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Skills and Knowledge to Acquire by Completing a Degree - Admission/Application Essay Example

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In the paper “University of Florida Admissions" the author explains the core skills and knowledge s\he hope to acquire by completing a degree and how to apply these when s\he graduate. S\he provides examples of information about himself that may help the college make an admission decision…
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Skills and Knowledge to Acquire by Completing a Degree
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Over the past year, I have absorbed a world of knowledge that lay within me but had yet to reveal itself. Leaving the comforts of my hometown and moving ahead with my education in Gainesville opened my eyes to a world of new experiences. I enrolled as a student at Santa Fe College (it’s a community college in Gainesville) and became an Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet at Detachment 150 located on the University of Florida’s campus. The knowledge and skills I have gained from being both a student and a cadet have made me realize what I would like to do with my life.

I chose Criminology as a major to pursue JAG (Judge Advocate General) in the United States Air Force to become an attorney. Choosing Criminology will allow me to become educated with how the criminal justice system functions. I believe that I can bring justice to the field of criminology bearing my experience in that particular field. I have been a part of the University of Florida previously through ROTC when I was able to attend a class and a lab on the campus. It was after this lecture that I decided to do criminology from the institute because of the prestigious faculty that it possesses.

            Over the years I have worked as a volunteer and been involved in other activities which would prove to be helpful in varying conditions. I have volunteered as a worker at St. Francis House in Gainesville to help homeless people cook. I have also worked in Vibrant communities to plant gardens so that the environment is kept clean. I have also volunteered in the March of Dimes in Gainesville to know how the health of babies is being threatened.

These different volunteering exhibits have helped me to know about different conditions that exist in the world. I have also taken part in extracurricular activities during my lifetime. I have been on the Billy Mitchell Drill Team which has helped me to learn more about discipline, obedience, and teamwork. 

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