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Literature Critique “The Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus. The Praise of Folly is an article written by Desiderius Erasmus. In this story, he uses a female character to personify folly, a strategic quality that most people identify with in the society. The book presents Folly standing before a crowd to narrate the benefit she bestows upon men and gods. Acting as a serious concern to everybody, old age comes out as the major point, which Folly promises she can reverse the effects. Through the concomitant element that she mentions, such as foolishness and forgetfulness, youthfulness can be prolonged while keeping old age at bay.
In her discussion, Folly pin points old age as an aspect that one can easily slow down through embracing charm of foolishness in the part of endeavors (Erasmus & Miller, 2003). The assertion works well for her considering that hard work, mental stresses and being aware of progression of life are the basis of old age. In which case, medieval medical theory supports this by asserting that such processes quickens the drying process thereby making people develop aspects of old age. At this point, a reader realizes that in order to slow down the aging process, there is need for embracing cheerfulness and cutting down on worrying; since this helps man to be at peace with their body processes.
This acts as the basis for reality in Folly’s assertion, about need for acquiring foolishness and forgetfulness of youth. Intuitively, “forgetfulness” and “foolishness” bestows upon an individual the ability to forget about worrying and unnecessary mental stresses. In conclusion, Desiderius Erasmus tailors a masterpiece that supports effort an individual may take in slowing down aging process. The story brings to light the need for developing cheerfulness and embracing aspects that bring pleasure, through forgetfulness and foolishness.
This way, it is possible to fight old age since they make one invulnerable to mental stresses and worrying. ReferencesErasmus, D., & Miller, C. H. (2003). The praise of folly. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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