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Thematic Analysis of the Play the Star of Seville - Term Paper Example

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The author of the paper examines The Star of Seville, one of the best plays of the Golden Age in Spanish Literature. It is an apt example that reflects various conventionalities of that age and represents the customs, traditions and the trends of that era.  …
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Thematic Analysis of the Play the Star of Seville
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Thematic Analysis of the Play the Star of Seville 1. Introduction The Star of Seville is one of the best plays of the Golden Age in Spanish Literature. It is an apt example that reflects various conventionalities of that age and represents the customs, traditions and the trends of that era. Walsh states that, “Estrella de Sevilla is a beautiful work replete with all the best and most attractive characteristics of Spanish stage, where in the extremes of loyalty, love and honor are depicted with a variety of incident and passion, and yet with a degree of truth and eloquence, which Shakespeare alone could surpass” (213). 1.1. Summary Caprio’s play The Star of Seville is a twisted yet interesting tale of the Spanish royal court where the King uses his power to convince one of his loyal and trusted men to commit a murder. In the process of hiding the identity of the person who was actually to be blamed for the murder i.e. the King himself leads to a series of confusing and chaotic sequence of events. The story of this play makes the readers realize that it is better to stick with the truth because in order to hide one lie an individual has to tell a hundred more lies. Moreover one wrong judgment and a miscalculation of the circumstances can destroy the lives of people and causing a permanent rift between them. Mckendrick states that, “the play is the story of clash, played out with in the parameters of individual lives, between two opposing value systems held in tension by the need to sustain social and political system” (163). On the other hand Diamanti states that, “the star of Seville focuses on the universal issues of corruption, freedom and tyranny love and sexual passion.” (131). 1.2. Thematic Concerns of the Play In Spanish literature during Golden Age there were some common themes that were incorporated in every play and consequently in The Star of Seville the readers observe that Caprio integrates those themes as well. These thematic concerns include manipulation of the King, theme of honor and love and fate and madness. 2. Manipulation of the King The author of the play through the negative projection of character of the King tries to impart the knowledge to his readers that the royalty is not always the beneficent and merciful entity. Consequently Armas also elaborates that according to, “Ruth Lee Kennedy’s intuition Estrella was among ‘the mirrors for princes, in dramatic form written by authors who believed with Hamlet that the play’s the thing with which to catch the conscience of the king” (18). This theme deals with various other secondary themes and these themes include common man’s dislike of the King, selfish existence of the royals and abuse of power. 2.1. Dislike of the King While reading the play text gives the vibes to the readers that indicate that the author has his reservations against the Royalty because he portrays the character of the King as a villain rather than a heroic figure. In the beginning of the play this censure is apparent from the Estrella’s description and understanding of the King as she says, “your idol neither king nor just nor very grateful” (23). Pedro also makes the comment that, “the king besides hath but an evil name among grave men for unbounded license of his pleasures” (29). Both the comments show that there is underlying dislike for the King rather than affection and respect for their ruler. Moreover this dislike can be interpreted as Caprio’s effort to make his readers realize that a good system cannot function properly if it is solely dependant on the will of their ruler. As Mckendrick also says that, “a kingdom cannot be properly ruled by the will of the sovereign alone, that virtue and integrity must form the basis just and effective government and blind obedience to the ruler’s will is dangerous” (163). 2.2. Selfishness of the Royals The selfishness of the King in the play is portrayed more along the lines of him being full of himself where he believes that every individual lives to carry out his biddings and because of his social stature he can never do any wrong. As it is also observed from the line, “Can the king do wrong? And shall he not do right that doth avenge the sacred cause of majesty insulted? (60). this dialogue is delivered when Sancho is contemplating his revenge against Pedro because he had raised his sword against him. However he fails to see Pedro’s reason for such actions. Although the readers realize that Pedro’s actions are justified as it is his responsibility to save his sister’s honor. This selfish portrayal also reflects on the cynicism that is deeply embedded in Sancho’s personality because of which he perceives that everything in this world is as jaded and materialistic as himself. This is apparent from the line where he says, “All women have their prices; be’t in gold, in honor’s titles, jewels, gay apparels” (47). Moreover another interesting characteristic trait of his personality is that he is unable to accept the fact that there is an individual in his Kingdom who has the guts to raise his sword against him as he says, “within the walls of Seville lives a man who hath incurred all these against his king against me the Lord and Sovereign of Castille he raised his arm” (63). Another interesting observation made by the critics is that Caprio’s portrayal of the King’s character was inspired by Philip IV as they find some similarities between the two rulers i.e. the real King and Caprio’s character. As Armas also states, “in La Estrella de Sevilla Sancho IV is portrayed as sensual monarch, not interested in architectural beauties of the city, but only female beauty…this portrayal does not fit the medieval monarch but it could very easily be a reference to Philip IV, whose ‘passion for women…turned him into a jaded voluptuary well before middle age” (18-19). 2.3. Abuse of Power The theme of abuse of power is correlated with the theme of selfishness of the ruler because in either case the King uses his power and influence to carry out wrong deeds. When he sees Estrella for the first time he states, “How is she to be begged bought stolen wooed won how can I make her mine” (45). Such an attitude towards acquiring a woman appears to be an abuse of his power because it is his intention to use his influence as a tool to make Estrella his mistress. Then again from the conversation between Carlos and Sancho where he demands Carlos’s loyalty to carry out Pedro’s murder is yet another instant where he exploits his power once again. As it is also observed in the text that Sancho says, “And what does he deserve who lays hand on his anointed King in daring strife? And Carlos replies, “Death!” (62). such a manipulation of Carlos’s affection and loyalty yet again appears to be an exploitation of his power on Sancho’s part. 3. Theme of Love and Honor During the Golden Age writers are observed to be extensively writing about love, honor and sacrifice in their plays. Consequently in The Star of Seville Honor and love is a major theme that has been utilized in the play to illustrate the definition of honor is different for every individual. The author uses his four main characters i.e. Sancho, Carlos, Pedro and Estrella to provide various definitions of honor to the readers as each character has his or her own interpretation of honor. 3.1. The King In the case of the King the readers observe that he has a no sense of honor regardless of the fact that he holds such an honorable position in the society and the future of his country men is dependant on him. Egginton also states that the play La Estrella de Sevilla, “…recounts tragic outcomes of King’s dishonorable behavior and how he is shamed and taught the value of honor by the people of Seville…” (52). Moreover the readers observe that for the King the definition of love is lust as observed from his feelings for Estrella and his attempt to seduce her. This action can also be interpreted as Caprio’s attempt to make the readers understand the hollow and shallow existence of the royals i.e. at their position in life feelings and emotions do not have any value. 3.2. Carlos The character of Carlos is the best example through which Caprio portrays the true meaning and importance of honor and duty. His character reiterates that honor and duty is above all and even it surpasses the intense feelings of love and affection. Although in the beginning of the play he explains the difference between duty and love by saying that one is very different from the other. Yet when he is made to choose between the two he realizes it is the most difficult decision of his life as he says, “Another ha! Ha! Ha! To drown the fire in my brain” (68). His effort to try to seek oblivion is a proof against the fact that he desires an escape rather than choosing between the two. However since it is common knowledge that life is cruel and escape is not possible so Carlos’s fate extracts the price of obligation honor at the expense of his love for Estrella. As it is also observed from Carlos’s dialogue where he says, “Sweet love bitter life! Since ye might not together dwell its best to leave both…tell him in all devoted humble duty and truest love I was his servant ever” (104). Although he deeply loves Estrella yet at the end honor wins over love and hence he destroys the life of Estrella, Pedro and himself. 3.3. Estrella Estrella’s character provides the readers with another interesting definition and understanding of Honor. For her Honor is a debt that Carlos has to pay because he owes his life to the King as she says, “I do no longer blame your loyalty, but rather think it plays a failing debtor, paying but half his owings” (24). Although she opposes the Carlos’s loyalty and sense of responsibility towards his King and in a way her condemnation of Carlos’s sense of duty act as the soul reason that destroys her as well as Pedro’s and Carlos’s future. 3.3. Pedro In the case of Pedro it was against his honor and principles to accept the position that the King had offered because he thought he did not deserve it. This refusal reflects on the fact that the people outside the circle of the royal blood have a self esteem and an ego that is very dear to them and in life before they make any decision they give importance to their honor because honor and pride are the few things that they have regardless of their lower stature in the society. Pedro’s sense of honor is also reflected when he refuses to fight with Carlos while he is drunk even when Carlos was spoiling for a fight Pedro opted to make an attempt to restrain him rather than fighting with a drunkard. As observed in the text that when Carlos says, “As there is light in heaven and fire in hell to stab thee to heart. Defend thyself” and Pedro replies, “I will not, thou art mad” (77). 3.4. Love Vs Honor The theme of love and honor also presents the readers with the contradictory idea of rivalry between love and honor as every character had varying preferences in life and consequently they made their individual choices yet they ended up in the same state of pain and suffering. For example in Estrella’s case although it was her duty to hate her brother’s murder and fulfill her obligation by making efforts to see that her brother gets justice by hanging of Carlos although he was a pawn in the manipulation of the King. Yet Estrella’s love wins out and she takes her life as she believes that she has already lost her brother and she can not bear the thought of living without Carlos hence she decides to end her life as well. As the readers observe that towards the end of the play she says, “Pray do not leave, pray you take me with you, for my brother’s dead you know he’s dead they watch me and prison me and keep me close…” (128). Similarly in Pedro’s case it is also observed that love wins over honor meaning that he gives up his life without any protest and the last words that he utters is a plea for Carlos to marry his sister so that her future will be secure. As he says, “whatever hath urged thee to this deed I guess not, let nor my sister know thy hand did strike me…do not leave her desolate do not abandon her; but thy love for her redeem my death…” (77-78). On the other hand Carlos’s dilemma was a total opposite of Estrellas’s perception of sense of responsibility. Carlos believed that since he owed his life to the King and he had already given his word to him that he will murder the person who had raised his sword against the King and insulted his majesty so he had no option other than keeping his word because it was a matter of his prestige and responsibility. However he immensely regrets his actions when Estrella brutally states that, “well hear ye, I’ll tell you the story of a gallant lover; who stabbed his lady’s brother in the dark…but he’s damned be sure with the fiends in fire for breaking his love’s heart and murdering her brother” (128) although since the deed is done he has to pay the penance and die with the knowledge that his wife/lover hates him. While in the case of King since he had no regard for honor the readers observe that neither does he questions his action nor does he care about anyone else’s feelings. His soul purpose of existence is to attain everything that he desires in life and teach a lesson to those who dare to disobey him or hinder his path in attaining the thing he desires. In this case it is observed that it was Estrella that he desired and he had thought by ordering Carlos to Murder Pedro he will be able to get Estrella. Although his plan back fires and he not only loses Estrella but he also has to spend the rest of his life with a guilty conscience because his manipulation led to dying of three people. 4. Fate and Madness Fate is another important theme that is observed to have grave importance in the progress of the story as it helps in providing the readers with interesting twists that lead to the development of the play’s story. Rodriquez who is the priest in the play says, “Question not thou the invincible doom of fate” (121). Although he says this towards the end of the play yet this one line not only provides the readers with the truth of human existence but also answers all the questions regarding the injustices that are done to the characters of the play. In other words this line illustrates that fate is an invincible force that has the power to change the circumstances of human beings with in a blink of an eye and no individual has the right to challenge it hence fate is not answerable to anyone. Although Carlos is observed to be cursing and blaming fate for his pain and misery in life as he says, “Horrible! Another wreck upon this fated shore; another curse fall’n on this evil day…” (128). Theme of madness is also incorporated in the play to depict the misery and suffering of the two lovers and this theme is inter linked with fate because it is fate that subjects the two lovers to torture and pain and such emotional torture leads them to lose their sanity. As it is apparent in the last scene where the two lovers frantically try to reach each other yet their efforts are useless because fate had already decided their future i.e. their spirits will unite after death but there union is not possible in this world. As observed that Estrella keeps on saying, “I know the voice! I now blessed sound! Loosen your grasp I say! I hear him ah! I see him Carlos! Carlos!” (129). While Carlos continues to request for a little more time to spend with his beloved although his requests goes unheard. The tragic ending of the play is very heart wrenching. Diamanti states that, “the ending of the play with its final denouement of death establishes the belief in the perversity and corruption of tyrannical rule” (204). This comment demonstrates that according to Caprio’s understanding of the ways of the royalty hypocritical, mean and selfish method is the only prevailing principle in life to succeed. Honor and love take secondary importance in life. Moreover it is futile to expect a happy ending as life is unfair and human beings are enemies of one and other. 5. Conclusion Hence it is observed that the themes that Caprio incorporates in the play The Star of Seville have a close association with life of a common man and the readers can relate to the various characters of the play because this play is an account of various behaviors and conducts of human beings in different situation. Fate and duty are two bitter realities of life according to which an individual spends his whole life and they are two such forces that govern the life of an individual and he can never fight against them.. Reference: Armas, de, Alfred, Fredrick. Heavenly Bodies: The Realms of La Estrella de Sevilla. Ontario: Associated University Presses Inc., 1996. Print. Diamanti, Detsi, Zoe. Early American Women Dramatists. Washington: Library of Congress, 1998. Print. Egginton, William. The Theatre of Truth: the Ideology of Baroque Aesthetics. California: Stanford University Press, 2010. Print Kemble, Fanny. The Star of Seville: a Drama. In Five Acts. New York: Saunders and Otley, 1837. Print. Mckendrick, Melveena. Playing the King: Lope de Vega and Limits of Conformity. New York: Boydell & Brewer Inc., 2002. Print. Walsh, Robert. The American Quarterly Review: Volume 21. Philadelphia: Adam Waldie, 1837. Print. Read More
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