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Is Strong Leadership in Business Organisations a Good Thing - Essay Example

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This essay "Is Strong Leadership in Business Organisations a Good Thing" presents the collision of leadership in building a successful business that is quite vast. Firstly, leaders do things happen-They are the catalyst for business success; they challenge the status quo…
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Is Strong Leadership in Business Organisations a Good Thing
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Topic: Lecturer: Presentation: Is strong leadership in business organisations a good thing? Building leadership takes more than business ideas, training and equipping. It takes commitment, determination from every level of an institution for continuous improvement of its performance and relations. Successful organizations invest more in developing effective communication skills through staff empowerment, management training seminars, conferences and consultancy which can play a key role in creating a leadership performance. For purposes of this assignment, leadership is defined as a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of people you work with or colleagues. Leaders set a way for the all; they help us visualize ahead or we might achieve; they encourage us and inspire us. Without leadership a group of human beings quickly deteriorate into disagreements and conflict. Leadership takes us to the same direction and attach our efforts jointly. Leadership is the skill to get other people to do something worth and that they might not otherwise do. It’s stimulating people toward an end (Chen 2006). In the 1980s Harley-Davidson lost his job due to forces from his stiff competitors. Rich Teerlink, the company’s leader, was able to set aside the firm financially, but with the pressure off, the challenge of continuing to improve became more and more intimidating. He made a different company, one that focused on bottom up by employees rather than from the top down by managers. This was considered to be part of skilful entrepreneurial leadership. The role of leadership and related skills in business is beyond doubt. Giant leaders create great businesses and opportunities. Average leaders create average businesses (House 1977). The two essential functions in business are diverse and include leadership and management aspects. Leadership include individuals involved with balancing varying interests among managers, employees, customers, consultants and other business stakeholders. Management as related to leadership is commonly defined as the organization and coordination of various economic resources in a business. While leaders can be taken as managers, managers may not necessarily be leaders (Jago 1982). Leaders often have specific character traits that give their knowledge and skills more to directing an institution than managing company’s resources. Organizational leadership if focused in the business owner or directors of a company. Many owners are seen as leaders or initiators because they start new businesses based on an idea or vision which they might leave for the directors to implement. Business owners are responsible for handling diverse aspects of creating the new business inventions, regardless of how many difficult situations arise. Organizational leaders may respond to various negative business occurrences based on their core personality traits and try to implement measures for changing such situations. According to my own opinion, leadership traits should include enthusiasm, conscientiousness, boldness, self-assurance and competitiveness among other minor traits. These characteristics promote individuals ideal business skills for accomplishing tasks and inspiring people to work with the leader during tough situations (Krishnan 2004). Different studies have considered specific organizational leadership traits to include intuitiveness, maturity, team orientation, charisma and empathy among different authors. These may relate to the organizational framework of the business in which the leader works. In many organizations, business owners and leaders usually develop a mission or value statement for the organization. This may includes information that will promote the sharing of information, knowledge and methods to individuals working in the business. Organizational leadership often recruits stakeholder and other junior leaders to help the leader fulfil his vision. They also delegate non-essential tasks to lower-level employees. This helps leaders and all working with them to maintain a singular focus on the overall goal of their business organization (Darling 2004). It has been shown that businesses with strong leadership usually have a better knowledge of their goals and objectives. While the main goal of many businesses is to make a profit, they also may have other diverse goals when operating in the business initiates. Leaders therefore provide goals and objectives and indeed ensure the company achieves them. Leaders can aid a company redefine and work on its original goals or objectives if the business begins to lose its way (Wang 2004). There are different theories related to business leadership. The first id the trait theory focuses on individual. It states that the idea that great leadership derives from a person's individual characteristics or traits. Studies show six personal traits that strongly relate to leadership: intelligence, adjustment, extraversion and conscientiousness as well as openness to new experiences and self-efficacy from different studies. This theory argues individuals with such characteristics emerge as leaders regardless of the situation. The send theory is the Behavioral & Style Theory. This is different from the first since it describes leadership not as a set of traits but a set of behaviors and styles. It is related to three main leadership styles: authoritarian, where the leader dictates what followers must do; democratic, where the leader presides over a collective decision process; and laissez-faire, in this style the leader does not participate in any decision steps. General observation showed that most researchers we for democratic approach to leadership and that performance increased when leaders used positive measures (Mills 2005). Other theories do exist too. The functional theory which focuses leaders' primary responsibility as being mandated to assess what their juniors need and ensure that those needs are met. A variety of studies point that leaders must execute five primary functions: monitor the environment, organize subordinate activities, train and coach subordinates, stimulate followers, and contribute in the group's employment. Transactional theory critically focuses leadership as coming from an individual's skill to reward or discipline subordinates on basis of their performance. Leaders must be have a vision that gives an achievable goal, must possess the ability to train and appraise subordinate's routine towards that focus and ought to be given the authority to reward subordinates when goals are met. The transitional theory use communication skills and ideas to motivate followers to effectively and efficiently complete their dream. Transformational leadership theory encourages all junior and senior leaders to be visible and realistic, and to actively seek out new ideas to achieve any set objectives or goal (Russell 2004). Of interest is the environmental theory. According to this theory leaders use psychology and self-awareness to promote self-sustaining atmospheres where group members bring out the best while working and relating with one another (Mills 2005). The leaders have a responsibility to create a culture that motivates and excites all members to complete set goals for the benefit of the organization. Instead of forcing the group, the leaders provide a good atmosphere where group members learn fro one another. A final theory just to state is the situational & Contingency Theories. Leadership organizations have been determining the future of business for a long time. These associations have taken it upon themselves to carry out leadership assessments, remove companies that do not fit in leadership roles and teach the qualities that a leader must have are doing the country successes. Leader must be able to turn into many different types of people within them (Chen 2006). Leadership organizations take the very greatest qualities and personalities and use them to set definite traits and then train workers to fit within the traits so they make take on leadership responsibilities within the organization. Three types of leadership are common in business: authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leadership is commanding and sets clear expectations for employees in the organizational. Democratic leadership support feedback and input from managers or employees regarding organizational performance. Laissez-faire is a hands-off approach, where managers and employees work according to their own timetable. This leadership style can lead to poor motivation and work practices (Mills 2005). Leadership is commonly seen as a driver for establishing a clear vision, communicating the vision with others and resolving the issues between various individuals who are accountable for completing the company goal. Management is the group and coordination of various economic properties in an industry. The concept of leadership is an important function in small and fast growing business. Leadership and management represent two completely different business concepts yet very interdependent (Hollenbeck 1998). Successful organizational performance depends on the proper performance from managers and workers. Leadership can be a growing process in companies. Business owners who provide leadership can change an employee from an employee completing everyday jobs to a valuable team member. Leadership skills can help change an employee state of mind by instilling an ownership state of mind. Employees who believe they have a direct owner-style affiliation with the society often find ways to improve their feelings and productivity (Chen 2006). Leadership can help a production maintain singular focus on its procedure. Bigger business organizations can go through many individuals attempting to make business decisions. Business owners can use leadership experiences to get managers and employees on the same way re-evaluate the original target. Leadership skills can also help spot on poor business practices or internal conflicts between employees and other organizations they work with (Yukl 1971). Leadership can have an unconstructive impact on organizational routine. Leaders who are excessively leading or become obsessed with achieving goals can forget vital information in the organization. Managers and employees may also be less willing to help leading or extremely significant leaders with accomplishing targets and specific objectives. Controlling leadership creates unreasoned business relationships. Other companies and business owners avoid main leaders who time after time request monetary benefits (Spreitzer 2007). Business management associations offer manuals, training and guidance for all types of enterprise that is small and large businesses. Leadership in an organization is likely to help from external support and a variety of apparatus that promote improved leadership competence and skill development. A victorious business leadership organization supports all workers from the ground up and establishes effective relationships with workers with the possible to become prospect leaders (Russell 2004). Leadership in organizations payback from outside know-how in a variety of fields. In many customs, business association leaders are seen as mentors to current and future leaders as a source of motivation and knowledge. A triumphant business leadership group clinch organizations and recognize their key strengths and weaknesses to promote successful leadership over the long term. Organizations have to identify their leadership style and select assembly for business leadership that clinch these strengths. Whenever there is an organized assembly of people working towards common goals, some type of leadership becomes essential. Although the concerns for leadership are as old as history, it has become more acute during the last few decades due to complexities of production methods (Darling 1994). It is quite ordinary and a substance of common sense that the implication of leadership can’t be underestimated in a numbers of activities. It is human nature that uncertainty and disorder are sure to result in, in any class of assembly activity in the non-existence of an able leader. Good leadership guides the group to a higher level of performance through its constant efforts. It is not always probable to realize results with force or solely with the use of authority. Great leadership works as an aid to authority by influencing, inspiring and initiating actions of the society. Leadership participate and create a fundamental role at all levels of management because in the desire of effective leadership management levels cannot go far. The Leader while using leadership skills should expand voluntary support from his assistants by consulting the assemblage in framing the policies and regulations. Leadership must use some authority whenever necessary, to put into practice the policies. The leader should give comprehensible, all-encompassing and well-spoken instructions to his subordinates and other workers (Darling 1994). Studies have shown that organizational culture and transformational leadership have been theoretically and empirically linked to organizational effectiveness. Leadership in an organization is likely to help from external support and a variety of apparatus that promote improved leadership competence and skill development. A victorious business leadership organization supports all workers from the ground up and establishes effective relationships with workers with the possible to become prospect leaders. Leadership organizations take the very greatest qualities and personalities and use them to set definite traits and then train workers to fit within the traits so they make take on leadership responsibilities within the organization (Chen 2006). In any organization aimed at making profit, exceptional leadership skills are needed in order to be successful. Whether you own the business, manage it or are an employee, the accurate leadership style is necessary in order to reach your goals. It has been shown that well-honed leadership skills are the most important component of being a success in the business world. Different leadership rules have been set for success of a business. 1. Adaptability. In leadership, adaptability means reacting in an effective manner to shifting conditions in your business environment. Every business experiences adaptive challenges and uncertainties, except leaders are enthusiastic to resolve these issues with a cautiously thought-out plan of action. The proposed t trait that every business leader needs most in today’s business environment; it is adaptability (Spreitzer 2007). 2. People Skills. Leadership experts categorize people skills as a term to point to four sets of skills: The ability to scrutinize people in any business. This gives business the insight needed to take the suitable action necessary for the right result. The skill to communicate effectively; It is not easy to get ideas across to a group of people when attempting to make the correct judgment or reach a solution. A leader should be able to converse effectively to everyone – not just some people – in order to be industrious. The ability to inspire gives you the management edge to get the best out of those who labour for you or with you (Darling 1994). 3. Self Awareness. Leaders who are responsive of how they’re perceived by others or how they impact the behavior of others are more likely to do well than those who aren’t self aware. Most of us are responsible of believing we are better than we really are because of objective. A successful business leader have the ability to answer the three questions everyone within his or her organization wants answers to: "Where are we going?" "How are we going to get there?" "What is my role?” Secondly, successful business leaders have the responsibility of mastering the skills and knoledge that will usually them to work anywhere in today's dynamic business world. This helps them face challenges occurring in the business sector (Yukl 1971). In conclusion, leadership is a very significant factor in today’s business world. Having a strong leader can help motivate staff and lead to gains in this section such as lower labour turnover, absenteeism levels and it can also boost work productivity which in turn can lead to a quicker turn around in producing goods or carrying out services. Consequently this can help to construct a highly regarded brand image which in the long run will help commerce become more successful due to it being seen as an improved brand (Chen 2006). Leadership involves power and it occurs among people who deliberately desire important changes that reproduce purposes shared by leaders and followers. A significant aspect of leadership is influencing people to come together with a common vision. Thus, a leader is a visionary who influences, motivates, communicates, and rejuvenates the group to do what ordinarily they may not be willing to do themselves (Darling 1994). The collision of leadership in building a successful business is quite vast. Firstly, leaders do things happen---They are the catalyst for business success; they challenge the status-quo; they are vision-driven; they think differently. Secondly, leaders manage through times of change---They establish direction; they are goal-setters and goal-getters; they move societies from where they are to where they need to be. And thirdly, leaders are revolutionaries---They face actuality and mobilize suitable resources; they give confidence to others to do the same; they leave a mark that cannot be forgotten (Spreitzer 2007). References Chen S. 2006. ‘Leadership Styles and Organization Structural Configurations’. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning House, R.J. 1977. A 1976 Theory of charismatic leadership, Leadership: The cutting edge, in Hunt, J.G. and Larson, LL. (Ed.), Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, pp. 189-204. Jago, A. 1982. Leadership: perspectives in theory and research, Management Science, Vol. 28, pp. 315-36. Krishnan, V.R. 2004. ‘Impact of transformational leadership on followers’. influence strategies, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1/2, pp. 58-72. John R. Darling, (1994) "Crisis Management in International Business: Keys to Effective Decision Making", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 15 Iss: 8, pp.3 - 8 Leck, K.M. and Wang, B.J. 2004. Five core ideas for developing leadership capacity to drive business results, Employment Relations Today, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 61-70. Mills Q. 2005. The Importance of Leadership. Viewed on 31st Aug. 2012, at <> Tucker, B.A. and Russell, R.F. 2004. ‘The influence of the transformational leader’, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 103-11. Wagner III, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R. 1998. Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Yukl, G. 1971. Towards a behavioral theory of leadership, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 414-40. Spreitzer, G. 2007. ‘Giving peace a chance: Organizational Leadership, empowerment, and peace’. Journal of Organizational Behavior J. Organize. Behav. 28, 1077–1095 Read More
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