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Principles of Law Enforcement - Case Study Example

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Principles of Law Enforcement Introduction The duty of law enforcement officers falls under creating a public service of colossal implication. There is the need to sustain and improve the working circumstances and status of these law enforcers (Arcaro 2)…
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In addition, the paper will talk about responsibilities of the fusion center once the list is compiled in relation to the scenario. Question 1: Categories of critical infrastructure that should concern law enforcers Critical infrastructure was a term that came to be used in the military during the mid 90’s. Meteoric increase in cyber communications linked the infrastructures which were vital to the economy and defense of many countries. The common infrastructures are owned and run by private sectors.

They include telecommunications, gas/ oil storage and transportation, electrical power systems, banking and finance, water supply, transportation and emergency services. The critical infrastructures are divided in two categories; physical threat (damage to tangible property), and cyber attack (threat to the electronic/ computer-based systems). Law enforcers should issue threat and warning notices whenever they notice of any risks posed by these critical infrastructures. Question 2: Structures that should be listed as critical targets A structure that stands critically always to be checked by law enforcement bodies falls as the use of force in reporting (Arcaro 68).

Some of the structures that should be considered as critical targets in the country include telecommunications, gas/ oil storage and transportation, electrical power systems, banking and finance, water supply, transportation and emergency services. Policing requires that sometimes an officer must implement control of an assaultive, violent, or resisting individual to carry out an arrest, or to defend the officer, other officers, or individuals of the common public from a risk of impending harm.

Question 3: Should local politics be involved in developing principles of law enforcement In many rival states, core governing bodies like the legislation, police and judiciary all too often operated as separate entities. Modest support existed, and they often clashed over who would control productive sources of revenue such as imposing “taxes” for services and selling jobs to diverse criminal enterprises (Arcaro 69). These diverse enterprises involved trafficking in children and women, stealing, narcotics, diamonds and similar resources.

These organs hardly ever fulfilled their duties as defined by law, which was one of the direct causes of the divergence. So a major test, for mediators will be to assist professionalizes each of these organs while at the same time build bridges between and among them where restricted earlier exchanges existed. Overcoming turf awareness and insular instincts tend to be difficult, especially where power and control falls as a finite factor, and one group’s gain leads to another’s loss (Arcaro 70).

Question 4: Way forward for fusion centers Fusion centers play a crucial role in collection, evaluation and distribution of information on terrorism to other law enforcers in order to maintain peace in a country. Some disciplines such as the law enforcement characterize a core constituent of the fusion process in connection with the relationship between terrorism and crime and also the fact that these authorities are suited to coordinate such efforts both locally and statewide. A set of procedure for the way forward for fusion centers of the local includes the following: 1.

They ought to recognize the names of all police officers in their centers. Maintain a precise and updated record of all law enforcement officers

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