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Green Cloud Computing - Assignment Example

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The paper "Green Cloud Computing" is a great example of an assignment on information technology. Australia is among the biggest countries in the world, it was ranked as the sixth biggest in the world. It has a good economy and is well-developed economically. Australia is a well-developed country and a very wealthy country with low rates of poverty…
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APPLIED ASSIGNMENT Australia is among the biggest countries in the world, it was ranked as the sixth biggest in the world. It has a good economy and is well-developed economically. Australia is a well-developed country and a very wealthy country with blow rates of poverty. The technological situation in Australia is quite blissful. Cloud computing or the cloud is a combination of many computer through communication to bring together a variety of computer concepts. Some technologies that may be used to conjoin the many computers are the internet. At the same time, communication and programs are enhanced and done easily in many computers through inter connection. Cloud computing in Australia is not very new and infact the use of a private cloud is the one which is used widely. The public cloud computing is in its infancy levels in Australia notwithstanding the many advantages it is well established and used in many regions (Frost & Sullivan, July 2011). There is however a new form which is greener and less expensive cloud computing. That is the green cloud computing. This involves the use of computer systems which are environmentally friendly. This can be simply described as the use of environmentally friendly technology (Garg) Cloud computing marks a big change in the economy, the lives and even the businesses of the people based in Australia. People are able to store information and access the cloud without the need of software to achieve this. Cloud computing however may lead to the deterioration of the environment though if done putting into consideration the friendliness of the technology to the environment. Some of the considerations that might be enacted would be the use of flat screens instead of the cathode ray in any particular technology or computer. Another consideration would be the mode of disposal or using disposable kind of technology which will not act on the environment negatively especially through the emission of carbon IV oxide gas which may cause global warming. The systems of cloud computing are cost saving and that is very important to any firm. What if it would be environmentally friendly? This could lead to immeasurable advantages both to the economy, business and the environment. The causal layered analysis of this technology to Australia as a country involves the analysis of many levels and issues that have an effect on the environment well-being, socially band economic views, some other aspects like the myths involved in cloud computing, litany which involves the day-to day events and lastly the structural analysis involving the whole world. I will start with the litany which involves the day to day events and the front page news on cloud computing (Maheshvarananda and Towsey: 2004). The day to day events that revolve around the green cloud computing is the usage of the internet services by users all around the globe. This is done through the use of e-mail services and TV services including the bespoke facilities. These are some of the advantages of the cloud computing whereby if not used in a company or country, that would be loosing out on a lot. The cloud computing practically makes the world a global market such that some can work online for companies. The other issue is the communication going on in more than one company between numerous individuals and ideas are shared. Distance even in the most demanding businesses can be done effectively and easily as the ideas are shared online through goggle and some other interesting video and voice calls like skype. The other interesting idea in cloud computing is the dispatch of information throughout the globe and news in different countries can be easily accessed with no main necessity to buy a magazine in order to gain knowledge. This has even enabled the companies located in different places to still be able to communicate and the manager might be even one in all the branches. Cloud computing especially public cloud computing which is green is very important for Australia as a country and any other country which would adopt this as a very good idea. The next level deals with the analysis of the social, cultural and the economic trends (Maheshvarananda and Towsey: 2004). The social trends of Ausralia of the working population and labour are generally highly on the rise. This is due to the increase in the participation of women in most matters relating to work and the increasing literacy levels. The country’s population growth is increasing at a rapid rate and the working population is particularly on the rise. This explains why the level of disputes decreases throughout the years. This is due to the analysis of the working hours lost due to disputes and the general trend even per a thousand individuals. This showed that there are many losses incurred as a result which contributes to the bad social relationship between individuals leading to disputes which is disadvantageous especially happening between two companies or among even more than two companies (4102.0-Australian Social Trends: 2008) This shows that the introduction of the green cloud computing in general will lower and act to the advantage of the companies if green cloud computing is utilized more in the region. The introduction of this will ensure more health as the level of pollution will greatly decrease therefore more people will invest their income in other developmental activities rather than on health. Global warming instances and will be greatly reduced and the environment will be generally healthy thus leading to a greater working population and increase in the level of output in all companies and a general increase in the input into the economy. The level of household health and general well-being will be better thus leading to a healthier population and more people will be informed in their various sectors of specialization or interests. The economic level in terms of the amount of storage space for the documents will generally be lower. This will happen if the companies embrace cloud computing and important technological developments thus leading to low costs incurred on the storage space as cloud computing is generally cost saving. Cloud computing, especially if green leads to lower energy costs: and high levels of power required in cooing the systems. This is due to the presence of many servers in the data centers which have to be cooled (Cloud Computing: The Next Revolution in Information Technology). The green cloud computing is involving the whole country as they all have a role to play in this technology. Some of the issues would be the hibernation or ensuring that the device they are using is in sleeping mode if not using them for a while. Other concerns involve the option of making these devices to be renewable in order to ensure that the devices, instead of being disposed can be utilized again for a good course. The other idea is ensuring the mode of disposal is safe and healthy and can easily be disposed as instead of leading to the degradation of the environment, will lead to better health and a healthy environment. Health is a very important issue as, if the environment is clean, health levels will be higher as more people may be able to work and as it is said that a healthy nation is indeed a working nation. This is very true. The economy will generally tend to increase with lower levels of costs incurred on energy as it will be saved. This just shows that green cloud computing acts to the advantage of the nation and even worldwide. The cultural aspects generally in Australia are the belief in the traditional methods when carrying out their businesses. The modes they are used to however for instance include the use of inflexible methods generally in the adoption of upcoming technologies in the dynamic world we are in. The level of investment generally will increase as the country has a flourishing economy. As more and more investors are interested in the high rise in the economic levels, the level of GDP will increase and more income boost for the individuals leading to a robust economy. Some important developments like the wireless network which leads to a reduction in the cost of telecom infrastructure. These are some of the important ideas which enhance the green cloud computing as the wireless connection can be connected to other hardware and software devices. This ensures that most individuals can be able to access the cloud as it can be available even to areas which do not have telephone services (IT Industry Innovation Council: Issue Date: 11 October 2011). This enables businesses to be reached as a global rather that the need to move from one place to another to pass an important information between individuals and companies as they will be mobile. The modern method which is the green cloud computing is quite flexible, enhances better flexibility to adopt the changes in the dynamic businesses and better operational efficiencies, reduction in losses due to the pay-as-you-go policy being included in the businesses. The green cloud computing is an important investment in Australia due to the availability of resources in the country. The country is richly endowed with these natural resources and therefore a good idea to the development of the country. The adoption of the green cloud computing in Australia will enhance cost effectiveness and generally lead to the betterment of the systems as among the leaders of the cloud computing (IT Industry Innovation Council: Issue Date: 11 October 2011). The advantages of cloud computing are numerous and if done in a wise way through the green cloud computing is quite important. This is very important for any organization or system as it leads to better easier forms of gaining knowledge like the e-learning, e-commerce, e-Medicare provisions and information among others. These show and enhance that the level of Australian green computing adoption should be fast as the country is a leading provider of technological facilities therefore going digital for the country would be a good idea as this is what green cloud computing is mainly all about (IT Industry Innovation Council: Issue Date: 11 October 2011). The importance of going green is an important factor in the systems around the globe. This is due to the effect of the emission of these dangerous gases in the atmosphere leading to the general deterioration of the environment. The importance of this is better health and the improvement in the output as the systems will be well and better developed. The next level for analysis is the discourses where the stakeholders the ideologies and world views are looked into. The stakeholders in this case involve the ones who will be actively involved in the start and maintenance of the businesses involved in ICT. The stakeholders will be able to gain access to more businesses as it will lead to the development of more and more industries. This will be through the decrease in costs and the investment in the green cloud computing as a technological development. The green cloud computing is a place of greener pastures and will attract employment as it is a growing industry. The green cloud computing will lead to the agility of these devices as they can be tailored to meet the user’s specifications and demands. This green cloud computing also enhances reliability as the systems can be relied upon to deliver as expected. The green cloud computing is an idea which came about as a result of the increasing levels of carbon IV oxide and the effect on the environment which degrades the environment. These results are what inspired the search for better modes of energy provision and safety through the incorporation of environmentally friendly systems usage and energy saving. This is seen to involve many roles to be played by both the technicians and the users of these devices to succeed in this as an ideology. Other ideas came about as a result of the challenges that came about with cloud computing leading to better solutions of the problem therefore ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. The green cloud computing generally in the world is seen to be a good idea of the best methods to incorporate this technology. There are many demands all around the globe to go green in whatever technology incorporated worldwide. The technologies evidently come along with challenges. These however are challenges which act as motivators for the betterment of the world. The whole world is made up of individuals and this can make a change for the better because the effort of the one person to change the situation might affect all the rest. This is a red-alarm to the people all over the world that conservation in 90% of all that we do could lead to the change of the climatic conditions. The result of global warming and changes in the seasons is evidence to the issues that arise due to the development and usage of materials and systems which are not environmentally friendly. The dire consequences as a result impact very badly to the people in the countries thus making up the world. Some problems come about like floods and disasters in areas not expected causing the loss of lives due to little contribution of the acts of individuals not only one but many making the problem to be magnanimous leading to consequences which are more bent on the negative. The green cloud computing enhances more contribution towards the positive as it is environmentally friendly therefore leading to better methods of usage and disposal of the material all over the world. The world presently is like a globe. The connections are enhanced worldwide therefore leading to show how much the level of computing and technological advancements is on the rise at a very fast rate. This just goes to show how much the contribution by one individual or even a larger percentage of the advanced and leading nations like Australia might lead to the betterment of the world as a whole regarding the globe it is now. The possession of simple devices like a computer, whatever on wherever the region is an opportunity to work, gain more ideas, interact and gain knowledge through e-learning as a result of being able to access the internet. This goes to show how much the advancement in the technological position in the world is moving at a high rate as people are researching day-by-day looking for better ways to handle and contain the advancements in the technological developments all around the globe. The demand lies with the IT literate and these individuals have the greatest opportunity whenever they are in the world. The world views of this idea of green cloud computing show that it will definitely act to the advantage and positivism of the world and not on the negativity as individuals will be empowered in all sectors and this is done in a wise way as a mode of protecting the health of the individuals and specifically the working populations which play a very crucial role in the different countries and the world at large. Most companies like the apple among others are seen to still develop even with the use of energy levels which are high leading to high costs. The wireless networks seem to be the best option for the utilization and the conservation of the energy regarding this technological use (Pierce: 9th April 2013) The last section deals with the issue of the myths that are in green cloud computing and cloud computing generally. This addresses the main issues raised and the facts that should be considered as a result of these myths. The first myth is that companies are moving to the clod technology to save money. The reality however is that yes, the spending and costs will reduce but there are a lot of costs incurred; when the company decides shift all the systems to be that of cloud computing and specifically the green cloud computing. The resources and all the changes as a result are however not invaluable as it make the company more agile and flexible to adjust to changes in the future should they arise, in this case the green and more environmental friendly cloud computing (Tohmatsu: 2013) The other myth is that the need of being discrete in the secrets of the organization therefore leading to, incorporation of tight security that prevents the company from conducting off shore cloud providers. The rules and regulations are present; this is taken upon as a personal decision by the companies which will ensure that the important information is safeguarded in the countries all over the world and even in Australia (Tohmatsu: 2013). The myths about green clod computing and clod computing generally have a negative impact and the facts should be laid down clearly in order to understand the situation and the importance of especially the going green technological advancement on cloud computing. The other myth is that the cloud is purely a place to store data which faces big opposition. Cloud computing leads to the changes and advancements in business processes; ensuring efficiency and agility in dealing with these systems. The general advantages of green cloud computing are wholly advantageous on the systems and processes in the world. Cloud computing if adopted in any part of the world makes it like a globe and enables the businesses to flourish as fresh and better ideas are instilled in the businesses. This also leads to diversity as the majority of the people may be able to gain knowledge and access to the businesses and know more about the developments coming up and emerging around the globe(Tohmatsu: 2013). The other myth is that in cloud computing, one will still lock to one service provider. The real issue however on the ground is that in ant business yes, intermediaries must be required to meet the goals but at the same time it is easier to change the provider of the service in cloud computing. The sellers may easily change achieving the main aim in business which emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adjustments in businesses all around the globe. The other myth is that the cloud is technical in nature which is a total lie. This is because the cloud is a business value (Tohmatsu: 2013). One is able to indulge in new things in the cloud and it is a differentiator and a disruptor. The cloud has very many advantages which cannot be comparable to the normal way of conducting businesses. The other myth is the belief that cloud computing can only be done in one way. This faces a major disapproval because there are many ways to do cloud computing. This involves the hybrid, the private, the public and community. The hybrid might involve two methods at a go like the private and the public or any as specified by the choices of the organization which intends to invest in this technology (Business white paper). The private method of cloud computing is done with an organization or few companies intended to be involved in the technology. The public is the internet service or cloud computing which is generally available to the population at large. This goes to show how cloud computing can be practiced depending on the various issues involved like the area coverage desired and the number of people to be reached. The other consideration is the level of privacy desired to be incorporated in the systems of any particular idea of practicing cloud computing especially if it is green. The last myth is that the critical applications do not belong to a cloud. This is disputed with the fact that cloud computing aims at energy efficiency, cost reduction, higher speed in dealing with the systems and the flexibility of these systems to adapt to any changes that might take place in the operations and the mode of carrying out issues in cloud computing (Business white paper). Green cloud computing is seen to be the best option that leads to a more efficient nation and generally the world. It leads to the conservation of the natural resources which are practically the best for any nation to thrive. Green cloud computing is seen to have more advantages accruing to a particular country; compared to the disadvantages especially if it is endowed with the rich resources like Australia. Green cloud computing is an advantage to the environment and generally businesses all over the world. Australia as the backbone of the technology is a good platform for the advancements in the technology in this country. They are like the determinants of the pace at which the technologies involved will be adopted. This shows that the impact of the green cloud computing which is an advantage to all the systems around the world, if adopted by Australia as the leader might lead to impact. Australia as a result of the availability of resources to make this advancement available can be enacted and distributed all over the world at an affordable price. In this case, the aim of green cloud computing leading to cost reduction will be achieved effectively. This idea is a very important one which will lead to advancement and newer and better ways of protecting even the country at large. This can be effectively done through the efficient and effective management of or resources efficiently and; can only be achieved if more and more people are aware of the requirements to ensure energy efficiency in order to be able to make this aim a success. Any idea incorporated for the betterment of these systems, their disposal and any other issue which directly links this which is of much concern. This should be emphasized as an important aspect in ensuring the success of Green Cloud Computing in Australia as a country which is among the most developed. REFERENCES Vincent Garg: A Study on Green Cloud Computing. Frost & Sullivan (June 2010): Cloud Computing: Part 1 concepts & trends Dada Maheshvarananda and Dr. Michael Towsey: (2004): Proutist Economic Development: Futures Thinking Cloud Computing: The Next Revolution in Information Technology IT Industry Innovation Council: (11 October 2011): CLOUD COMPUTING – OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Rohan Piere: (9th April 2013); Cloud’s real Ecological Time bomb: Wireless not Data Centers. Touche Tohmatsu: (2013): Cloud Computing; MYTHS VS. FACTS: Deloitte Five myths of cloud computing Business white paper Read More
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