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The Issue of Gus vs Bechtel National, Inc - Assignment Example

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As the paper "The Issue of Gus vs Bechtel National, Inc." tells, the court of Appeal found reliable evidence in that there was no good faith and fair as needed in every contract. There was no express fact in the agreement that prevented Bechtel’s right of terminating him; hence, ‘at-will’…
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The Issue of Gus vs Bechtel National, Inc
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Gus takes legal action against Bechtel National Inc. because of the termination of his contract after an allegation on the breach of the employment contract and age discrimination. He has filed an appeal on the case since he believes Bechtel terminated his career on terms of bad faith rather than a good cause of the matter. The issue present is that the court of appeal found out that Guz had an agreement whereby he was to be discharged only for good cause.

Additionally, the elimination of Guz’s work lacked the presence of good luck since there was no poor performance in the employee as stipulated in the progressive discipline policy. Rule of law presents the existence of an implied contract as defined in the Labor Code Section 2922. There was no presence of an integrated contract defining the relationship between the two parties and the procedure that could be followed based on the policies. At-will employment present in the Labor Code Section 2922 shows that it may overcome the contract due to lack of a specified term such as ‘good cause’.

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