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Information System and Information Technology Strategy - Assignment Example

The paper "Information System and Information Technology Strategy" highlights that generally speaking, the University of Glasgow provided a roadmap for the 2012/2013 academic year. The roadmap showed the new strategic priorities required by the institution. …
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Download file to see previous pages While migration is inevitable, it provides an opportunity for various growths. Due to increased urbanization and the load on rural land, most governments have acknowledged the need for cities, which can cope with the needs of urban living while creating investment opportunities. Urbanization is increasing at a significant pace, which places intense pressure on a city’s resources and infrastructure (Centre of Regional Science, 2007). Mobility would be one of the most significant challenges for cities all over the globe. In current cities, mobility systems present inadequacy challenges as increasing populations and urbanization increase demand. Cities traditionally solve such challenges by enhancing new capacities that would match the demand. The capacity-building approach as a standalone has proved to be inefficient and unsustainable.

Smart cities are urban regions, which are highly advanced in terms of sustainable real estate, infrastructure, market viability, and overall communications. A smart city is a region where the principal infrastructure is information technology (America Transportation, 2010). Information technology provides the basis for offering significant services to residents. Companies like Sadaqa Telecom and Service Company would provide services like data centers and automated sensor networks. In smart cities, economic activities and development are rationally and sustainably incremented because of success-based drivers like demand and supply. They benefit everyone including the government, citizens, businesses, and the environment.

When considering Sadaqa Telecom and Service Company, the main objective is the promotion of cities, which would offer core infrastructure while providing decent livelihoods to the citizens, sustainable and clean environments, and smart solution applications. The research question is whether the company can create a replicable model that would act as a lighthouse for other aspiring cities. The problems for Sadaqa Telecom and Service Company would include providing core infrastructure elements like robust information technology digitalization and connectivity and a sustainable environment.

Literature Review
According to Virgil (2015), smart cities would be ranked and acknowledged along six significant domains. The domains are smart governance, smart living, smart environment, smart mobility, smart people, and smart economy.  ...Download file to see next pages Read More

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