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ManagementProgram ReflectionThere were several important concepts and theories that I came across during these courses. There are far too many concepts that I was taught but at this point in time I will just discuss the essential ones from each course I took. In the MGT 415 – Group Behavior In Organizations course, we learned what is called the Balance Theory. This theory was brought about by Theodore New comb and it says that people at work are often attracted to each other on the basis of similar interests and common attitudes.
He further tells us that somehow these interests and attitudes are relevant to the attainment of a a group goal.Similarly in PHI 445 – Personal and Organizational Ethics course, the concept of utilitarianism attracted me the most. According to this concept of ethical decision making, decisions should be taken in such a way that promotes and is in the best interests of all the parties involved by a particular decision. Utalitarianists believe that the concept behind this is to get the feeling internally of doing an intrinsic good and that's what keeps one satisfied and going on (Brown, 2005).
The concept of utilitarianism also justifies why doctors often test new drugs on some people and as a result they end up dying. Utilitarianism believes in the overall net benefit to the most people and therefore even if some people die in such a treatment, this would pave a way to save life of thousand others from such drugs and would consequentially lead to a further and continual research to look for better and effective drugs.The course I loved the most in this entire program was BUS 303 – Human Resources Management.
There are so many theories in human resource management that can easily be applied to real life. However I personally think Frederick Herzberg's two factor theory is something that defines how people work really well. According to it there are two factors which influence a person to work. They can be broken down in to hygiene factors and motivational factors (Mondy, 2005). Motivational factors are those which motivate a person to work like growth, being recognized for achievements etc. Hygeine factors on the other hand are those the presence of which does not motivate but their absence increases dissatisfaction at work.
Such factors include safety, continuous salary provision at work etc.MGT 435 – Organizational Change then again was a very helpful subject. Change is an ever occurring phenomenon and we can't avoid it, so can't organizations. This course gives an insight on how changes occur in organizations and how they can be managed. After going through all the theories in my course, I can now easily say that the transactional change model appeals to me a lot. It is simply achieved by redefining the already set goals of an organization, clarifying the objectives and by re assigning proper roles to the existing employees.
Transactional change is often even referred to as a small change if compared to transformational change.Communication In Organizations - COM 425 dealt with how communication is carried out within an organization. It was a very essential course since a human cannot do anything without knowing how to communicate properly within an organizations. The theory of upward communication is something that I liked a lot in this course. This theory just goes on to say tell how upward communication can be carried out within an organization and how essential it is (Hutchison, 2005).
However, from personal work place experience, I believe upward communication that hardly takes place in organizations.Management no doubt is a never ending topic as it touches all possible walks of life. These courses have really helped me a lot in my professional work life teaching me how to communicate with people and dealing with Human Resource related issues. They've also taught me how to deal with change and deal well with it. And finally I also need to mention how I've learned to adjust with groups within my organizations and deal well with group tactics.
ReferencesBrown, M. T. (2005). Corporate integrity: Rethinking organizational ethics, and leadership. New York: Cambridge University Press.Hutchison, E. D. (2011). Dimensions of human behavior: Person and environment. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.Mondy, R. W., Noe, R. M., & Gowan, M. (2005). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.
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