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The paper "The Development of the Essential Facilities Doctrine in EC" highlights that I see myself as a truly global citizen, therefore I feel that I can make a valuable contribution in the field of international law and the potpourri of cultural and business etiquette and ethos…
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Questions Ans1. I would describe myself as an intelligent and enthusiastic individual, a trend setter and a capable leader. I’m creative and curious with a deep sense of commitment to helping those in distress. I would also characterize myself as a highly motivated and ambitious individual – I have set targets for myself and I am determined to achieve them. I believe that time is valuable commodity and I plan and schedule my activities carefully so that I use my time as proactively and productively as possible. I’m responsible and reliable and have demonstrated my leadership skills as a team leader. I have spent several years in South Africa as a volunteer and I was able to acquire an understanding of the legal system and learn to interact with people from different backgrounds, which helped me to gain the confidence to help and support others. I’ve also been involved in organizing charity events, where I have interacted with people from various age and ethnic groups and this has provided me the opportunity to exercise my interpersonal skills and face up to the challenges of dealing in a capable manner with difficult situations. I have been an above average student, armed with grit and determination and my academic curiosity has propelled me into learning and developing fluency in three different languages. I’m an innovative individual, curious and eager to learn new things and willing to explore new and different ways of doing things. I have also participated actively in extra curricular and group activities that have further developed my leadership qualities, competitive and communicative skills. During my tenure as a youth leader in South Africa, I also developed my initiative and a sense of independence. I enjoy meeting new people and welcome new challenges. My experiences thus far have helped me to develop a mature outlook and to stay calm and focused, even under pressure. Since I am keen to help others, my desire to go to South Africa reflects my determination to make a difference; to reach out to people and help them. As a youth leader, I have developed the confidence to reach out to others and I am confident that I can indeed make that difference in other lives. I have always taken an active interest in commercial activity within a global framework and I eagerly await the opportunity to apply my knowledge on the established principles of law within a commercial environment.
Ans 2: I strongly believe that the ability to communicate effectively with others determines the extent of success in one’s life. Hence, my extra curricular activities have been focused in areas where I interact with people. At the University, I am involved in mooting, debating and client interviewing and welcome the opportunity to apply my analytical and diagnostic skills in challenging situations. During Open days at the University, I’m available to allay the anxieties of parents and to assist new students. I have recently taken up pro bono work and interact with members of the community to assist them with their legal needs. Outside the University, I am a volunteer at the Maidenhead Citizen Advice Bureau, where I also assist in organizing the annual maidenhead carnival.
As an active sportsperson who also enjoys charity work, I have taken part in a parachute jump to raise 300 pounds for the British Heart Foundation, a 27 mile row for Diabetes UK and a 20 mile walk to raise money for Tsunami victims. I play badminton and participate regularly in kayaking and canoeing, with various stars to demonstrate my prowess. I enjoy water sports, particularly scuba diving. I also enjoy mountain climbing and had a wonderful opportunity to climb Table Mountain in South Africa. My latest activity is Ju Jitsu, which I’m trying to master. Other charitable activities I have been involved in include organizing a dance and dinner for UNICEF. As a part of my activities as Youth leader, I organized a trip to the lakeside and paint balling.
Ans 3: I believe that the most important factor that will condition the success of an international law firm is a sensitivity to other cultures. Working in an international climate and interacting with clients from various countries requires tact, diplomacy and skill together with an intimate knowledge of the prevalent practices within other cultures. I believe that I am uniquely equipped to deal with such situations since I am intimately acquainted with Western and eastern cultures and can easily reach out to either. I enjoy facing up to a challenge and am ready to take the initiative in dealing with a sticky situation. I love meeting new people and finding common ground. I already know three languages and can pick up others quickly. My inner courage and determination have always helped me to overcome my fears and reach out enthusiastically to other people. My organizational and caring qualities acquired during my voluntary and extra curricular activities, coupled with my sharp legal mind, will be very helpful in an international legal environment.
One current commercial issue that sparks my interest is the legal ramifications of the use of Radio Frequency identification (RIFD), a wireless tracking technology that is under review in the United States for use in tracking goods in a supply chain1. This system provides more detailed information about products than the traditional barcode. Businesses supplying goods to large stores such as Walmart and the U.S. Department of defense already using RIFD, to benefit from improved product tracking. However, this also gives rise to legal issues such as an invasion of a customer’s privacy, since such barcodes in products can help to provide extensive information about customer habits – without his or her consent. This raises issues of violation of privacy of individuals. In view of the fact that the European Convention’s Articles on Human Rights provides for the right to privacy, the use of monitoring technology such as RIFD in a commercial environment is likely to give rise to several lawsuits. Businesses everywhere are likely to be faced with the dilemma of whether to improve product tracking and introduce efficiency in function so that they can compete in a global environment vis a vis the threat of lawsuits for invasion of privacy.
Ans 4: My reason for choosing commercial law is based upon my early awareness in this area and a recognition of the global marketplace that has opened up. I realize that the parameters of business are changing and with free trade and the development of the European Union, new scenarios are opening up which present unprecedented legal challenges. Commercial law is one area which is truly global and requires innovative thinking and analytical skills to handle the complex issues that are likely to face the legal fraternity. The opening up of the global marketplace and commercial activity across borders, including outsourcing and electronic activity has created a myriad range of issues that present no simple solutions. I am intrigued and stimulated by this challenge, especially the possibility of individuals brining suit against Government policies –and succeeding, as was the case with people like Francovich2. The conflicts that are likely to crop up between national systems and the need to maintain national sovereignty while simultaneously submitting to an international monetary policy and trade regulations will present several intricate challenges to a profession in commercial law and I relish the prospect of developing innovative approaches for clients within this complex legal framework.
In fact, my city of London presents unique challenges in this area. Its composition is multi racial and multi ethnic, added to which the UK is also a member of the European Commonwealth. It’s also the business hub of the UK and commercial activity is thriving, throwing up complex legal challenges on a daily basis. The laws on human rights are likely to play a major role in the commercial environment and I see great potential for me and others of my profession to provide skilled assistance to individuals in a changing global environment.
Ans 5: I bring my innovation, ingenuity and improvisation skills into the complex, evolving field of international commercial law. I have already lived in two distinct and diverse environments – South Africa and London. There are some abilities I have mastered in South Africa, such as developing determination and drive, while London has developed my interpersonal skills and sensitivity to western culture. I am a Sikh leader and share the vibrancy and passion for life that characterize my tribe, while also imbuing the excellent skills in business technique and negotiations that have made my people successful all over the world. My experiences in cultural, curricular and charitable activities have equipped me with a range of skills and an ability to adjust in any situation, which I believe will be invaluable to me in the field of commercial law. I see myself as a truly global citizen, therefore I feel that I can make a valuable contribution in the field of international law and the potpourri of cultural and business etiquette and ethos.
CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Development of the Essential Facilities Doctrine in EC
icrosoft v EU In March 2004, the European Commission the EU's executive body determined that Microsoft's combining of Windows Media Player with Windows was a violation of Article 82 of the ec Treaty as amended in 2006, known as the 'tying case' (Ahlborn & Evans, 2009, p.... The Commission also found that Microsoft had violated the EU's anti-trust laws by virtue of the work group server operating system which essentially amounted to a refusal to supply information (Commission decision relating to a proceeding under Article 82 of the ec Treaty, Case COMP/C 3/37....
According to the US Army website (2012), the organization is involved in military training, formulation, and development of operational doctrines, and presiding over the development of new weapon systems.... This will enable the development of professional leaders and efficient military personnel (US Army, 2012).... VisionThe organization is involved in the development and training of soldiers, leaders, and civilians.... The paper "The United States Army Training and doctrine Command - Vision and Superordinate Goals" establishes that a successful organization requires interconnecting of an organization's vision, superordinate goals, and its staff, skills, structure, strategy, style, and systems....
The ec competition rules are set out in Article 81 (formerly Article 85) and Article 82 (formerly Article 86) of the Treaty of Rome.... rohibition of behaviour which discourages competition is described in Article 81 (1) of the ec Treaty.... In respect of investigations relating to mergers, to determine whether Article 81 ec will be applcable and to justify exceptions to the rule that there exists a distinction between merger control and the general competition law, a casual link must be established between the merger and the restriction of competition....
Article 36 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights1 and Article 16 of the ec Treaty2 establish SGI amongst the common values of the Union as well as their role in fostering social and territorial cohesion.... This has been achieved through the use of Article 86 ec and the soft law communications by the Commission.... The European social model contributes substantially to the European Union's economic development and productivity.... The principles governing the single market have led to the growing dominance of the logic of the market, which should remain a means and not become an end and should thus effectively support the fundamental objectives of the European Union, which are "to promote economic and social progress", "to achieve balanced and sustainable development", to reinforce "social and economic cohesion"3....
harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of economic activities, a high level of employment and of social protection, equality between men and women, sustainable and non-inflationary growth, a high degree of competitiveness and convergence of economic performance, a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life, and economic and social cohesion and solidarity among the Member States....
Some evidence that makes the expansion of exhaustion doctrine in Dior v Evora a mistake will be identified.... The European Court of Justice is strongly encouraging parallel imports, but there will always be some exceptions to the rule when it comes to dealing with the essential functions of the trademark law.... This essay will discuss the ways in how the doctrine of exhaustion in the Dior v Evora case has damaged the essential function of the trademark law....
The inherently monopolistic nature of intellectual property rights has proved particularly problematic in EC competition cases, particularly in the context of the essential facilities doctrine4.... This paper analyses Competing Ideologies in IPR and EC Competition Law, Definition of Dominance, the Relevant Market and essential facilities doctrine, and The Relevant Market Definition and Substitution.... In particular, the need to protect consumers through the effective competition on the one hand, whilst facilitating the development of innovation and new markets has brought the debate regarding Article 82 and the need for reformulation and categorization of existing EC competition rules in order to address business realities....
The inherently monopolistic nature of intellectual property rights has proved particularly problematic in EC competition cases, particularly in the context of the essential facilities doctrine4.... In particular, the need to protect consumers through an effective competition on the one hand, whilst facilitating the development of innovation and new markets has brought the debate regarding Article 82 and the need for reformulation and categorization of existing EC competition rules in order to address business realities....
10 Pages(2500 words)Case Study
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