. The main problem which can be seen in accordance with the case study is the cultural difference which is prevailing in the three different operating segments of Pluto.

This can be one of the major reasons which eventually results in making inefficient communication between different groups (Martin, 1994). . between management and employees, whereas, smaller-scale deficiency in communication can occur between the individuals belonging to different functional or operational departments. It is worth mentioning that failure to communicate effectively is often said to be one of the imperative reasons behind raising conflicts in any organisation. Poor communication can create conflict in a number of ways that are apparently visible in this case study.

For instance, in accordance with the case, it is clear that the deficiency in proper communication between various operational departments of Pluto has affected the financial position of the company through generating conflicts with the customers in terms of raising severe complaints and losing new orders (Martin, 1994). Analysis Is This an Issue or Problem That Is Concerned With One or Several Aspects? Pluto Telecommunication has been facing challenges while performing its different operational functions.

It can be stated that the main reason behind the arising challenges is the expansion of the company. It can clearly be seen that there exist lack of proper coordination between the three various functional departments of Pluto. The particular aspect raised several problems like no formulation of proper marketing strategy, need of forming incentive plans by the sales department and non-availability of brochures depicting features of the new products among others. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be affirmed that the issue concerning shortage of proper coordination or communication is principally concerned with several significant aspects (Martin, 1994).

Theories or Concepts Relating to the case study of Pluto, several theories or concepts can be taken into concern that would help in analysing the organisational

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