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Mobile Application Services for Fire Fighters - Literature review Example

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The paper “Mobile Application Services for Fire Fighters” is a well-turned variant of a literature review on information technology. The mission of the fire service is to protect life, natural resources, and property from fire, and other emergencies. The increasing demands are essential in forcing firefighters to focus on the utilization of the best tools, techniques, mechanisms, etc…
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MOBILE APPLICATION SERVICES FOR FIRE FIGHTERS Name Institution Professor Course Date Mobile Application Services for Fire Fighters The mission of the fire service is to protect life, natural resources, and property from fire, as well as other emergencies. The increasing demands have been essential in forcing fire fighters to focus on the utilisation of the best tools, techniques, mechanisms, and training methods with the intention of meeting public expectations. One of the most significant problems facing fire fighters within the structure on the fire ground relates to the ability to communicate effectively and reliably between the officials, as well as between the fire fighters and the communications centre. In the context of ideal world, fire fighters would have the perfect platform to communicate with one another and the commandant post at all-time, regardless of the geographical location. This has not been the case in pursuit of effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of quality services in accordance with expectations of the target audiences. In the recent aspects, there has been substantial need and demand for the integration of mobile application services for the fire fighters as a learning platform for the institutions and entities to refresh on specifications of equipment, as well as procedures for specific cases. There have been numerous research activities in relation to the influence of technology in fire fighting. For instance, Chee Fai Tan et al, (2013) focused on the assessment of the state of the art and recent development in relation to understanding the influence or implications of fire fighting mobile robot. According to this article, fire fighting is a risky work where the fire fighters need to encounter the fire hazards with the intention of saving life, as well as property under the influence of appropriate techniques and mechanisms. The application of fire fighting mobile robot is essential in reducing the direct contact of the fire fighter to the fire hazards. In addition, Kewei Sha (2006) focused on the assessment of the usage wire wireless sensor networks for the fire rescue applications. In this context, the research has focused on the usage of various research mechanisms to evaluate the requirements and challenges. In the last years, scientific community has been on the perfect platform for reporting several IT solutions with the intention of dealing with communication, decision-making, and coordination challenges with reference to large-scale disaster management. Kanchanasut et al, (2007); Malizia et al, 2010; Manoj & Baker, 2007; Midkiff & Bostian, 2001; and Smith & Simpson, 2009 have focused on the communication and notification issues affecting management and handling of the disaster issues. On the other hand, Chen et al., 2008; Yuan & Detlor, 2005; and Alonso-Betanzos et al., 2007 have focused on the assessment and evaluation of the issues relating to information management, resource allocation, and decision-making under the influence of new approaches and mechanisms to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in management of diverse disasters. Some of the systems or techniques include CATS, OpenGIS, DERMIS, MESA, and DUMBONET (Mesa, 2009; Zhang & Li, 2008; Turoff et al., 2004; and Kanchanasut et al., 2007). It is essential to note that solutions focused communication focus on dealing with most problems affecting fire fighters, as well as issues that occur in the large disaster relief efforts. It is essential to note that these solutions typically involve novel communication infrastructure, as well as the satellite communication. On the other hand, solutions focused on the information management and decision-making concentrates on supporting the work of personnel within the command centre. Some of these activities prove to be diverse in comparison to the emergency site. The information from the emergency management systems are applicable in the decision making, as well as coordination of the first responders’ activities. It is critical to note that such systems are vital towards coordination of the large disaster relief efforts. Nevertheless, they require substantive and strong communication support, thus the perfect platform for incorporation of mobile application services with the intention improving the performance of the fire fighters. In spite of these developments, it is essential to note the existence of few works reporting solutions usable by the fire fighters in the course of providing support on typical day-to-day emergencies. McCarthy et al (2006) focused on proposing the need to adopt and incorporate autonomous communication infrastructure with the ability and potentiality to support the activities of the mountain rescue team. The objective of the proposal is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the tools and mechanisms in handling disaster management issues. Aldunate et al., 2006; Guerrero et al., 2006; and Ochoa et al., have focused on the presentation of the closest open source initiatives with the intention of improving communication support of the fire fighters with the objective of enhancing their proficiency in handling disasters in small and large-scale contexts or aspects in the modern society. From the above assessment, mobile application services are vital in providing learning platform to refresh fire fighters on specifications in relation to handling equipment and procedures for the specific cases. Summary of the Article In the article, “Mobile computing in urban emergency situations: improving the support to fire fighters in the field,” by Monares, Ochoa, Pino, Herskovic, Rodriquez-Covili, and Neyerm (2011), focuses on evaluation of the influence of mobile applications. In this article, the communication support proves to be a serious limitation for the Latin American fire fighters in the course of dealing with the emergencies. In addition, insufficiency in number of the radio channels, as well as the impossibility in the delivery of digital information have been essential in forcing firemen to seek ways of improvising during the responses to the emergencies. This relates to the potentiality of making appropriate decisions under the influence of the experience, as well as poor or null supporting information. In most cases, such actions have substantial implications on the required time to take control of the emergencies. Moreover, the actions have implications on the evolution of the crisis. It is essential to note that most of the Latin American fire companies are volunteer organisations, which makes communication solutions vital in overcoming diverse issues. Nevertheless, the achievement of communication solutions to the fire fighters is always expensive for such entities in the process of executing their duties and responsibilities in the protection of lives, natural resources, and property. According to the research article, the application, MobileMap, comes out as the output of the research and development work by authors under the support of a Chilean fire company in the last three years prior to the publication of the article of interest. Implementation of the MobileMap has been essential in allowing ad hoc communications, decisions support, and effective collaboration among diverse fire fighters in the field while utilising mobile devices. The solution complements the ration communication systems. It is critical to note that MobileMap focuses on recording interactions. This makes it possible to facilitate analysis of the information after the emergencies, thus the perfect platform for the fire fighters to learn for the future situations. In the course of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency or proficiency of this technological tool, the researchers focused on evaluating the tool in simulated and real scenarios, thus the opportunity to record highly encouraging results relating to improved efficiency in performance of the fire fighters. Main Critique Introduction The authors of the article are Álvaro Monares, Sergio F. Ochoa, José A. Pino, Valeria Herskovic, Juan Rodriguez-Covili, and Andrés Neyem. The title of the research article or journal is “Mobile computing in urban emergency situations: improving the support to fire fighters in the field.” According to the article, integration of the MobileMap has been essential in the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the fire fighters in the course of executing their duties and responsibilities in the modern context with reference to the settings of the study, Latin America. In the course of substantiating and evaluating this thesis, the authors focus on incorporation of various supporting evidences, as well as research works of other researchers on utilisation of technology to eliminate communication issues. Critique Questions In the first instance, the authors focus on the usage of the abstract to summarise the article and its components adequately. For instance, the article incorporates the essence of MobileMap, as one of the effective tools in the course of improving the operations of the fire fighters in the modern contexts. In addition, the abstract is vital and critical in the assessment of the issue of communication and its influence in affecting the operations of the fire fighters seeking to achieve their goals and targets at the end of the strategic and financial duration. From this perspective, the abstract is vital in the assessment of the usage of technology, as well as the influence of the new technology in enhancing or bridging the communication gap in management of emergencies. The introduction plays a critical role in setting the context for the research article. This is through illustration of the issues affecting the fire fighters in executing their duties and responsibilities. Moreover, introduction illustrates the thesis statement, which is ideal in assessment of the view and perception of the authors in the development of the plot for the research article. It is also possible to use the introduction to examine the direction of the research article, which relates to incorporation of the mobile application service with the intention of understanding the influence of the tool to aid realisation of the effectiveness and efficiency in handling the duties and responsibilities of the fire fighters. The article provides substantial and adequate overview in relation to the literature review. This is through assessment of the related works and conceptualisation of the usage of technology in the course of affecting the achievement of goals in relation to management of small and large-scale entities. Furthermore, the authors concentrate on the examination of the proposals seeking to improve effectiveness and efficiencies in relation to the achievement of the goals in managing emergencies in the current and future contexts. The review is essential in the provision of appropriate and adequate platform for understanding diverse concepts and aspects of this research study. These attributes proves to be vital in providing support for the need to eliminate or minimise the communication issues in the management of the emergencies in the current and future contexts. The article or research resource plays a critical role in the provision of significant definitions relating to the key concepts in the development and execution of the research question, as well as hypotheses. The authors focus on defining these terms through the usage of illustrations while examining the application and efficiency of the MobileMap in the course of achieving diverse goals and objectives with reference to proficiency in the management of the emergencies in small and large-scale contexts. It is essential to note that the research article does not discuss limitations and strengths of the existing literature in relation to the application of mobile features in the course of providing appropriate platform for the fire fighters to curb diverse situations in management of emergencies. This enhances vulnerability of the current article from criticism on the objectives and goals it is focusing on achieving with reference to the improving the body of knowledge on fire fighting and management of the emergencies. It is critical for an effective research or study to incorporate limitations and strengths of the existing literature to improve its authority in the development of the existing body of information. The research article focuses on adopting and integrating the critical perspective in the course of assessing the problem statement and thesis. This is because of the potentiality and tendency of the researchers or authors to examine the influence of the MobileMap in reducing potential risks and hazards to the fire fighters while seeking to achieve their goals and objectives relating to protection of lives, property, and natural resources. The critical perspective of the research is ideal towards understanding the influence, implications, and proficiency of technology in improving fire fighting while bridging communication gaps and issues. The research article does not integrate substantial information to elaborate on the existence of the gaps. Nevertheless, there are significant insights relating to the achievement of the goals and targets concerning adoption and implementation of the MobileMap in enabling fire fighters to achieve the goals of protecting natural resources, lives, and property. The sample size is representative enough for the generation of the conclusions in relation to the development and assessment of the study. Similarly, the study incorporates the sample size while considering real scenarios, which are vital in enhancing the validity, reliability, and authority of the conclusions concerning the usage of technology in management of emergencies. From the above illustrations, the abstract plays a critical role in describing the research methods effectively and efficiently. This is essential in understanding the influence of data in the generation of the conclusions or theoretical perspectives on the usage of technology to improve proficiency of the fire fighters in curbing different situations and techniques. The data gathering and analysis techniques are transparent and visible, which are appropriate in the generation of data for the development of conclusions and theoretical perspectives. Similarly, these techniques are crucial in the collection of data in the real life scenarios while seeking to handle various emergencies. Since the study focused on the usage of real life scenarios, relating to implementation of the mobile application services in fire fighting field. This indicates that the article illustrates the data sets used in the development of the conclusions at the end of the research process and procedures. Description of the context or setting for the development of the research is critical in acquiring quality knowledge or information relating to the size and characteristics of the research participants. It is critical to note that the article provides sufficient amount of information relating to the context guiding the execution of the research. In the development or documentation of the research findings, the authors of the research article play a critical role in the usage of clear writing style. In addition, there is no evidence of vagueness, as well as aspects of repetition in the development and presentation of the major findings. The approach contributes towards effectiveness and efficiency in understanding elements of the study. The paper achieves success through moving beyond the description of the existing literature to critical analysis of the data while relating to the application of the tool in the achievement of the goals and targets of the technology. It is relatively easier for the target audiences or readers and other researchers to follow the thread of the argument in the development of the plot while supporting the thesis statement. This is because of the potentiality of the researchers to incorporate coherent, well-structured, and muddled arguments relating to the major findings. From this perspective, the authors do not incorporate unsupported statements, as well as assertions while analysing the influence and implication of the MobileMap in improving proficiency of the fire fighters to address different situations or cases in relation to emergency management. The research incorporates data from the existing research in the area with reference to assessment of the need to overcome communication gaps. Similarly, existing literature are essential in the provision of the perfect platform for generalisation of the findings while taking into consideration the critical issues and theoretical perspectives. The research article does not incorporate quotations in the course of supporting sufficient commentary in the development of the concepts and arguments of the study. There is no element of reflexive approach to the methods and data collection in the development and documentation of the findings of the study. This makes it ideal for the research to focus on the implementation of the straightforward application of the methodology while evaluating the influence of the MobileMap. The outcome of the research or study is straightforward, thus limits the existence of diverse or various possible interpretations in the collection and analysis of the research findings. It is also critical to note that the paper seeks to develop new theoretical insights with the intention of developing the existing body of knowledge. This is through addressing the need for the existing theoretical perspectives to incorporate MobileMap as an element of the mobile application services in the fire-fighting context. The approach will be ideal in the assessment of the risks or hazards differently by the fire fighters. The paper seeks to initiate and maintain interactions through utilisation of quality and coherent arguments in the process of improving the image and status of the researchers. The research does not incorporate the tests of statistical significance. In this context, it is null to determine whether the statistics are mainly descriptive rather than confirmatory because of their absence in the development and assessment of the data. The research article does not incorporate exaggerated claims in the development of the theoretical perspectives. The main thing I like about the paper is the ability of the authors to develop and present coherent and well-structured arguments. On the other hand, the paper fails to incorporate statistical analysis, which might have been crucial in enhancing the authority and reliability of the data or findings. Categorically, it is critical to note that the interpretations are consistent with the results, thus the opportunity to link the outcome to the theoretical background. The conclusion of the research article proves to be strong, thus the opportunity towards handling the demands and expectations of the readers, as well as other researchers. The study demonstrates MobileMap as something new, innovative, and of great interest in the course of protecting lives, natural resources, and property. The theoretical perspective of the research articles is consistent with the data collection, methodology, research problem, and analytical mechanisms. Conclusion I agree with the perceptions and arguments by the authors of the research article in relation to the need to adopt and incorporate MobileMap to enhance communication and mechanisms of the fire fighters in tackling diverse or various issues. This is because of the influence of the technology to improve safety and security of the fire fighters while managing emergencies effectively and efficiently in the current context. Following the execution of this review, the next chapter will focus on the assessment of the research methodology and techniques vital in the assessment of the research problem or issue. List of References Embedded, C., Keil, F. M., & By, D. 2013. Fire fighting mobile robot: state of the art and recent development. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(10), 220- 230. Sha, K., Shi, W., & Watkins, O. 2006. Using wireless sensor networks for fire rescue applications: Requirements and challenges. In Electro/information Technology, 2006 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 239-244). IEEE. Monares, Á., Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Herskovic, V., Rodriguez-Covili, J., & Neyem, A. 2011. Mobile computing in urban emergency situations: Improving the support to fire-fighters in the field. 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