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What Is American Identity - Essay Example

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From the paper "What Is American Identity" it is clear that the USA has been one of the most dreamt as well as the most desired nations for the people across the globe. With Washington DC as the capital, the federal constitutional republic is comprised of fifty states and a district…
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What Is American Identity
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The Identity

For a long, the United States has been looked up to by the activists of the entire world as the nation that has optimum respect for individual rights and liberty. The identity of the United States is restored upon the various principles that the country has followed like that of tolerance and individual freedom. Among other pillars of the nation, equality for all irrespective of one's caste, creed, or color, and the success of democracy is noteworthy.

It is perceived that in the United States, individuals have the opportunity to create their fortune in one field or the other. In this amazing nation, the color of one’s skin is never a hindrance or advantage to any to excel in any of the arenas. It is the quality of the professionals that matters. It is probably possible only in the United States where many of the college dropouts start working in their family garage with the hopes of making something big like Microsoft or Google or Apple. It is only in America, that athletes like Carl Lewis and Maurice Green could excel in their potential and create world records. It is only in America where despite the war against terrorism, one can voice his reservations against the mal-treatments by the armed forces in the name of peacekeeping. It is possible only in America where a minority by religion gets elected at the highest constitutional position by record vote in these trying times.

The United States was one of the initiating countries to prohibit slavery under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln. Another prominent leader of the United States, Martin Luther King Jr., took several measures so that black men and other disadvantaged citizens get compensated for historical wrongs.
The American identity can also be recognized with the great American dream. As James Adams observed, it was a “better, richer, and happier life”. The essence of the American dream can also be documented in the Declaration of Independence, which says, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

Another pillar of American identity has been the political freedom of the citizens of the nation. It has been observed that the citizens of the country always had the freedom to protest against government policies, without fear.
All the above arguments put forth the strengths of the most dreamt nation and within these factors lay the true identity of the nation. Read More
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