CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF European Law Regulating the Free Movement of Goods
Thus, the EU law regulating the free movement of workers confers upon Rodger, an EU national to work freely within the EU and he should be secure in that right in that all obstacles to this right should be removed.... The paper aims to discuss the free movement of people, discrimination on the grounds of nationality, the legitimacy of European Union regulation or the application of it and the grounds upon which a reference can be made to the EU Court of justice....
8 Pages
(2000 words)
These regulations, often termed as E-Commerce Directive or Distance Selling Directive, were established in 2000 to foster the expansion of E-Commerce by developing a ‘country of origin' rule that promoted free movement of E-Commerce within the EU member countries.... 14-60) and in 2002 it also has set certain rules and regulations in order to provide consumers within the EU with more comforts in buying of goods or services from online.... The regulations were more likely to promote a single market in Europe by developing movement of ‘information society services' across the European economic area....
4 Pages
(1000 words)
Of all forms of government and society, those of free men and women are in many respects the most brittle.... re we actually free or have we been led to believe that we are free in the trap of the legal norms of this society
The so called modern British Citizen is not free from the nuances of being controlled by the Government.... any recent developments would indicate that the modern British citizen despite being domiciled in a free country is still subject to draconian laws like the Regulation of Investigatory powers Act 2000 which allows public authorities to access communications data, of British citizens for investigation....
5 Pages
(1250 words)
Article 14(2) of the EC Treaty defines the internal market as “an area without frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of this treaty.... ?? On this basis, it may therefore be stated that any measure that has the cumulative effective of restricting the free movement of goods (in this case cars) within the internal market which is comprised of the European states including UK, France and Germany could be deemed to be violative of EU law....
10 Pages
(2500 words)
In the paper “The Government of Media” the author focuses on the Government of Media, which announced that a 1% charge is to be introduced on all dairy produce imported into Media.... It wanted that the charge will come into force on October 1, 2005.... hellip; The author states that the government wanted that the flat-rate charge would be applied regardless of whether the imports come from other EU countries or from other parts of the world....
14 Pages
(3500 words)