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The Museum of Edgar Allan Poe A great and respected poet in his time, Edgar Allan Poe’s death did not only shock many friends, family and poets but was a great loss to literature. His poems were connotative, inspiring , fictitious and great piece of art.Many theories have been advanced to what caused his death but after reading all the theories put forward, it is of no doubt that Poe was murdered by people close to him. Poetry is a big business surrounded by hatred among poets, deceit and competing interest just like rap music at the time of Tupac and Biggie Smallz and Poe was a target from fellow poets like Griswold due to his great work.
Griswold was never close or a friend of Poe and how he became his literary executor cannot be explained since Poe never liked him or worked with him (Poe, Deaver and Connelly, 2009, pg 52).Interestingly, Griswold had in his possession pieces of Poe’s work never seen before! He had a biographical article titled “Memoir of the Author” that depicted Poe as a sluggard, pretentious and a habitual drunkard. After reading this memoir, it is evident that Griswold stole Poe’s ideas and fabricated them to throw investigators out of the loop by discrediting Poe’s character.
He managed to assassinate the character of this great poet since most conspiracy theorists have treated his argument as pointing to the death of Edgar Allan Poe. If not Griswold, then Poe a victim of cooping whereby certain people perceived to be supporters of an opponent were drugged and forced to vote by the rival camps in multiple polling stations. This can be supported by the fact that Poe was found on the an election day and such cases were rampant at the time making him a victim of a circumstance.
Work cited Poe, Edgar Allan, Jeffery Deaver, and Michael Connelly. Mystery Writers of America presents In the shadow of the master: classic tales. New York, NY: William Morrow, 2009. Print.
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