Orwell wrote 1984 after world warII, with the aim of wanting to be sure that the type of forthcoming future discussed in the novel should under no circumstances come to exist. He existed during the time when oppression was realism in Spain and other nations where government is seen to blind around its people. Moreover, starvation, forced labor and mass killing were common. Orwell has voiced his influential political approaches on the desire to change other people’s knowledge (Orwell). The society in 1984,even though fictitious, depicts the political elements of the citizens that occur where there is whole suppression of human soul and total governmental control of people’s regular life.Consequently,those who do not obey the morals of the government are at times killed.
George Orwell’s book 1984 has made many forecasts that have now come around to a great level in most of the communist nations, and some level to some nations of the west.Moreover,the books argues that, the authorities of the security police in western states to get hold of mail and tap telephones have frequently been extended,Furtheremore,police organizations have always kept many files on law enduring citizens, and more public officers have extended the right to go into any private households without authorization. Most of the government units keep electronic data of the people. There is a risk that this data will be stored into a central records bank (Orwell).
The misuse of language as termed in the 1984 is wide in the mass media today, that has been labeled as independent, war criminal and many other terminologies that are being used intentionally to mislead, and use of propaganda as a technique to ensure that public can never attain even an estimate of the facts.Consequently,efforts by the law administrators agencies to acquire further information through informant structures and some law administration agencies has made these nations to be dictatorial societies. 1984 is a political novel that has totally dismissed the present norms that any side can use politics as justification for reducing the world into evil.
The novel argues that, currently, there exist rough ridicules that are exactly the ethical laws of a world where the immorality is regarded to be the best practice and the order of the day. On the other hand, war is alleged to be peace and lack of knowledge as strength. In addition, in 1984, Orwell builds technically progressive world in which panic is used as a tool of deploying and monitoring individuals who do not follow the normal political custom. Orwell makes dystopia that is a false situation where, life is very bad because of coercion or fear. Moreover, people are seen to have no control over their own lives hence living in desolation and fear (Orwell).
Orwell hates the kind of political affairs used by the leaders he saw climbing to power in the states around him. Furthermore, he hates what politicians did to the people of those nations. Orwell insists that, he is determinedly in contradiction of any kind of governmental dictatorship, from any viewpoint of the political range. He therefore, outlines the undesirable effects of the dictatorial form of governance and how it is difficult to remain liberal under such condition.
He develops a broadcasting service that is mostly focused on the propaganda. For instance, when Orwell worked for the British broadcasting media house, he experienced certain types of limitations that restricted the kind of news to be circulated. This bothered him so much by what he alleged to be the dishonesty of his work. Winston smith who is the main character in 1984, works in the broadcasting and is in charge for making what is termed as misleading propaganda. This furthermore, creates an understanding into the deception of the society in which people live. This is the type of the society that is doomed by Orwell.
Iran’s ruling style
Iran is a theocratic Islamic monarchy that is ran by the constitution of 1979 as revised. The leader is selected rather than voted. Moreover, offices and relevant agencies hold the authority in the ruling regime. Iran has been affected by political crisis under the headship of the Ayatollah Khamenei. His legality of an Islamic régime has been quizzed because; he does not have legal religious qualifications within the clerical community. Consequently`, the independent legality of the Islamic state has been an issue of heated discussion following the repercussion of the revolution. This has worsened since the government’s post- election crash on protesters in 2009.
The country’s formal power structure consists of major institutions that constitute the important role of the regime (Orwell). While the casual power structure includes four rings that comprises of the greatest powerful political members of the clergy, and the important persons who are placed between the systems. Even though Iran has democratic polls, occasionally the outcomes of those polls are always not observed hence, leading to the mass demonstration. The protests are inhumanely intimidated with mass detentions and torture.Consequently,Iran has chosen leaders in authority who are not ready to allow the opposition to take authority away from them.Moreover,the unelected spiritual leaders in Iran time and again overrides the elected regime hence, imposing a certain set of guidelines based on their spiritual morals.
The ruling style of Iran government is dictatorial because, it does not mind the rules.in most of the cases, it has been proved to be acting the way it wants and limiting the citizens of Iran. The right of the people of Iran has been taken away with the aim of maintaining the same kind of ruling style.in 2009 there was crackdown in Iranian green movement that made many people to take to the streets in protest of dictatorial regime. The Iranian forces installed the fear upon the protests. Many peaceful demonstrators were killed while others were arrested and humiliated (Orwell).
The comparison of 1984(George Orwell) with Iran’s ruling system.
The Iran’s ruling system has the same characteristics as outlined by George Orwell in 1984.for instance, the kind of ruling style experienced in Iran is dictatorial. This leadership has blocked the rights of the citizens. Moreover, there are numerous protests that are often experienced in Iran because of unfair elections. The government uses security agencies to suppress those who do not conform to the rules of the regime. Additionally; the protestors are always intimidated and sometimes killed by the government’s security agencies. This is the type of ruling style that is criticized by George Orwell.
Media is used as a tool of spreading propaganda in Iran with the aim of creating confidence in the current regime (Orwell). There are false reporting from the media personalities especially government owned broadcasting channels. According to George Orwell, the use of media is curtailed through regulating the kind of content to be viewed by the public.Furtheremore; the leaders of Iran, especially spiritual leaders impose certain guidelines that are based on their spiritual norms. This limits the rights of the citizens. This makes people not to be able to have control over their lives hence resulting to fear.
The ruling style of Iran is one, which does not care about the lives and rights of its citizens. Instead, it only focuses on maintaining the same ruling style through use of dictatorial leadership that takes away the right of its citizens (Orwell). Moreover, there is the use of propaganda that ensures people are not able to access the important and correct information concerning the activities carried out by the government. Furthermore, the corruption of language is common to use various expressions to purposefully mislead the mass. Even though there is democracy in Iran, surprisingly, the people in power are not ready to permit the opposition to take away powers from them. On the other hand, its citizens are subjected to brutality through being coerced to respect the leadership in place (Orwell).
The president is surrounded by the inner circles that are not ready to allow anybody to express personal views touching on the problems faced by the citizens. This makes it difficult to take care of the needs of citizens hence hindering their democratic rights.
The kind of ruling experienced in Iran has negative effects to the citizens and development.it is therefore important for the citizens to support the bona fide civil rights groups and vigorously oppose the government actions that limit basic sovereignty rights. Subsequently, freedom of speech is a very important liberty that people should battle to maintain it and not accepting to be intimidated by various security agencies. They should resist the pressure that originates from diverse groups. Instead, they should start thinking for themselves and be able to speak out what suppress them. Iranian government must implement policies in order to encourage democracy in the country. Additionally; the use of media should be liberalized and not used as a tool to spread propaganda to the citizens. Mass execution should be condemned in order to allow people to freely express their views.
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