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Strategic Ambiguity and Other Issues in Communication - Assignment Example

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The paper "Strategic Ambiguity and Other Issues in Communication" discusses considerations taken into account about communication, “strategic ambiguity” and when is most likely to occur. It lists the sources of team conflict and a specific action that may help resolve or minimize the conflict…
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Strategic Ambiguity and Other Issues in Communication
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? Management, Assignment   LM4 Lecturer: Chapter 9 What are the parts of a message/communication? What considerations should we taken into account about communication? What is “strategic ambiguity” and when is most likely to occur? Communication is a two way process that involves “creating meaning, transmitting meaning, and deciphering meaning” (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp 272-273).Whereby, message transmission may take place between people, organizations, departments to name just but a few. Therefore, for communication to be effective all parts must be involves. Among the parts include; the sender, message, channel, receiver and feed back (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This process may be presented diagrammatically as shown Below; Message sent via various communication channels Feed back Source: (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272) Communication is a complex process that not only involves the sender and the receiver but also involves how the recipients interpret the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This means that communication is not a straight forward process as it seems to be but rather it is a complex and a technical process (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). Therefore, it is vital to keep in mind the following considerations when communicating: some “information tends to be unintentionally complex” because the sender may intend to mean a different thing than what the receivers have understood (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273, other messages tend to be “deliberately complex” the situation may occur in an organization setting where people tend to have conflicting goals. Connectively, one should consider that communication tends to be an emotional matter rather than a rational matter as people tend to interpret information differently (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). In above connection, it is vital to consider that some people communicate without knowing, for example, through clothes that one is wearing (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). In above connection it is important to consider that communication may serve different purposes in different situation depending on whom one is talking to (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). Strategic ambiguity involves application of language or terms that tend to be unspecific. The terms may be applied to prevent some people to grasping the meaning of the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). Strategic ambiguity may occur when “conditions are risky and dynamic”, It may occur when “relationships are not working well especially when the positions for the elites have been intimidated” (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). 2. Why is there generational conflict at work? How do the conflicts tend to manifest themselves in actions/attitudes of mature, mid-career, and younger workers? In traditionalists, baby boomers, GenX, and millenials? What specific motivational and communication practices would be most appropriate for each of these four cohorts in the previous sentence? (1?pgs) A generation conflict refers to differences in interest that occurs in an organization among employees at different age groups whereby, employees tend to pursue different and diverse values from those of the organization (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). For instance, old generation approaching retirement may dismiss young generation because they believe that young generation lack knowledge and experience (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). On the other hand, young generation believes that they are conversant with new technology and therefore they tend to dismiss the views of older generation. According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307 “seventy percent of older generations dismisses the potential of young employees while on the other hand, fifty percent of young generations tend to dismiss the ability of older generation”. In above connection, young generation tend to look for new careers and are more likely to make serious mistakes as they try to learn and explore new things (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp 307-308). Therefore, managers should establish measures in place that may help them generation groups achieve their dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, mature workers tend to believe that they have been industrious and therefore, anticipate receiving numerous leaves to compensation their hard work as they approach retirement (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp 307-308). Therefore, Managers should provide this group with a flexible working program. In above connection, mid career workers find themselves on a trade off between social life and pursuing job careers (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-308).Managers may assist this group by providing them with opportunities for professional career advancement. Additionally, young generation anticipate a lot of flexibility on their work so that they can get time to socialize and interact with other members of the organization (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-308). On the other hand, Baby boomers, involves employees born between the year 1946 and 1964 while Gen X are employees born between 1965 to 1980. On the contrary, millennials are those employees born between 1981 and 1999 (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-308). Whereby, each of the above groups behaves differently in the work place. Therefore, managers should design ways for communicating with each group in order to motivate them and become effective. For instance traditionalist believes in working on one job through out their lives and leaving a legacy behind. On the other hand, generation X believes in getting new careers while Millennia’s believes in pursuing different employments (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-308). Therefore, Managers should communicate to each of the above groups differently, for instance little feedback should be provided to traditionalist while on the other hand, instant feed back should be provided to both Millennia’s and generation x (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-309). Chapter 10 List and briefly describe the sources of team conflict. For each source, indicate a specific action that may help resolve or minimize the conflict if you were the team leader/facilitator. Among the sources of conflicts include: interpersonal source of conflict that emanate within an individual, interpersonal conflict that occurs between two or more people in a team, discrepancies in terms of believes, value and emotions among team members (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p 344-345).Connectively, difference in terms of personality and behaviors relative to other team members have been scrutinized to be a major sources of conflict. Additionally, differences in views as well as disagreements among team members on methodologies of solving problems have been reported to be a major source of team conflicts (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p 344-345). Interpersonal conflict occurs when one of the team members feel that he or she can not accomplish the task allotted because he or she lack necessary skills and competencies to under take the task (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p 344). Therefore, managers can minimize this conflict by understanding the ability of their employees as well as providing them with in-service training to increase their competencies. Additionally, encouragement and motivation may work out more effectively (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-345). Interpersonal conflict among two or more team members occurs when some of the team members fail to execute task assigned to them. For example “a team of six members where five worked tirelessly to collect data but one failed them” (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-344). This conflict might be solved by establishing a team cohesion that encourages each team member to undertake the task assigned. Additionally a reward scheme should be established to honor team members who successfully accomplished the task assigned to them (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-345). Conflict emanating from discrepancies in terms of believes values and emotion. Whereby, some team members may tend to values collaboration when making decisions while others may value individual decision making hence, creating conflicts(Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-344). This is because every member makes decision depending on what one believe without consulting other members. This conflict can be minimized through creation of a common pool where team members can interact freely to express their views on how a certain problem can be solved amicably (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-345). Additionally, differences in terms of views and perception act a major source of teams’ conflict. This conflict occurs when team leaders view project failure to be a result of poor commitment and lack of dedication among the team members (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-344).Whereby, team members point fingers towards each other. This conflict can be solved by creating a platform where team members can discuss issues and look for ways of address their problems (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-345). In above connection, conflict among group members on methodologies to be utilized in solving problems can be a significant source of conflict, whereby some members tend to disagree whether to apply systematic methods or intuitive methods to solve their problems(Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-344). This conflict can be solved by establishing a common platform that integrates different views among the team members (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-345). Application Exercises: (3?pgs) 1. Complete the exercise on pp. 276-277 and report your selected or developed answer. Responses for question 1 to 10 1. (a) “That’s ridiculous.” How are they saying I was treating you clients, are they saying, I was treating them well or bad? 2. (b) “You shouldn’t be so worried. He’ll get over it. “Just relax and wait for what our boss will tell you. This because worrying may not change anything in fact it will make you worse than before. Therefore, just relax. 3. (d) “Why don’t we sit down and think through your salary structure together?”This will help us to know whether you will need more money for doing this job. If we realize that you need more money for this job we are going to increase you salaries. 4. (c) “It will be very difficult for me to get it together that quickly but can we set an appointment for later this afternoon?”I hope it won’t inconvenience you. 5. (c) “That would be the public works department. Let me show you where they are located.”I believe they will help you greatly. 2. Do the work in the “Supportive Communication” on p-311 and report the results. Supportive communication focus on the principle of providing a solution to the problem rather than arguing what people are saying (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-310). This principle has been violated by Frank in his conversation with Mary Ann. Whereby; instead of focusing on how he can solve the problem he started refereeing to the rumors. Additionally, Frank has violated the principle of support by failing to make Marry Ann feel accepted as a member of his organization but rather he started accusing her (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-311). Connectively, frank has violated the principle of careful listening and tends to base his rulings on the rumors he heard from the division directors rather than listening carefully to both parties. The principle of feed back has also been violated as both Mary and Frank tend to respond inappropriately towards each other. Below is a report of how the conversation could have gone if both Frank and Mary Ann could have used supportive communication; Frank: Good morning Mary Ann, I have received complain from you division directors about you work, what is happening is there something that is disturbing you so that we can help you because you have always been performing well in the past? Mary Ann: I am so apologetic for the decline in performance is just that my children and husband got an accident I heard to spend a lot of time taking care of them but I promise to improve. Frank: Am sorry for what had happened to you we shall see how we can help you but for now don’t strain a lot. We have given you a two weeks leave so that you can take care of you ailing children and husband. Mary Ann: Thank you very much director, I highly appreciate and I promise to show great improvement as soon I come back from the leave. Frank: Thank you for informing us incase of any assistance please feel free to contact me I will be more than willing to assist, we appreciate you effort in this company. Mary Ann: Thank you very much for you concern, I highly appreciate. After readjusting the conversation between Frank and Mary all the principles of supportive communication can now be scrutinized unlike in the previous conversation whereby, all the elements of a supportive communication were violated. 3. Specifically describe how you can use the information in Chapter 10 to help you form more effective “teams” for group projects in the MPA program. Provide at least five ideas that come from the chapter. Effective teams may be formed by taking into consideration the benefits and disadvantages. Among the benefits include; teams provide a variety of ideas that can be used to solve a problem (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-319). Teams provide equal participation of team members in making decision hence promoting team cohesion and understanding among members (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-319). Teams provide motivation unlike when an individual is working alone. Through teams it becomes possible to eliminate biasness and shallow view because there is integration of different thoughts among the team members (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-319). Additionally, small teams tend to perform well unlike larger teams because small teams are easier to control and coordinate (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-319). 4. For each item under the “Emotional Intelligence in Teams” exercise on pp.350-351, score yourself from 1-10 on each item. A 1 represents an inability to do the task and a 10 represents exceptional/outstanding skill (relative to others) in doing the task. After rating yourself on each item, pick four of the sixteen with the highest scores and describe how you think you developed such good skill on that item. The following choices were selected under each item; First item: Awareness of own emotions 4. “I can talk to other members of the team about the emotions I experience”. This help to make members of the team feel valued and appreciated. Second Item: Management of own emotions 3. “When deciding on a dispute, I try to see all sides of a disagreement before I come to a conclusion”. Help to avoid arriving on a wrong ruling that may make either of the team members feel unequal. Third Item: Management of others’ emotions 3. “When I talk to a team member, I can gauge their true feelings from their body language”. This may help to determine how I can deal with the customer concerning a particular issue. Forth item: Management of others’ emotions 2. “I am able to cheer up team members when they are feeling down “This may help to promote morality as members will feel motivated. Description Therefore, based on the answers above it can be scrutinized that all the answers selected fall under a scale of 1-10 indicating exceptional skills in doing the task. There was no score that was within one. The highest score out of sixteen items selected was 4 which focus on caring and showing concern for emotion of other members of the team. This item will be employed adequately in team management in order to ensure the entire team members feel valued and appreciated. This in turn may act as a motivating factor that may consequently lead to an increase in productive. 5. Think back over the last two years and recall a significant conflict you had with a coworker (same level, supervisor, or subordinate) or student/teacher. For this conflict, what resistance did you encounter? What specific actions did you engage in to resolve the conflict? What emotions did you feel about the conflict? About the other person? About the relationship? When I was working in the ministry of Air defense in Saudi Arabia for two years as an accountant, the financial manager (My supervisor) requested me to manipulate the financial statements in order to fool shareholders that their company was performing well. The supervisor promised a salary increment and a promotion if I successfully carried out the manipulation. On the other hand, if a failed to carry out the manipulation the supervisor threatened to suck me. This situation subjected me into an interpersonal conflict because such manipulations were against the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP) that I had been trained for as an accountant. I therefore, felt an interpersonal resistance within myself because I felt that such acts were against finance and accounting ethics. I tried to solve this conflict by facing my supervisor whereby, tried to show him what we could have done to improve the company performance rather fooling shareholders by manipulating financial statements. Even though, I resolved the conflict I felt that our relationship with my supervisor was not working well like before. 6. Please read and then respond to the questions at the end of the “Bayshore Child Development Center” case study on pp. 378-79. (1) How can Tanya make the teachers gain better understanding of each other’s cultures? In order to promote cultural understanding among teachers from different cultural backgrounds, Tanya should actually, encourage discussions among teachers as well as create forums where all teachers can interact freely. This may help to encourage intercultural exchange among the teachers (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp-375-380). Additionally, Tanya should encourage games and activities that may help to promote cultural exchange between the teachers from different culture. This may further promote intercultural exchange and may consequently help to reduce conflict (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp-375-380). (2) How can she help the teacher’s gain better understanding of the children’s culture? The teachers may understand children culture through observation, listening and talking to children’s emanating from different cultural backgrounds. Additionally, teachers can establish debates where children can interact and discuss issues together. This can act as an important avenue where teachers can listen and learn children’s culture (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, pp-375-380). (3) How does she deal with James, whose performance has been stellar since he joined the center 15 years ago? She also understands the shortage of preschool teachers in her area and is interested in creating a more satisfying work environment. How would you advise Tanya to prioritize the problems that need to be addressed? What do you believe is at the root of the problem? How would you address the problems that make up the situation? What methods would you find most useful in trying to deal with the conflict? I would advise Tanya to address the issue of ethnicity in the school by inviting teachers into a meeting where they can discuss isseues affecting them. Tanya may try to show teachers that all teachers are equal and color differences should not be the basis of segregation. Additionally, it can be observed that the root cause of the problem is racism and ethnicity. This issue of ethnicity may be addressed through dialogue and discussion. Additionally, this conflict may be solved through establishment of common activities such as games where all members can participate. Woks Cited Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Aristigueta, M. P. (2013). Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organizations. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.pp-544. Read More
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