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Type of Wireless Technologies - Essay Example

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The paper "Type of Wireless Technologies" discusses that it is evident that wireless technologies are of great importance to the modern world. These technologies have improved communication, sharing of data and information, availing a lot of convenience and flexibility. …
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Type of Wireless Technologies
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Wireless technology Wireless technology Introduction Wireless technology is an operation done without using any physical wires or electronic conductors. The use of wireless technologies has increased dramatically in the last few years. The most distinct wireless technology, probably known by almost all people is cell phones. Radios, Televisions, remote controls, radio receivers, garage door openers, Global Positioning Satellite and satellite television are other major wireless technologies. Unlike what most people expect, wireless technologies started long ago. The history of wireless technologies initiated with the discovery of the electromagnetism by Hans Christian Orsted in the first half of the nineteenth century (Mathias, 2004). Other physicists followed in the path of electromagnetism to develop radio transmissions and telegraph transmissions. This led to improvement of the wireless technologies over the years. As time passed, it became possible to use wireless technologies for television and cellular phones. In the 1990s, there was introduction of the wireless local area network, which allowed computers to connect to the internet without cables (Wireless History Foundation, n.d; Dobkin, 2008). Smart phones also use wireless local area network to connect to the internet. Wireless technologies face some controversies especially in the security. There are major concerns that hackers can use wireless networks to intrude to personal networks. Wireless technologies providers are working hard to address this major issue, and to make wireless technologies better. It is evident that individuals and businesses will continue to embrace wireless technologies in the modern world for their convenience. Wireless technologies have become common because of their convenience and cost saving for individuals and businesses but there is need to get solutions to the security issues that come with these technologies, to gain more popularity among sceptics. Brief History According to Mathias (2004) and Jelved, Jackson and Knudsen (1997), wireless technologies started with the discovery of electromagnetism by a Dutch Physicist, Hans Christian Orsted. Hans Christian Orsted realized that the compass needle deflected in presence of electricity. In 1865, a James Clerk Maxwell asserted that it was possible for electromagnetism to move through space. Although that was theoretical work only, it became possible in the following two decades (Mathias, 2004). The late 1870s and the whole of the 1880s decade initiated the long history to wireless technologies. David E Hughes was able to transmit radios signals by using a clockwork-keyed transmitter in 1879. In the following decade, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter worked extensively on wireless technologies. Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter created a photo phone, which permitted wireless audio conversations in 1880 (Mathias, 2004). Thomas Edison created a system used for signalling in the Lehigh Valley railroad in 1888 (Mathias, 2004). In the same year, Heinrich Hertz invented the alternating current generator, also known as the oscillator. This was the first step in the creation of wireless technologies for the radios. In 1891, Thomas Edison got the United States patent for the wireless technologies (Mathias, 2004). However, these technologies required the transmitter and the receiver to be in the same line without any obstructing objects. As such, the initial wireless technologies were limited to short distances, a few yards (Mathias, 2004). There was a big leap in wireless technologies in 1895 when Guglielmo Marconi sent a radiotelegraph transmission successfully across the English Channel. At the turn of the twentieth century, the use of radio device became common (Sarkar et al, 2006). From 1920 to 1940, landmark steps in the development of wireless technologies took place with the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission and development of one-way land mobile radio (Dobkin, 2008). In the following four decades, physicists and electrical engineers introduced transistors, commercials television, telephone modem, walkie-talkies, fax, satellite communications and fibre optics in that order (Dobkin, 2008). These wireless technologies permitted the introduction of cellular phones, World Wide Web, Local Area Network and Personal Satellite phones (Dobkin, 2008). The introduction of smart phones and the need to share files between individual phones compelled Ericson, Nokia, IBM and Toshiba to create the Bluetooth wireless technology. This technology allowed individuals with devices using the technology to share files (Wireless History Foundation, n.d). Bluetooth could only work when both devices Bluetooth applications were active. Sharing with Bluetooth is only possible within a distance of one meter (Wireless History Foundation, n.d). In 1999, six companies; 3Com, Nokia, Aironet, Lucent Technologies, Intersil and Symbol technologies founded Wi-Fi alliance. This has become by far one of the most influential wireless technologies in addition to the cellular phone technology. Type of wireless technologies Fixed Location systems; these are systems in which the transmitter and the receiving devices are fixed to certain places. The transmitters and the receiving devices use microwave and radio waves universally (Moring, 2008). The possibility of interferences in the transmission and reception of voice communications necessitated the development and use of satellites. The developers of satellites realized the best way to make them work seamlessly was by placing them in space. Satellites were to act as relay objects for voice and visual communication (Moring, 2008). The primary advantage of the satellites is that there are no subjects to interfere with the transmission and reception of the audio and visual communications. In addition, the fact that satellites are above the earth make it easy to transmit and receive audio and visual communications easily. Fixed location systems include point-to-point, point to multi point, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), Geosynchronous Satellite Systems and Free Space Optical Systems (Moring, 2008). Local Area Systems: These are systems in a small geographical region enhance communication and transfer of information and data. Local Area Systems may be a building, a school, a hospital or office building (Moring, 2008). Many Local Area Systems inter-connect with other local Area Systems through licensed and leased wide area networks (Moring, 2008). Wireless technologies under local area systems include infrared, common in for remote controls and some mobile phones; Bluetooth for sharing files between mobile phone devices, printers and computers; and wireless local networks that commonly known as Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi makes it possible to use computers, smart phones and printers without cabling (Moring, 2008). Wide Area Systems: These systems are just like the Local Area systems but they have wider coverage. These systems base their operation on the transmitter recipient model. As stated above, this model faced many challenges in the past. It required a clear straight line between the transmitter and the receiving device for transfer to be possible. The invention and development of satellites changed this system completely. It was not possible to have the transmitter and the receiving device out of line without compromising communication between the two. In addition, wide area systems are accessible over a wide region covering an entire country and even several countries. Boosters and local area transmitters installed across the wide area region make communication and transfer of information easy and convenient. The major examples in these systems include cellular communications, paging, terrestrial packet systems and specialized personalized systems. Applications Communication; this is probably the major application of wireless technologies. Communication using these technologies consists of radios, televisions, mobile phones and use of computers and smart phones to exchange files and send data. Cell phones have become an important wireless technology allowing people to move from place to place yet they can communicate, send information and exchange data with others regardless of where they are. Cell phones have upgraded to perform some computer applications like sending emails. In addition, they can use wireless local area networks facilitating faster flow of communication. Most smart phones have radios and can connect to television stations by using special devices. In conclusion, smart phones have become the centre stage of an individual’s life with all communication channels. Tracking: this technology is important for tracking lost items, human beings and animal for research purposes. Wireless technologies can track a lost item for example vehicles. In such cases, the owner has to place a small device that transmits its location in the vehicle (Information Resources Management Association, 2010). The transmitter provides real time information on the location of the vehicle. The owner can trace their vehicle using a read device through which they get to know the location of the vehicle and where it is heading. Government officials use tracking wireless technology for determining whether people under house arrest have gone beyond the boundary put. Animal scientists use tracking to understand how animals move and live in their natural habitat (Information Resources Management Association, 2010). Medical Applications; the healthcare department is using wireless technologies in a number of ways. First, wireless technologies make it possible for health care professionals to carry many systems to accident and natural disaster sites (Ngoc, 2008). As such, the health care professionals can get a lot of information about the patients from the accident sites. This is important because it allows the health care professionals to provide the needed care to the patient before taking them to hospitals (Ngoc, 2008). In addition, health care professionals use wireless tags to know the health status of their patients in real time. In such a case, the patients are in their homes and the wireless tags transmit information on the health of their bodies through the internet to the doctors. This has made it possible for doctors to save many lives and improve the lives of especially the elderly (Lazakidou, Siassiakos, and Ioannou, 2011). Security and risk factors Although wireless networks provide many benefits to individuals and businesses, they also come with security issues. The most risky networks with security are the computer and mobile phone. These networks are of primary interest to some people, who are not necessarily the owners of the computers, mobile phones and the networks used. Currently, hackers and cyber criminals are on the mission to obtain data from individuals and businesses for the purpose of identity and asset theft (Chaouchi and Laurent-Maknavicius, 2003). In fact, the cases of cyber crime and identity theft have been increasing in the last decade. According to the Virginia Attorney General Office (n.d), cyber crime is one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the United States and world over. As of the year 2010, 19% of all fraud cases reported were identity theft (Virginia Attorney General Office, n.d). According to Chaouchi and Laurent-Maknavicius (2003) and Earle (2006), wireless computer networks are vulnerable to security breaches. Earle notes that most wireless technologies are not well secure. With that knowledge, hackers and cyber criminals will try to use these networks to access private client information. Karygiannis and Owens (2002) point out that wireless connection are not as safe as most people perceive them to be. Hackers, cyber criminals and business competitors use these networks to launch attacks such as malware and denial of service attacks. These attacks either corrupts the organizations’ network and data or used as an avenue to obtain sensitive information from an organization or individual (Karygiannis and Owens 2002). Karygiannis and Owens (2002) caution that even the wireless networks deemed safe are not safe at. For example, Bluetooth, used for exchanging data between two devices is unsafe. Hackers can use this network to obtain sensitive information from an individual or business. Another way hackers use to obtain sensitive information and data from a wireless network is through spoofing. This is a scenario where unauthorized person is able to access a wireless network and use it (Urbas and Krone, 2006). In most cases, the hackers are just beyond the boundary of the wireless network where they intrude to the network. These people have experience working with wireless and wired networks making it easy for them to access the networks (Urbas and Krone, 2006). It is important to note that hackers and cyber criminals can intrude both secured and unsecured wireless networks. As such, individuals and organizations using wireless networks have to be extra cautious with the wireless technologies. Karygiannis and Owens (2002) and Urbas and Krone (2006) suggest that individuals and organizations using wireless networks can secure their networks. Boncella (2002) implies the first line of defence against wireless network intrusion is ensuring that only authorized individuals access the network. This is possible by securing the network through passwords. All the authorized individuals get the password. Boncella (2002) also suggests that individuals and organizations with wireless networks need to have extra security measures. These include firewall, antimalware and anti-virus systems. These security features inform when there are network intrusions and prevent the hackers from accessing the wireless connections (Boncella, 2002). Karygiannis and Owens (2002), Urbas and Krone (2006), and Boncella (2002) caution individuals who use wireless networks at the internet cafes, hotels and other public wireless networks to be extra careful. They suggest that individuals check whether a wireless network is secure or unsecure. Most devices show wireless networks as secure or unsecure. They should only use the secured networks by asking for pass codes to use the networks from the owners of the cafe (Boncella, 2002). Urbas and Krone (2006) note that most individuals like using the unsecured networks because they do not have to ask for pass codes yet it is free. However, this could turn to be an awkward situation when unauthorized people access the individual’s data. The future of wireless technologies Wireless technologies have changed the world dramatically since the invention of the technology. The convenience and flexibility that comes with wireless technologies has compelled many people to come up with wireless solutions. Nowadays, most of the new solutions are wireless. This includes wireless charging for mobile phones, wireless sharing through Wi-Fi and wireless printers to name just a few. Kagan (2013) notes that wireless technologies will become more common in the coming years. Already, cameras, which were just for taking pictures and processing them have wireless technologies to share the photos taken through social media and for printing (Kagan, 2013). In the future, it will be possible to use wireless technologies for even the unimaginable like wallets. Kagan (2013) implies that in the future, smart phones will be the wallets, car keys and credit card all using wireless networks. Conclusion It is evident that wireless technologies are of great importance to the modern world. These technologies have improved communication, sharing of data and information, availing a lot of convenience and flexibility. The advantages that come with wireless networks have compelled many individuals and companies to go wireless. Many wireless applications have come into being in the last decade. More wireless solutions will come into being in the coming years to avail more convenience and flexibility. The challenges of wireless solutions currently for instance security will not be a challenge anymore in the future. In that regard, the future wireless technologies will be better, more secure and convenient. References Boncella, R. (2002). Wireless security: an overview. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 269-282. Chaouchi, H & Laurent-Maknavicius, M. (2003). Wireless and Mobile Networks Security. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Dobkin, D. (2008). RF & Wireless Technologies. Amsterdam: Newnes. Earle, A. (2006). Wireless Security handbook. Boca Raton, Florida: Auerbach publications. Information Resources Management Association. Networking and Telecommunications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. Jelved, K., Jackson, A and Knudsen, O. Selected Scientific Works of Hans Christian Orsted. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kagan, J. (2013). The wild and wonderful future of wireless. Retrieved from Karygiannis, T & Owens, L. (2002). Wireless Network Security: Bluetooth and hand held devices. National Institute of Standards and Technology special publications, 800-848. Lazakidou, A., Siassiakos, K & Ioannou, K. (2011). Wireless Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare: Systems and Applications. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. Mathias, C. (2004). A brief history of wireless technology. Retrieved from Moring, J. (2008). A Survey of RF and Wireless technologies. Amsterdam: Newnes. Ngoc, T. (2008). Medical Applications of Wireless Networks. Retrieved from Sarkar, T., et al. History of Wireless. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Urbas, G & Krone, T. (2006). Mobile and wireless technologies: security and risk factors. Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, 329. Virginia Attorney General Office (n.d). Identity Theft. Retrieved from Wireless History Foundation. n.d. Wireless History Timeline. Retrieved from Read More
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