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Strategic Analysis - Research Paper Example

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Strategic Analysis Executive Summary Anaya & Sons Appliance Repair (ASAR) is a start-up appliance repairing company focused on serving the Hispanic community in Orange County and neighboring Counties. This paper aims to analyze the industry of appliance repair and see whether the industry has growth opportunity and how the firm will react to the environment…
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Strategic Analysis Paper
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It also involves reviewing the current mission of the firm along with identifying the strength weakness opportunity and threat of the firm so that it is able to tackle with the external and internal market factors. The next part deals with the strategic plan of the firm where it broadly talks about the opportunity and resources, the mission, vision, objectives of the organization. The dissertation finally ends with a conclusion where it has been stated that the industry tends to have both positive and negative impact from the current economic situation and the organization should adopt an appropriate strategy to overcome its weakness and threats and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Contents Executive Summary 2 Industry Analysis 7 I. Industry Definition 7 II.History 9 III. Industry Forces 10 1.Technological Changes: 10 2.Resource Availability 11 3.Socio Economic Trends 11 4.Government Actions 11 5.Customer Needs 12 IV.Industry Competitive Structure 12 V.Industry Marketing Practices 13 Product 13 Place 14 Promotion 15 Price 16 VI. Industry Wide Threat and Opportunities 17 Threats 17 Opportunities 18 VII.Industry Investment Requirements 19 VIII.Strategic Changes: 20 Necessary Changes for Firms to Consider 20 Investment Needs 21 Capitalizing on Opportunities 21 Minimizing Threats 22 Changes Likely for Next 10 Years 22 Strategic Business (Internal Analysis) 23 I.

Stakeholders Identification 23 II.Corporate Culture Evaluation 24 III.Organizational performance 26 IV.Current Mission and Strategic thrust 27 V.Identifying Strategic business Areas 28 VI.Internal Capability Assessment 29 Strength 30 Weakness 31 VII.Analysis of External Environment 32 Porters Five Force 32 PESTEL 34 Threats and Opportunities 35 Opportunities 35 Threats 36 VIII.Strategic Fit 37 Strategic Plan 38 I. Opportunity and Resources 38 Opportunity 38 Resources Needed 38 II. Heart of the Organization 39 Vision 39 Mission 39 Tenets 39 Critical Success Factors 39 III.

Goals, Objectives and Function 41 Strategic Goal 41 Strategic Objectives 41 Operating Goals 41 Operating Objectives 41 Functional goals 42 Conclusion 42 References 44 Industry Analysis I. Industry Definition The world of business today is changing at a fast pace. Various macro economic factors like the slowing down of the growth prospects of various emerging markets like India and China, the extended gloomy period of slowdown in the European markets triggered by the financial deadlock evolving out of the Eurozone as well as job cuts in the US are changing the business scenarios for small as well as large business organizations.

The consumer needs and demands are also evolving every day and every week due to the pressurized situations built up by the play of multiple macro economic factors. The macro economic factors are in fact influencing and bringing in a change of consumer behavior both in the developing as well as the developed countries. In the Asian countries, especially in India, there was an old concept of recycling and repairing goods to save costs. Also, the consumers in the Asian countries, unlike their western counterparts are more interested in the concepts of extracting maximum value for the money invested.

An emerging management concept of “Juggaad” which means taking into account the power of substitutes is slowly beginning to get inculcated in the mindsets of the Western consumers as well.

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