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Security Dimention of Population Composition in the UAE - Research Proposal Example

"Security Dimension of Population Composition in the UAE" paper tries to find the state of security in the UAE and the reasons for the insecurity in this country. The contribution made by the composition of the population is analyzed as part of the reasons for the state of security in this country…
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Security dimension of population in the UAE PROPOSAL Name Institution Date Security dimension of population in the UAE Introduction Criminal activity in the UAE has risen in the recent years. This can be attributed to a variety of factors that range from the effects of population growth to economic development. Walking along the streets of the UAE during the day and at night appears to be safe. However, there are a number of massive crimes that range from gunrunning, money laundering, smuggling, and human trafficking operations that are done from behind the scenes (Davidson, 2011). These crimes are transit-dependent and organized and are the downside of the UAE. This study will focus on the causes of the relatively large number and diversity of criminal activities in UAE. The aim of the study is to identify the crimes and to find the solutions to reducing the crimes. The study also purposes to find ways of preventing the occurrence of these crimes in the UAE. Topic area This topic focuses on the security dimension in the population of UAE. The topic revolves around finding the state of security in the UAE and the reasons for the insecurity in this country. The contribution made by the composition of the populations shall be analyzed as part of the reasons for the state of security in this country. Research questions Does the diversity in population in the UAE contribute to the insecurity that has been experienced in the country? Does expatriate labour in the UAE have negative effects related to security? Are crimes in the UAE organized by organizations? Significance to knowledge Knowledge on the security level in the UAE presents a basis for knowledge on the safety level of the country. In addition, the study of security in the UAE will provide an analysis of the causes of these crimes and facilitate attainment of solutions to reducing crimes in the country. In addition, knowledge on security level in the UAE has not been well researched into. Therefore, this study adds to the knowledge base on security in the UAE. The study provides further information on security in the UAE so as to enhance the knowledge base of people about the state of security. It will also provide a basis for further analysis on security in the UAE so as to explore further details on causes and the relation between certain aspects of the population mix in the UAE and their relation to security in the country. Literature Review Various literatures on crime in the UAE can be obtained from research works done by individuals, from reports on crime and from journals and periodicals. The literature available from these sources provides information on the rates of crime in the country, the key contributors to these crimes and ways of reducing these crimes. Research on crimes in the UAE indicates that the level of crime is low in the country as compared to other nations that are highly industrialized. This makes the country an attractive place to be since the reputation presents a secure country. Even so, there are cases of insecurity that have been presented by researchers. Ismail (2012) carried out a research on cybercrime in the UAE. In his paper, he stated that cybercrime in the UAE has been rampant and there are laws that have been enacted to slow down this rate of cybercrimes. Dwyer (2009) supported these sentiments through his research on the cybercrimes in the Middle East. In his findings, he stated that the UAE was second to Saudi Arabia in terms of vulnerability to cybercrimes. One of the most trending types of cybercrime was stated to be hacking of websites. Others included loss of mobile hardware and laptops through theft and unlawful access to intellectual property after the loss of computers and mobiles. Cyber stalking, fraud and computer viruses also form part of cybercrimes. Various laws have been set aside so as to reduce instances of cybercrime and to track individuals who participate in cybercrimes (Ismail, 2012). In a report by OSAC (2012), it was stated that the threat level of Dubai was rated at medium level by the State Department. The levels of crime have only increased after the country became an attractive place for business to many people across the world. By having an attractive business environment, the UAE has become a locus for criminal activity. The maritime shipping infrastructure in the UAE is advanced, having not less than 15 commercial seaports that facilitate international trade. Because of these and other facilities that are meant to facilitate trade in the UAE, the rate of smuggling contraband via Dubai has been extensive. Dubai has been reported to be a very important point of transit where precursor chemicals that are required for producing heroine in Pakistan and Afghanistan are transited. The UAE is also becoming an important avenue of transit for shipment of drugs from Southwest Asia to Turkey, Africa and Europe. Crime groups that are organized from Russia and former Soviet countries have established their money laundering networks in Dubai. The large amounts of cash that are dealt with in the businesses in Dubai have made the place a key center where illicit activities are financed. It is also difficult for banks to make the distinction between illicit and legitimate transactions. The area carries criminal organizations, drug traffickers and terrorist groups that use the banking system in Dubai to launder their money and to carry out major financial transactions. Underground hawala networks for banking that are tied to Pakistan and India. The figure of money laundering in the UAE hits a total of about $1 billion yearly. This has given the UAE a daunting task of setting up a law that makes money laundering a great crime. In addition, the Central Bank of UAE has had to establish regulations that would attempt to fight money laundering (Fas.Org, 2013). Terrorism has also become a threat to the safety of people in the UAE. Travelers have on many occasions been cautioned about the threat level posed by terrorism to the UAE. Through these warnings, they have been encouraged to be cautious by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Other social crimes like prostitution have been on the increment in the UAE. This can be attributed to the high numbers women who are trafficked from other countries like Russia, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Uganda, Somalia and others and are then exploited sexually while in the UAE. In some cases, the proximity to countries that are affected by war such as Iraq, increases this problem of trafficking humans. In their research, Giulianotti and McArdle (2006) stated that human trafficking is fast becoming a threat to the security in UAE. This is an issue that involves the transit of young boys and young girls, together with women who are trafficked into UAE so as to act as disk jockeys. The conditions under which they work are inhuman and this is the reason why this is considered a crime. The country has set up laws that will attempt to eliminate the problem completely. Other forms of crime that were reported by the research by Giulianotti and McArdle (2006) include prostitution and murder. In their study, they reported that the rate of murder had risen in the UAE between 1998and 1999 from 0.78 to 2.99 in every population of 100,000 people. They were therefore championing for human rights to be affected and respected by everyone; suggesting that sports could be used as a reconciliation mechanism. Research on the impact of foreigners through their migration on crime in the UAE was done by Al Hashemi (2011). The research suggested that the UAE has been successful in establishing itself as one of the countries that are most economically advanced in the world. Cities like the Dubai have become an attractive place for tourists and have been a business and economic hub in the world. Through its establishment as one of the states that are fastest growing, the city has been preferred by many as an economic city that is preferred for global trade. Together with the construction industry in Dubai, the city has become an attractive place for many foreigners who come as tourists while some come for business. Majority of foreigners go to the UAE as expatriates. As revealed in the research by Al Hashemi (2011), the workers contribute majorly to the economy of the state. However, most of them re not educated and are not very skilled. In addition, they come from sub-continents like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Their numbers are so high and they have outnumbered the locals in the country. They bring with them social problems that include serious crimes. This study revealed that the foreigners are a source of crime in the UAE. Reasons for their involvement in crimes were investigated and among the reasons that were found was the lack of proper socio-economic conditions that will facilitate n appropriate life for the foreigners. The composition of the UAE population has contributed majorly to the increase in crime. Majority of people living in the UAE are foreigners. In fact, 80 % of the population in the UAE is composed of foreigners. Alzaabi (2012) purported that this existence of large numbers of foreign laborers in the country has social, political and cultural implications to the country. While these foreign laborers have a positive impact in the country by assisting in development of the economy through their expertise and through their labor, their large numbers has brought about an imbalanced condition and native citizens get subjected to trends of crimes that are particular to lower classes in the society. Another trend that has been brought about by foreign laborers is illegal and violent labour strikes that disrupt the economy and the security of the country. The occurrences of crimes in the UAE can be reduced through a well set strategy by the government. The research done by Alzaabi (2012) stated that policies have to be set on expatriate labour in the country. This can be achieved by establishing a higher council that will design strategies on population by specifying the needs of the country in terms of expatriate labour. In addition, some of the problems of crime come as a result of lack of proper jobs as revealed by the research done by Alzaabi (2012). In his paper, he stated that investigation should be done so as to find out the requirements of the work market after which the government should establish policies on manpower so as to attain economic plans that are successful in the long term. Other research works by Al Hashemi (2011) and Giulianotti and McArdle (2006) on how to reduce crime in the UAE suggested implementation of policies that address the various crimes reported to be occurring in the UAE. For instance, crimes such as money laundering require establishment of policies by the Central Bank of UAE that will ensure the act is illegal and the offenders are incriminated. Other crimes like drug trafficking were to be checked through establishment of stiff measures of inspection that will ensure the act is arrested on time. Interlocking findings and unanswered questions National security in the UAE is not very stable. One finding revealed that this can be attributed to the size of this military. The size has been affected by the internal imbalance in demography as compared to other neighbouring countries. Further, the situation in Iraq is unstable. This has the potential of spilling to the UAE and the region at large. It therefore poses a threat to the national security in the UAE. It is for this reason that terrorist threats are on high level alert. The international economy poses a threat on the economy of the UAE. The investment done in the Arabic world stands at 1.8% only. Total international investments in Asian markets stand at 142 billion dollars. In Arab countries, it stands at 3.8 billion USD. This threat posed on the economy provides grounds for crimes since people strive to make out a living (Alzabiib, 2012). Questions will be raised on why the UAE is over dependent on foreign labour yet it has people who could carry out the tasks. The country also has the capacity to train its citizens and provide them with the skills that will enable them be a key part of the labour society in the country. In addition, there are questions on the regulations set by the country in terms of goods that are in transit to the country. These regulations seem to encourage the rates of drug trafficking and smuggling in the UAE. Analysis of these questions provides the basis for preliminary research on this topic. The questions add to the inquiry into the research by providing some of the interview questions that will facilitate the research. Preliminary research on the state of security indicated that UAE has a good world ranking in terms of security. However, the rate of crime has been on the increment and there is need to limit this rise before it goes out of hand. Other questions that will be raised in the research include the role that the government plays in attempting to reduce the rising crime rate and increase the level of security in the UAE. These questions arise because of the ease with which some cases of crime happen in the UAE. The questions are allied to the question of whether foreign laborers play a part in the rising rates of crime in the country. From the questions, answers to why crimes are done through organized groups and why expatriates have a negative impact on security in the UAE. The questions shall be used in finding the appropriate measures to be done so as to limit the rising level of insecurity in the UAE. Methodology The methodology adopted by this research targets to address the security consequences as a result of diversity in the population in the UAE. Various social effects have been witnessed in the country as a result of these demographic factors. Crimes such as drug trafficking, sexual abuse, smuggling and money laundering among others have been attributed to the influence by increased numbers of foreign labourers. Future prediction indicates that these foreign labourers could be a cause of chaos in the country sometime to come. Therefore, the paper shall focus on these effects. In addition, the study shall use literature sources by previous researchers to find out some of the developments realized in security studies in the UAE. Journals, periodicals, magazines and research studies done before shall be used in obtaining useful information. Approach The study shall involve conducting of interviews that will be used to find information from security officers and citizens in the country. The interviews shall be conducted to both the local citizens and to foreigners and expatriates so as to avoid discrimination in the study. Their views on security, causes of insecurity and what they feel should be done to limit the worrying trend shall be useful in providing the recommendations that shall be made so as to curb the problem. Data needs Required data includes the number of crimes witnessed in the streets every day. Data on the number of police officers and security agents available in towns and regions shall also be provided. Analytic techniques Content analysis shall be used to analyze the interviews conducted by the study. It will analyze the responses provided by the respondents. The method is chosen because it is simple and comfortable. Descriptive analysis shall be used in the analysis of various research findings made from literatures. Plan for interpreting results Results shall be interpreted based on the expected goals of the research. The aim of the research shall be reviewed before interpretation of the data. Obtained results shall be compared to what is expected and what has been found out previously. Expected results It is expected that the research will indicate the effect that foreign laborers have on the security in the UAE. It is also expected that the role played by the government shall be analyzed together with finding out how crimes are organized by some groups in the UAE. Budget Expected task Expected cost ($) Information from the library and other literature sources 150 Testing of questionnaires 100 Actual interview 200 miscellaneous 100 Total 550 Sample of interview questions Information provided in this interview is private and confidential. This information is exclusively meant for study purposes and shall not be disclosed to any irrelevant bodies. Please circle your yes (Y) or no (N) answer. Are you a UAE national? Y N Do you agree that the rate of crime is increasing in the UAE? Y N Do you think crime in the streets of the UAE occurs on daily basis? Y N If not, how many times does it occur in a week? Does the increased number of foreign workers promote the level of crime in the country? Y N Do the regulations made by the government provide enough limitation on some crimes like smuggling and drug trafficking? Y N Do you think the economic status of individuals contribute to their involvement in crime? Y N Are there organized groups/ organizations that participate in crimes? Y N Could you please name some of the crimes you think are rampant in the country?......................... Bibliography Al Hashemi, A., 2011, Examining the relationship between migration, labour and crime in UAE: the case of Dubai, PhD thesis, University of Portsmouth. Alzaabi, A. 2012, The Risks that Foreign Labor Poses to UAE National Security, Zayed Military College, Abu Dhabi. Davidson, C., 2011, Dubai: The Vulnerability of Success, New York, Columbia University Press. Dwyer, P. 2009, Cyber Crime in the Middle East, UAE, Security GRC. Fas.Org, 2013, International Crime Threat Assessment, Accessed on April 29, 2013 from: Giulianotti, R. & McArdle, D., 2006, Sport, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, USA, Routledge. Ismail, T. 2012, SWOT Analysis: UAE Cyber Law, UAE, Zayed University. OSAC, 2012, United Arab Emirates 2012 OSAC Crime and Safety Report: Dubai, Accessed on April 29, 2013 from: Read More

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