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Ways of Understanding Organization - Essay Example

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The idea of this research emerged from the author’s interest and fascination in why it is important to acknowledge that there are many ways of understanding organization, and what impact has this on the management of organization life…
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Ways of Understanding Organization
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Why it is important to acknowledge that there are many ways of understanding organization, and what impact has this on the management of organizationlife? Introduction To begin with, an organization is a collective set of individuals who work hand in hand with each other to bring the processes and activities to a conclusion which is for the betterment of the business enterprise and the people who work under its aegis. The organization is therefore dependent on how well its resources are being deployed and the manner under which success is achieved in entirety. It is significant to comprehend how the organizational value will come about more so when the employees are focused on getting the job done, making use of resources that are available at their disposal. The need of the time is to make sure that the organization remains firm in its stance and completes the tasks as and when required. Managing an organization is all the more necessary because it is broad in its vision and wide in its horizon. The need of the hour is to make sure that the organization remains staunchly driven to achieve its end goals and objectives, and geared to reach the echelon of success, but this can only be achieved when a logical sequence of processes and activities is undertaken. The organizational life is therefore dependent on how well the organization spends its entire duration, and this is marked by the differences in its processes, steps and behaviors. All of these tasks are quintessential towards achieving what the organization deems as pivotal – profits pouring in for the long term success of the business enterprise, which indeed is the organization itself. The Understanding of the Organizational Premise The organizational understanding is an important one and that too for all the right reasons. The organization brings with it immense satisfaction and joy for the workers and employees who give their best time and again. The management realms play a significant role in the shaping up of values and morals that are present within it. These values are intricate elements which signify growth and development across the board. It also pinpoints the basis of success that organizations comprise of and look forward to building as far as their relevant future realms are concerned. The organizational understanding is all the more pivotal because it discusses how well the organization is well-knitted within its own basis, and how it embodies the foundations of success which will be built upon with the changing time dimensions. The organizational understanding therefore banks on the solid premise of building up of the organization to reap rich dividends for it in the long run. It looks to grow beyond what is expected and what is not seen as decipherable to a fairer extent. The value creation premise suggests that the organization is dependent on its own resources, which could either be its people or the important non-human factors, and the aspects that bring sanity within its own undertakings (Sharifi, 2001). These are some of the valid reasons which embody harmony across the board as far as an organizational setting is concerned. What remains to be seen is how well these organizations depict long term harmony through the actions that these take and what impacts are possible in the wake of the adversarial times. The Ideological Basis There are indeed a number of different ways under which the organizational understanding could be reached upon. This comprises of the reckoning that an organization would be built upon the thinking ideologies of the people who are running the whole show. Then there is the basis of finding out what kind of strengths lay within the realms of the organization and how well this organization has been shaped up in line with these very strong points. What is even more quintessential is the fact that these strengths depict seriousness on the part of the organization and thus their significance cannot be denied their due right at all. The organizational understanding is therefore relative to how well the people decipher the exact meaning and value of the organization in its own entirety. This shall solve the quandaries that are related with the organizations and how these keep on evolving with the passage of time. The need is to comprehend where the organization is going wrong and what steps could be undertaken to make amends, thus bringing in sanity within the prevailing (falling) standards. When the organization is doing at its best and striking at the right chord, then is the time to make sure that the journey continues with added responsibility on the shoulders of the people who have brought such joy and laurels for the business enterprise. It is essentially necessary that the organization is always destined to bring some form of luck for its own self, because this is one step that will ensure that the organization remains glued to something big and better for its own people, the stakeholders, the resources that are available and towards the name that has thus been built. Cultural Ramifications within an Organization The organizational culture is something that leaves one to comprehend how truly the organization is represented by the management in terms of handling the employees through thick and thin. It is the cultural setting which is deemed as important because it highlights the basis of tremendous success or the complete lack of it otherwise. The organizational culture is relevant because it highlights where the organization is headed and how well its steps and actions are being monitored at the end of the day. The need is to remain one step ahead of what is going to happen and when the same will take place. The organizational cultural tenets are quintessential because these signify how well the organization is well-knitted together in terms of its own people, which indeed are the resources and play a very important role nonetheless. The cultural manifestations discuss what employees feel about their respective jobs and how much secured they feel when they work under the aegis of the organization. This is an important yardstick of measuring their own domains because it is the duty of the management to make them feel satisfied with their job perspectives and give them the cover that they so richly deserve. But then again there are issues which remain ever so significant within the relevant mix of things. The employees need to spend their time within the business enterprise without feeling any kind of harassment coming to their fore. They should also feel safe and secure from outside pressures and frenzy that might just creep up within the labor unions or third party members that can eventually sabotage the basis of the organization in more ways than one. Financial Repercussions Having discussed such tenets of significance, it is necessary to bring to light similar issues of grave concern for the organization. The financial aspects are deemed as very important to understand and more so within the understandings reached upon within the realms of an organization. The budgets are always seen as being imperative towards the basis of any organization and it is the responsibility of the management to make sure that these budgets remain higher at any given time. The financial constraints become an indelible mark on any organization and it is due that such business companies do their best to keep away from such nuances. The problems and concerns that come about within the organizations as regards the financial issues should always be given the priority because these are important and hence their respective roles cannot be denied their due right. What needs to be seen is that the management has done its homework right, and brought sanity within the due ranks of growth and development for the sake of the organization in the long range scheme of things. Management Discussions The organizational life is an important subject and one that gains attention from the relevant realms of the management itself. This is because the management has got a fair share to play within the building up of the institutional ranks within the organization. The organizational life predominantly takes up most of the space and time of the management’s concerns and it is about time that these are handled in a proper way by the people who have the responsibility to take care of such standards and practices. After all, an organization is known to pass through a lifecycle which emanates from its birth, then grows and becomes mature after a period of time. The decline is all the more necessary within its domains which eventually leads towards the death stage. It is a fundamental requirement on the part of the organizational life to make sure that the growth and maturity phases are kept as long as possible because these remark the basis of its success in the long run. After all, it is the birth of the organization which is seen as an important landmark and the beginning of many things that are promised by the organization itself. It leads to times where growth is at its best and this brings in the revenues and the profits for it which ensure that this organization will remain in the market for a long period of time. When this has been attained, the maturity phase kicks off, which is another point that is of immense significance. The organizational life depends a great deal on the maturity phase and the role of the management is made all the more necessary since their actions and steps are deemed as very pertinent here. The decline does happen over a period of time and eventually leads to death which must come about (Waal, 2011). The death does not suggest that the organization has become redundant but the need to comprehend a renewed vigor and energy is made significant at this stage. The people who are held responsible for bringing in such nuances are the ones who understand the basis of this energy nonetheless. it is therefore of paramount essence the organizations are given confidence by the senior management entities because they are the basis of the long term success and prosperity realms of these organizations. The Essential Employee Moving ahead with the discussion at hand, it is necessary to raise the point of the organizational life in the eyes of the people who are recruited within it in the first place. The employees believe that they have all the right over the organization because they are the ones who work day in and day out to make sure that the organization remains strong and makes headway for a number of actions and steps in the long range frame of things. But then again, these employees and workers must know that their pertinent roles are bent upon bringing in benefits in the form of profits for the organization that they are recruited within. They must be firm in their stance as far as bringing in the incentives are concerned as these form the cornerstone of the organizational success that one is looking forward to seeing within the modern day organizations. The employees usually are the first ones who know what exactly is going on within the organization and how to correct the measures as and when they come about. They will exactly know what the troubles of the management are and what they, as collective souls need to do in order to correct the relevant nuances. Then again, this is an important undertaking which they can take at any given time and they must be given the importance that they so richly deserve. The employees are always taking a risk at learning something new within the organization and for this they are ready to take the plunge because changing is not an easy thing to do in entirety. The employees are also wary of the fact that they have to be in line with the changing organizational philosophy of growth and development, and for that they are ready to make endeavors into the different fields. What remains to be seen is the ideology that whether or not they will adopt the patterns of moral and ethical behavior or they would go for something totally different? Once again, the emphasis must remain on the success of the organization and nothing else seems more pertinent all said and done. The need of the time is to realize where and how the organization brings value for not only its own self but also the people who work under its aegis. Life Stages of Organization The organizational life is governed by four different stages and these remain quintessential towards gaining an understanding of the issues which come within its reckoning. These comprise of the entrepreneurial stage, the collectivity stage, the formalization stage and lastly the elaboration stage. All these stages play their respective roles in a collective fashion to bring oneness within the ranks of the organizational philosophy that one has come to know about in the present times. The leadership stage is very significant within the entrepreneurial stage because this is a time of crisis and help is required at different zones and regions within the domains of the organization (Gerrard, 2011). The need for delegation comes out in the open within the collectivity stage which is essentially the second stage and once again this is a time of crisis within any organization. Similarly, the formalization stage involves bureaucracy and essentially is one that has crisis written all over it. The last stage is the one of the elaboration one where crisis still exists but the difference is apparent within the need for revitalizing with the changing time dimensions. One must understand that these four stages come about in the wake of adversity when crisis is at the top most echelon. These four stages exist within the organizational life cycle and have been drafted by Richard Daft (Daft, 2007). The need has been realized by the organizational concerns to make sure that these stages are embedded within their respective zones as and when required. Conclusion Consequently, the role of the management is so important that there seems to be nothing else that will bring value to the organization. The management is indeed the make or break of the organization and for that there must be solid endeavors by the senior management domains to beef up the strengths and change the shortcomings into areas of strength in the coming times. The opportunities for the management to grow above the top are always present and what is needed now is a change for the better. It will serve to take care of the problems that come about and the issues that need uplift in terms of their relevant standards. Any management can be divided into three different cadres – the senior management which calls the shots, the middle management which does the work and the lower management or the support staff that assists the senior and the middle management regimes. The need of the hour on the part of all these three management entities is to make sure that they assist one another so that the long term success of the organization as a whole is ensured without much problems coming to the fore. If one cadre of this management hierarchy is not functioning well, the entire organization will face the brunt of it. This has been proven with much research and evidence that has come to the fore with the advent of time. Bibliography Daft, R., 2007. Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations, 1st ed. Gerrard, M., 2011. Global assignment effectiveness and leader development. Advances in Global Leadership, 6 Sharifi, S., 2001. Managing Through Organization: The Management Process, Forms of Organization and the Work of Managers, 2nd ed. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(4) Waal, A., 2011. The impact of performance management on the results of a non-profit organization. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 60(8) Read More
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