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Registration and Association of Radiology and Radiography - Literature review Example

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The paper "Registration and Association of Radiology and Radiography" is a good example of a literature review on the law. The purpose of this essay is to provide a comparison of the Australian registration and professional associations…
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Back ground……………………………………………………………………………………….3 Prior to July 1, 2012 State by State registration…………………………………………………...3 Post 2012 MRPBA………………………………………………………………………………...4 MRPBA: Continuing professional development………………………………………………….4 MRPBA: enforcement/sanctioning authority……………………………………………………..4 The aims and objectives of these bodies as well as discuss their authority and responsibility…...5 PROFESSIONAL BODIES……………………………………………………………………..7 AIR (Australia Istitute of Radiation)…………………………………………………………...7 UK, the college of radiographers………………………………………………………………….8 The Saudi professional body for radiography……………………………………………………..9 Professional body for radiography in New Zealand…………………………………………........9 Registration body ………………………………………………………………………………..10 The future of the AIR…………………………………………………………………………….10 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….12 References……………………………………………………………………………………….12 Literature Review Introduction The purpose of this essay is to provide a comparison of the Australian registration and professional associations, namely, the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia ('MRPBA' or 'the board'), and the AIR respectively, with comparable international agencies. The essay will investigate the aims and objectives of the Australian bodies as well as discuss their authority and responsibility since July 1, 2012 (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014.p.1) the essay will comment on the similarities and differences between the Australian authorities and the comparable international agencies. The essay will also review the impact of these agencies on the workplace and the practice of radiographers (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014) finally; the essay will discuss inter-agencies relationships. The registration bodies especially those under National registration and accreditation must meet the registration standards for the board for them to include in the system (Herdman and, Roger, 2012). For radiologists to be registered, they must follow set regulations which are pivotal in their practice for instance, section 38 of Australian Health Practitioner Regulation law affirms that the medical radiation board that wants to practice in Australia must conform to the ministerial mandatory registration standards (Dolbear, 2010). Moreover, any other eligible rule that needs to be followed must be followed in an effort to make things straight (Kincaid, 2009).there are some directives that the ministries have allowed to be given for any board that wants to practice radiology. First they should have any criminal records whatsoever. Secondly they are conversant with English language to the fluency level. The third one is the professional indemnity where they are supposed to have met the registration standards (Kincaid, Cynthia, 2009) Background There are many boards and organizations in Australia some of which are professional while others are registration. These companies and boards have one common goal and that is serving humanity (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014, p.1) However, their roles are different though they may be similar in one way or the other. The research essay will be focusing on Australian Registration authorities and Australian registration professional authorities and their goals in pursuant of the better life in Australia (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014, p.1) Significant change.In the last two years in Australia, a significant change has occurred with respect to the registration and professional advocacy of the medical imaging, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine occupations. In brief, nationalization of registration has occurred. Prior to July 1, 2012 State by State registration Prior to 2012, state by state registration of medical imaging, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine occupations was in place. It was a piece meal arrangement with some significant differences state by state. For example, in Western Australia, the previous body was known as the WA MIRP (Jordan, Michael, 1995p.56). The most exceptional example was New South Wales, which despite being the state with the highest number of professionals and servicing the largest number of persons did not have an identifiable registration body as such. This state required at this time only that practitioners had a radiation license. Post 2012 MRPBA By 2012, the following regulatory bodies emerged namely; The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act and The Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council.The Commonwealth Government and its agencies resolved to establish the MRPBA in 2012. This body is essentially a board which operates under ARPHA (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014,p.1)The MRPBA has responsibility for registration of medical imaging, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine.Since 2012, persons that wanted to work in these areas must be registered with the MRPBA in order to work in Australia(MRPBA. 2012, p. 1). However, the advantage of this nationalized registration is that once persons are members, they are theoretically able to work in any state or territory in Australia. MRPBA: Continuing professional development Under the MRPBA continuing professional development (CPD) registration standard, all practitioners must complete a minimum of 10 hours of professional development per year, and no less than 60 hour of professional development in each three year cycle (MRPBA. 2012, p. 1). This continuing professional development can be self-directed (MRPBA. 2012, p. 1) MRPBA: enforcement/sanctioning authority According to Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia AIR has noted the view which is taken by MRPBA and that there are differences between the professional demands in a particular work place and what is expected for every practitioner to do (Goldfarb, Richard, 2012.p.23). The main idea on this paper is to focus on the entry level of the practitioner AIR has assumed major review of the AIR (CBS) Competency based Standards that is almost nearing the completion and it is due the final approval (Indrajit, 2009.p78).The document is known as Professional practice Standards (PPS) and it is about to get to the membership for the last consultation. Delays in delivery of the project have resulted due to consequences of working out relationship of the AIR and the functions on behalf of the profession (Indrajit, 2009.p78). Board of the AIR took advice from Darcy and the associates and reported that seeking to compare and to contrast the standards from the different disciplines. It is difficult to make important comparisons between professions since different approaches are used are used in each particular discipline (Jordan, Michael, 1995p.56). AIR strongly affirm that the MRPBA should look more broadly at the local capabilities and domains in the line f professional capabilities for the medical radiation practice rather than just a comparative analysis of the documents that are used to describe the attributes of the 14 health professions as they are regulated by the law. Consequently, AIR ensures availability to the MRPBA as the appended document in the ninth draft of the AIR professional practice standards (Jordan, 1995p.67). The aims and objectives of these bodies as well as discuss their authority and responsibility. As per the capacity AIR has been involved with the CBS for approximately two decades and it developed the first MRP CBS in 1992 (Christina, 2014) However, the process involved many consultations and reviews that were made between August 2004 and 2005 February and formulated set of standards that are still applicable even today (Linton,2009). The standard involves the following: Professional accreditation of the undergraduate and graduate entry radiography courses by the education board (Linton, Otha, 2009 p.90).All oversees applications to be accessed by the Qualification Assessment panel in an effort to determine the illegibility to hold visa and work in Australia (Herdman, Roger,2012 p.56) Assessment and development of competency through reviewing it should be noted that the national Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) was created in 1989 in order to oversee and provide competency and assistance for developing of professions as well as incorporating the essential measures that would enhance the accreditation of the overseas skills (Goldfarb,and Richard , 2012). The NOOSR format for achieving competency standards is mainly based on individual units of competency (Herdman, Roger, 2005p.56).The competency units are usually discrete components or the domain standard. The unit of competency involves the following segments; Elements- These are the basic building blocks of the competency unit (Linton, Otha. and 2009 p.98). They usually describe the output terms for the professional works which are in that particular area. Performance criteria-they evaluates statements that usually specify the required level of performance. They usually set out the required outcomes which elements of the competency and the units as a whole (Dolbear, Gill, and Evans, 2010.p.172) PROFESSIONAL BODIES AIR (Australia Istitute of Radiation) The Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR) refers to the overal and National organisation that is put in place to cover intrests of all the individuals practising radiography, radiation and also sonographers (Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR), 2014p.1): The AIR bodies getsit’s mandate from AEL-NOOSR in order to monitor and assesse most of the qualifications that are produced overseas in reference to the professionals listested above. Inorder for everthing to run smoothly there are bidies underneath namely; Application Skills Assessment (PASA) (Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR), p.1, 2014): It helps in the process to facilitae and enhance the creation of Overseas Qualification Assessment Panel (OQAP) which is main objective is to monitor the qualifications that are from applications individuals wishing to enrol and undertake the assessment of the radiography, radiation therapy or sonographywithin Australia (Kincaid and, Cynthia,2009) Panel The panel Overseas Qualification Assessment Panel (OQAP) is a body that helps in the process of representation of comprehensive potions within the imaging spectrum and the disciplines indicated above that are embodied within AIR, together with its stake holders (Christina,2014) The panel also incoporates representative s of the Institutes Education Board and overseas qualified Radiographers subject to assessment by OQAP (Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR), 2014p.1):This bodies also carries assesments and tests that involves applicants around the glob or international applicants, the panel also makes sures that the set guidelines are strictly followed each and everytime to time, The Bord is also mandated with the process of recommendations of all applicants above all the levels within Australia (Mack, R.2005). UK, the college of radiographers The importance of the college involves advancement of the Science practice in radiology and oncology, it also promote public and general education through various studies and reaserch facilities by promoting professional and quality standards with the etire practice.The college is mainly registered under charity mandate by Charity Commission (no. 211540) (The Royal college of Radiologists, 2014). It alsp plays role in the process of setting and enhancing proper cariculum procedures in relation to it’s two specialities hence ensuring high and quality standards and safe intrests together with proper practicing mechanism are met (Christina, 2014.p.34). The college also offers tranining mejorly in clinical and radiology and it also helps in the process of monitoring initiatives and programmes within academia mainly ralated with clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists under all stages of their profession(The Royal college of Radiologists, 2014).The college role also include encouragement of their members to keep updated and advancment within their areas of specialization by ensuring that they arange and organize programs in relation to continuing professional development (CPD) (The Royal college of Radiologists, p.1. 2014) Further more it involves in the processes of insuring the best individuals receives and scholarships, and funding individuals intending to travel moreso lectureships and bridging gaps as providers of quality clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists. The college has registered population more than nine thousand and affiliates within clinical oncology and clinical radiology and College are registered medical or dental practitioners.  The Saudi professional body for radiography Radiagrapghy studies within Saudi Arabia as per ASRT curriculum. The body keenly follows layout taught in many Universities within USA and Europe. Further more digital imaging and radiation pro- tection need to be stricly addhered (Abdulaziz, 2012p.135) The professional body of radiology also carries assesments and tests that involves applicants around the glob or international applicants, the panel also makes sures that the set guidelines are strictly followed each and everytime to time, The Bord is also mandated with the process of recommendations of all applicants above all the levels within Saudi (Abdulaziz, 2012p.135) Professional body for radiography in New Zealand Section 11 within the heath practioners Competence Assuarance Act 2003(“the Act”) The body mandated to management of Medical radiation is required to define each and evry practice areas that involves the proper mediacal radiation practice (Mary, 2013.p1-5.)The main functions of the board are to identify areas of the radiation practices. For medical radiation, technology practitioners who intend to apply and study within New Zealand must gain registration status with with the Board in one or more of the scopes of practice as defined as per the regulations (Mary, 2013.p1-5.) Finally This bodies also carries assesments and tests that involves applicants around the glob or international applicants, the panel also makes sures that the set guidelines are strictly followed each and everytime to time, The Bord is also mandated with the process of recommendations of all applicants above all the levels within their entire Nation (Mary, 2013.p1-5.). Registration body Registration boards tend to oveseas registration it requires practiners to do extra units of study, the bodies are also responsible for renewable, graduates in Australia, Furthermore unprofessional conduct can be reported to this bodies (MRPBA. 2012, p. 1). The future of the AIR The AIR will need to offer explicit benefits to its members in order to remain an important organisation in Australia. Guerrieri (2011, p. 37) writing on the role of professional associations in the context of nursing in the United States provides that professional associations should be able to provide continuing education in the form of "conferences, meetings, online, or in journal articles"; certification in specialty areas of practice.Guerrieri (2011, p. 37) also believes that professional associations should be able to help their members through research grants and scholarships (Freeman, Chrstina, 2003.p.267). These associations should also be able to encourage the formation of special interest groups.continuing education certification in specialty areas of practice provision of research grants and scholarships encourage the formation of special interest groups the aims and objectives of these bodies as well as discuss their authority and responsibility. Registration authorities are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the members of the society are getting good services irrespective of their location (Freeman, Chrstina, 2003.p.267) wherever, the people may be, and the organizations usually make it possible for the people to receive quality services no matter where they might be. For instance, when a radiologist wants to practice, he or she must be vetted by the registration bodies and ascertained whether he is suitable for to be a member in the authorities (Christina, 2014). Conclusion In conclusion, it is affirmative that registration and association are paramount processes in the world of radiology and radiographers since it has enhanced in cultivating the culture of responsibility and professionalism. The field is significant and only the best should be allowed to participate. Health issues are paramount and only those which are acceptable should be allowed to operate. In Australia there are rule that governs the AIR and also internationally, there are rules that govern the whole thing .The constellation of the international and local perspective helps in ensuring that everything is ok as per the set standards. References Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR) (2014): Accreditation as a Diagnostic Radiographer/Medical Imaging Technologist or Radiation Therapist. Retrieved on April from, 2014 Read More
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