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The Aged Public Policy by Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Assignment Example

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This paper "The Aged Public Policy by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement" focuses on the fact that the old has been neglected since time immemorial. The aged public policy comes as a solution to this menace that has spread in all parts of Florida. …
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The Aged Public Policy by Florida Department of Law Enforcement
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The Aged Public Policy by Florida Department of Law Enforcement II. Acknowledgements All rights reserved. This policy belongs to the owner and no portion, including supplementary materials, should be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract……………………………………………………………………………..5 Mission………………………………………………………………………..5 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………….5 Organizations Objectives…………………………………………………………...6 Provide Free and Accessible Health Facilities……………………………….6 Helping in Getting Prepared for the Old Age…………………………………6 Introduction of Social Income for the Aged………………………………….6 Appreciating the Role of the Aged in Florida…………………………………7 Situation Analysis…………………………………………………………………....7 Articles………………………………………………………………………………..7 Article 1: Old Age social Income……………………………...........................9 Article 2: Mentorship programs……………………………………………….10 Article 3: Free Health facilities for the aged……………………………….....11 Policy Plan……………………………………………………………………………11 Free Medical Services...………………………………………………………..11 The Aged social Security Income………………………………………………12 Training and Seminars……………………………………………………….....12 Implementation and Evaluation.………………………………………………………12 Annual and Semiannual Committee Meetings…………………………………13 Collaborations with NGOs……………………………………………………..13 Appropriate Amendments……………………………………………………....13 Public Knowledge………………………………………………………………14 Helping the old to stay in their own homes……………………………………..14 Avoiding Isolation and Loneliness……………………………………………...15 References…………………………………………………………………………....16 Abstract The old have been neglected since time immemorial. The aged public policy comes as a solution to these menace that has spread in all parts of Florida. This policy by Florida Department of Law Enforcement intends to bring balance between all inhabitants of Florida and reduce discrimination based on age. The policy is also meant to give the aged some privileges that will make their life easier and better. Some of these facilities include social funds and health services. If the policy is passed and implemented, more than ten thousand old individuals will benefit from it. Mission The mission of this Florida Department of Law Enforcement agency is to identify the aged individuals in Florida and improve their living standards. This is done through projects such as free health facilities and a special fund for the aged. Mission Statement To create a state that appreciates and cares for the aged through good and sustainable living. Organizations Objectives The main objective of Florida Department of Law Enforcement is to ensure that all citizens living in Florida, regardless of their age lead a good life. This organization holds that age should not be used as a way of discrimination against any citizen in Florida. Another aim of this department is to create a friendly environment to the aged individuals in the community. Provide Free and Accessible Health Facilities The first purpose is to make it easier for the old living in Florida to access integrated health facilities for the aged. Through these services, the health of the aged is expected to increase, thus raising the general life expectancy. Increase in life expectancy promotes economic growth, as people do not die at early ages before they accomplish their set goals. A developing nation requires both the input of the young and the aged people. Helping in Getting Prepared for the Old Age The second purpose of this agency is to increase understanding and awareness on aging issues and help adult people in Florida prepare for the old age. If people could foretell what is likely to happen in the future, they can work hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Preparing for the old age is the best thing a young man can do. These policies will enlighten the young adults on the right way to prepare for the old age. Schemes such as pension schemes and life insurance are a few examples that will be provided in the policy for the benefit of both the aged and the aging population. Saving in banks for the old age is always risky. One is likely to withdraw and spend money that poses danger in the old age. Introduction of Social Income for the Aged Though there is a social fund for the old in Florida, only a few individuals benefit from it. The new plan will be implemented in such a way that all old individuals living in Florida will benefit from the project. The fund will be distributed according to one’s need and financial position. Appreciating the Role of the Aged in Florida The other aim of Florida Department of Law Enforcement is to increase the ability of the old to remain active and healthy throughout Florida. The policy will also try to help the old live independently in their respective communities. Active old people are also productive. They help in national building and sometimes the breadwinners to their families. Health comes with joy. The aged needs happiness and good life. If they are unhealthy, they are likely to die at very early ages. This is the reason why it is always important to check the health conditions of the aged and if a disease is identified, it should be treated immediately. Situation Analysis In Florida and the rest of United States of America, the retirement age is 65 years. There have been notions to change this age as the old would like to work a little longer before they retire. This was triggered by age discrimination cases that were in reported in Florida State. This policy tries to challenge the notion that age comes with problems. These prejudice that are taking root in Florida State should be kicked out. The policy intends to support the public and other private sectors in coming up with age friendly products and services. There will be several TV campaigns that will be doing the advertisements. In Florida, there are no proper policies about the rights and privileges of the aged. The reason for this might be due to dormancy of old individuals living in this state. They, also might be less informed about services that the state government should be offering to the. This policy should, therefore, enlighten them about these services. Climate changes are one big challenge to the aged. Most diseases that are related to age are caused by unfavorable weather conditions. Cold conditions are not good for old age. They may cause respiratory diseases and end up bringing breathing problems. In addition, extreme hot conditions are also, not good for old age, they comes with various discomforts. The modern culture is very youth-oriented. Very few young people like being associated with the aged. It is, however, worth remembering that everyone will get old. Old age comes with wisdom, experience, and respect. These are some of the things the society should pride from the old people. The lives of people in their old life should not be miserable. It should be improved and that’s what this policy is trying to do. Age is not a thing that one should be ashamed of, rather one should celebrate after attaining the old age. The young generation from Florida should be in the forefront in celebrating the aged. Even though this age comes with several challenges, care should be given to this group of people to make sure that they live a happy life. This public policy comes to develop programs that will make life of the aged a little easier and bearable. As stated earlier, the aged have been neglected for many years. Though there are a few who receive old age services, these services do not meet the required status. This group is always left out as it is seen to contribute very little to different economic developments. This is, however, not the case. The input of the aged people is very important in any growing population. Their experience and advice to the working people can serve a significant role for economic development. The notion where the young generation lacks importance in the old age should not exist since they play a significant part that is irreplaceable. It is also worth noting that for a workforce to be fair, there have to be both the young and the old people. This helps both in decision-making and running organizations day-to-day operations. Articles Article 1: The Aged are Eligible to Old Age Social Income All aged individuals are eligible for monthly social income that must be deposited into the personal banks accounts before the last day of each month. This article will provide on how the funds released for the aged will be used. It will lay out the procedures and qualifications that qualify one to be known as aged and whether he/she is eligible to get the funds. The article will also provide a mechanism for sharing these funds depending on the needs of each person. First, the clause provides various sources where these funds will be got. The clause states that most funds will come from the federal and central government. The governors office has agreed to provide a given some of money that will be disseminated every year. These funds will be split into two where the first half will be used on the first half of the year while the other in the next. Some funds will also come from the private sector. Various non-governmental organizations have agreed to give their share of money into the project This article also provides ways in which these funds shall be distributed. First, the most vulnerable group will be the most elderly in Florida State. This group will receive the largest share since they do not have the ability to work and generate income (Lawton, 2010). The group is also the most prone to diseases related to old age. The less aged will be the last to be considered. The sick will also receive priority in comparison to those in good health. The funds will cater for their hospital bills and other personal necessities. Some chronic diseases require technical treatment and that will be debated and agreed upon depending with the magnitude of the problem. The article will generally provide guidelines on how the funds will be used. It also lays out punishments that will follow individuals who will be found misusing these funds. Different groups will be allocated different duties within this jurisdiction. The group that will handle their activities in the best manner will be awarded. Article 2: Eligibility to Mentorship Programs This article states that the aged are supposed to receive mentorship programs at all times for their social and emotional development. Encouragement is quite important for individuals facing difficulties. This Policy provides mechanisms the policy intends to use to reach most elderly people in Florida and mentor them. When the old are encouraged, they learn to be confident. They regain the strength to continue without struggle. This article lays down ways through which the old can be mentored. First, the old can be encouraged through involving them in community development. Involving them in different activities creates a good picture to them. They feel appreciated and celebrated. They regain the power to be part of nation building despite their old age. The plan is also planned to extend to old adults who are almost getting to the old age. They too need good preparation before they get into the old age. Psychological preparedness help this group in fighting depression that otherwise might have occurred due to old age. However, this group might not benefit from funds intended for the aged. They will have to wait until they get to the age of sixty and above. Article 3: Eligibility to Free Health Facilities The aged are eligible for free good health facilities in all public health centers and hospitals. This article provides for ways in which the old will get health facilities in different centers, in Florida. The old experience several health needs during their old age. Some come because of old age while others are brought about by problems such as poor diet and poverty. Old age is associated with various diseases. Old people who initially were drug addicts feel the effect during the old age. The article will make sure that all the aged, regardless of their early life get free medical services in all public health facilities and selected private centers (Loader, 2009). In addition, the article states that the old will be eligible for monthly health checkups at the health centers. These checkups are meant to ensure that diseases are noted at early stages and treated. Several deaths are caused by ignorance. Symptoms develop slowly, but culprits do not give them the seriousness they deserve. This results to serious complications that might lead to death if not handled early enough. Finally, the article claims that these health services might extend to children living with the aged. These might be orphans or adopted children. This is to reduce the burden that the aged are left with due to these children. Plan The proposal contains three main levels of support to the old people. These are medical assistance, security income and advisory services to the old especially the marginal aged. This will improve their living standards and create balance between the old and the young generation. Free Medical Services Medical help will be the first priority. With good health, any person can function properly. It does not mean that the aged should not work. Given the work they do does not affect their health, and then they can go ahead and work. Medical help will be provided at various health care centers in Florida. The policy also suggests that some stations be established where this help will be available. The government has also agreed to be part of the project. Some drugs are intended to be provided free by the central government and transported using government vehicles to different stations. This is to ensure that these services are brought close to the public for the benefit of all aged individuals in Florida. The Aged Social Security Income The second proposal to improve lives of the aged population is provision of security income. Just like Supplementary Security Income (SSI), the policy plans to come up with a social fund that will be available to the aged. This will mostly help the aged with low income and limited assets. With some cash at disposal, the aged can develop their own life as they can afford almost all, what they need. This means that all old needy individuals will have some income to spend after their retirement. Training and Seminars Marginalized aged is the most affected by old age. Counseling can work well for this group. These services will be given to them free. Any time an aged individual visits a health center for diagnosis and treatment will get free advice and counseling. The advice will comprise of ways of leading a healthy and stress-free lives. They will also get advice on the best diet that will prevent getting various diseases connected to old age. Training and seminars are the best avenues where the aged can be counseled where they can also share their views and experiences. This plan is the best for the old generation living in Florida. This is because it covers all areas that affect their life. It has been reviewed to ensure that no old individual will be left complaining after its implementation. Implementation and Evaluation Any plan is only good if it is implemented. This policy might not be beneficial if it is not implemented. Though its implementation comes with the cost, it will finally be of great importance to the old age. The policy provides for procedures that will be used to follow, direct, and monitor its full implementation by all stakeholders. This is not just a plan; rather, several actions will follow. The document only provides the guidelines that need to be followed when implementing the policy. Several actions will portray the way this policy will be implemented. Annual and Semiannual Committee Meetings First, the governors office, several state agencies, and committee developing the policy will meet semi-annually to get reports about the development of policy implementation. It is the same meetings where different achievements and barriers will be identified and discussed. The progress will then be presented to the governor twice a year. Such follow-ups are intended to ensure that each stakeholder taking part in this policy will be answerable to the part allocated to him/her. Taking responsibility is a pillar in any activity that involves a group. In the case a group of people fails in implementing parts allocated to them, the committee will decide whether to fire or retain them depending on the magnitude of failure. Collaborations with NGOs Various state agencies, the private sector, and local governments will also be included in its implementation. Joining hands with many partners will make the task of implementation a bit easier. Each partner will be given a role to play where a partner will be required to give a report after every one year. The private sector together with the governors office will be given the responsibility of identifying the aged and are needy. Within the next one year, other partners will also be inculcated which will make it even easier for the policy to be implemented. Appropriate Amendments This policy will be a living document. The policies put in it will be continually amended where important parts will be retained while sections that seem ambiguous removed. The policy is quite flexible though any amendments will be five years after the date it is formulated. This characteristic is one significant boost to its implementation. This is because the aged will have the opportunity to give their feedback on how the policy is being implemented. If their views are evaluated and seen to be valid, they will be included in the policy but if they are not, they will be left out for debate. The governors advisory committee will work close with the governors office to ensure that the policy is implemented to the letter. Public administration is the best system that can be used to collect important information about people living in a given area. For the policy to be fully implemented in Florida, the office of the governor will play a major role. The office is in apposition to identify the number of aged people in the state and the state they live in. The office can also assist in follow-ups that will tell the degree to which the policy is implemented. Public Knowledge The governors advisory committee will also work hand in hand with the policy development committee to come up with a process that will be used to update the public on the achievements the team has achieved in implementing its goals. This will give the public a green light on how funds released for the aged is utilized. The committee will also come up with ways of punishing individuals who are likely to engage in unlawful activities, in the project. Embezzlement of funds and lack of proper care to the patients will be highly punishable. Helping the old to stay in their own homes Homes for the aged are very common in Florida. Though the old are always encouraged staying in these centers, they are not the best for them. The aged living in these centers feels caged and forgotten as opposed to when they live in their own homes. The policy, thus, advocates, for them to live at their own homes. Avoiding Isolation and Loneliness The policy elaborates simple steps that will help reduce loneliness that is experienced by the aged in Florida. Befriending services, and grants from community members of the Florida community. Some of the money collected will be used to buy vehicles that will provide door to door transport for the aged. The policy also allows charity programs that will raise funds for the aged. References Biegel, D. E., Shore, B. K., & Gordon, E. (2012). Building support networks for the elderly: theory and applications. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications. Lawton, M. P. (2010). Social and medical services in housing for the aged. Rockville, Md.: Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration ;. Loader, B., Hardey, M., & Keeble, L. (2009). Digital welfare for the third age: health and social care informatics for older people. London: Routledge. Read More
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