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Music Discussion Morality Plays Then and Now - Assignment Example

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The author examines Morality Plays which are allegorical plays in which the characters are symbolic of moral qualities or abstractions. They are literary works having particular moral principles or rules of conduct. There are “modern-day” morality plays in which the character was once good…
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Music Discussion Morality Plays Then and Now
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One example of such plays is the “Blood Wedding” written by Federico Garcia Lorca. It is allegorical in the sense that it uses symbols or personifications of abstract force or concept. A feminine symbol, the Moon, is played by a powerful and godlike woman, while the Groom was searching for his Bride who eloped with her Lover, the Moon shines her mystic light on the forest so the searchers can easily see the paths. The old beggar woman, symbolic of death, led the Groom to the Bride’s Lover.

It resulted in the death of the Groom and Leonardo, the Bride’s Lover, who killed each other. Another play is the Tooth of Crime written by Harold Pinter in 1972. It features a ritual battle-to-the-death between what seems to be rock stars but in reality, could be professional hit menor cowboys. Modern-day morality stories are still popular with movie-goers and as entertainment for today’s society. For me, they are still popular because of the moral lessons they convey. As human beings, we normally want to learn from the stories we read and the movies we watch.

Besides, we can recommend the younger generations to watch such plays as long as they are morally-guided.

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